Moondance - Part 2 - Thorin x Reader

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She breathed a sigh of relief, as finally she stumbled across a half tumbled down wooden shack that leant against one of the old buildings. It wasn't much, but it still had most of its roof and a small pile of dried grasses from the hillsides in one corner. Just enough to keep her out of the inclement weather, and hopefully help her stay warm. The skin changer doubting that she would be able to make it to the cave that she had found, that night. The wolf doing her best to ignore the pull of the celestial orb that hid its face behind the heavy clouds that slowly moved across the dark expanse of the night. Doing her best to ignore the pangs of hunger that were clawing at her insides.

Normally, she would allow it to fall dark, avoiding the patrols that the Master of Dale had put in place, so that she could make her way out of the city. Make her way onto the hills, where she could change. Where she could shed her mortal clothes and become the wolf. Where she could hunt and feed before finally resting. But tonight, none of that would be possible. She didn't need to call any attention to herself. If the people were on high alert because of her howling, some nervous citizen might finally take notice of her. Might start to ask questions or speak of her to the Master of Dale or one of his men.

In truth, if she could, she would have preferred to live with the dwarves; for despite their often gruff nature those that dwelled and toiled below the earth were more like the pack that she had lost than the mortals were. Yet most of the dwarves seemed to know one another far too well, to accept a stranger just turning up at the gates of Erebor. That, and she was far too tall to pass as one of them; nor did she have the whiskers that the female dwarves prided themselves on. Whiskers that were nearly as good as those of their men folk. Yet it was not just their similarities to her own peoples that she liked the dwarves for; in truth, it was their king. The skin changer once catching sight of the famed Thorin, as he and his nephews had made their way into Dale to speak with Bard. Her eyes sure that they had never seen as great a sight as The King under the Mountain.

Quietly, she pushed her way into the little wooden shack. Moving the grasses away, so that she could sit down and then surround herself with them. Hoping that they would dry off her sodden clothes. The weather too chilled to remove them.

"Not the place for someone as special as you to sleep, young one." A voice suddenly came. The skin changer looking up to see a softly smiling old woman look down at her.

"You know I've been watching you since you got here. I've heard the cries as you sing to the moon.........I've met all manner of beings in this world. Men, dwarves, elves and even hobbits in my time, but I never thought I would get to meet one of your kind. You must be rarer than hen's teeth." The pale haired woman chuckled, her smile never leaving her lips, as she slowly and carefully made her way into the tumbled down shack.

"Can't ya speak? I know Azog took delight in cutting out the tongues of your kind............"

" do you know....................."

"How do I know that you're a skin changer? Oh, my dear child, I have lived long enough to know many things. To have seen many things. That, and I have caught sight of your eyes. Only those of the wolf glow in the dark like yours. But, if you would allow, I would like to put a face to those eyes. Perhaps even a name......." The woman continued, as she slowly took a seat near the wolf. Her hand hesitantly reaching out to try and take that of the skin changers.

"You need not fear young one. I have no intention of telling anyone what you are. I have no intention of hurting you. Quite the contrary. It is an honour to meet you. I've heard that the Master went to see the dwarves. To see Oakenshield. That they want to hunt for you. I just want to help." The elderly lady tried to assure, as the skin changer pulled her hand away. The wolf hesitating for a moment, before slowly reaching up and removing her hood.

"My name is (Y/n)."

"Well, aren't you the most beautiful of things. It is a pleasure to meet you, (Y/n). My name is Margit. Would you like to come with me........? I have a little home. It's warm and I have food. Wild rabbit stew.........." Margit said, as she reached up and brushed some of the long hair away from (Y/n)'s face. A grumble from the wolf's belly causing the older woman to chuckle.

"It looks like something likes the sound of my stew. I promise, if you don't like my food, you will be free to go. But I know that you won't regret it. No one ever does." Margit added. Her smile growing broader, as the wolf nodded and got to her feet before helping the older woman to hers. Margit taking (Y/n)'s hand and quickly pulling her through the dark, damp streets of the city. Doing her best to assure that they didn't bump into the men that were patrolling in the dark.


Margit chuckled to herself, as the skin changer ate. It appearing as though the young wolf hadn't eaten in days. It was true what the old woman had told her, she had never expected to see one of her kind. Margit believing that all the skin changers had died at the hands of the Defiler and the orcs. Yet here one was. A creature that was now more myth than anything. And she determined to help the wolf as much as she could.

"Do you mind me asking you something?" Margit enquired, as she took a seat at the table. (Y/n) shaking her head between her spoonsful of food.

"Why are you here? What made you come to Dale............?"

"It seemed as good a place as any." (Y/n) began with a shrug before wiping her mouth with the back of her sleeve.

"I was hiding for a long time. Doing my best to stay away from the dark creatures. But after the battle, I found that I didn't want to be alone anymore. A wolf needs its pack. And with Azog dead by the hand of Oakenshield, I finally felt safe, and Dale seemed like a good place to stay as any other." The skin changer explained. Giving the old woman a broad smile, as Margit placed more stew in her bowl.

"That.........and I like it here. I like being this close to the dwarves. Close to............From what I have seen, they remind me of my own family..........." (Y/n) continued. Her eyes turning to look at the flickering flames in the large hearth. The wolf sure that this had been the warmest she had felt since she had left her own home. Her thoughts drifting back to all those that she had lost to the Defiler. To being the last of her kind. To never having a pack of her own.

"Well then, we will have to make sure that you can stay, won't we........" Margit replied, as she placed her hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder. 

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