Not all who wander - Part 4 - Éomer x Reader

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"You...............oh.............?" (Y/n) gasped, as she continued to stare at the handsome man to her side. Éomer giving her a soft smile, as he nodded.

"Oh, my.............please forgive me, your majesty. I.........I didn't know. I had heard some things about you. But never knew that the tales didn't do you justice. Nor that the king rode out with his men..............."

"I don't usually. This was actually the first time since I was crowned. But I am glad that I was. I think that perhaps the gods had a plan. And...........and what tales.................?" Éomer interrupted himself. Suddenly realising what the half-elven had said. His brow quirked playfully as looked at the elleth.

"Um.........well I had heard that the as handsome as you are brave. That you are as kind as you are just..................."

"And you don't think that does me justice..................?" Éomer joked. The king sure that his heart had once again skipped a beat as she giggled at him.

"No, because from what I have already seen, I would say that you must be the bravest man in the whole of Middle Earth, because you are certainly the most handsome." (Y/n) replied. Her eyes firmly set on the kings glistening green-hazel eyes. Sure, that she would like to spend the rest of her life just looking into them. Her breath catching in her throat, as the former Third Marshal of the Riddermark moved closer. Their lips almost touching...................

"Éomer............." A voice called out. The King of Rohan and half-elven jumping apart, at the sound. A smile coming to Éomer's lips, as he turned to see his sister make her way into the room.


"Forgive me, I hope I wasn't interrupting anything..........." The lady smiled, as she moved further into the room.

"I had just come to see if our visitor had woken yet, and I see that she has. I also see that the rumours that are already spreading throughout the men, are true. Our guest is quite the most beautiful of creatures...........wouldn't you agree, brother............."

"I..................sister, may I introduce (Y/n). And (Y/n), may I introduce my sister, Éowyn.........." Éomer said, doing his best to change the subject. The slight blush to her brother's cheeks, not going unnoticed.

"My lady, it is a pleasure to meet you." The half-elven greeted, giving Éowyn a respectful nod. The white lady of Rohan not failing to notice that her brother, and the exquisite visitor were still holding hands. A fact that she had to admit, pleased her greatly. Éowyn having hoped that her beloved brother would find someone, before she and Faramir were wed. Someone that would stand by his side as his queen and give him the love that she believed that her brother deserved.

"So.........tell me, (Y/n). How did you find yourself in Rohan........and do you intend on staying?" Éowyn asked, as she took a seat on the bed. (Y/n) briefly looking to Éomer, who gave her a reassuring smile.

"My mother's people, call me I randir, the wanderer. I have travelled from one side of this world to the next, for most of my life, looking for a place where I felt that I belonged. A place that I would like to call, home. I spoke to Renia, and we decided that Rohan could be a good place to try..........."

"Renia.........?" Éowyn questioned. The lady sure that she had heard that their visitor was alone. Her brows furrowing as her brother chuckled slightly.

"Renia is (Y/n)'s rather feisty charger..........."

"Oh, the one that tried to bite Aldor and Háma............"

"Yes, that's Renia, and I am sorry about that. He really is quite sweet when you get to know him.........and as I said, we thought we would come to Rohan and see if we felt as though we belonged here..........."

"And do you............? Do you think that you belong here.........?" Éowyn enquired. The half-elven once more turning to look at Éomer. His hold on her hand never loosening.

"I........I think.............."

"I have told (Y/n) that she had Renia are welcome to stay here for as long as they wish. To consider it their home............." The new king explained. Éowyn looking to her brother.

"Is that right..........well, I hope that you will enjoy it here. Now, perhaps we should let (Y/n) rest for a while............." The lady interrupted, reaching across and placing her hand on her brother's arm. Éomer nodding, before reluctantly letting go of the half-elven's hands.

"Of course, you are right. I will come back later and check on you (Y/n). Perhaps I could take you to see Renia as well, if you are feeling better..........." Éomer agreed. Giving the visitor one last smile, before his sister took his arm and led him to the door.

"I would like that........thank you so much Éomer........." (Y/n) called out in reply. A dreamy sigh leaving her lips, as she fell back onto the mattress. Her thoughts filled with images of the handsome king, and what a life in Rohan might turn out to be.


The door closed behind the king and his sister; yet Éomer still could not take his eyes from it. Could not take his thoughts from the elleth that he had just left. This connection that he already felt to her, like nothing he had ever experienced before. Not that he was about to complain; in fact, the reverse was true, he was feeling happy. For the first time in a long time, he felt a kind of joy; and he didn't want to let the female that had instilled that in him, go. The king promising himself that he would see her again very soon. That he would see her as often as he could. Éomer hoping that he could prove to (Y/n), that Rohan really was where she belonged.  

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