Blacksmith - Part 10 - Thorin x Reader

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"(Y/n), I........................"

"I am not talking to you.........Thorin Oakenshield!" (Y/n) replied, holding out her hand to stop him. The half-dwarf doing her best to look and sound as angry as she possibly could at the dwarf she loved. The new king just stopping and looking at his beautiful bride to be.

She had to admit, that even though she just wanted to fall into his arms and kiss him, she was not in the best of moods with him. He had promised to come back to her, that they would be wed. Yet instead of coming home, he had left her, with a life growing inside her; the only ones to console her when she feared that Thorin didn't love her, when she was afraid that she would never see him again, that he had died. The only ones that would hold her when she could do nothing but cry at the thought that her little one would grow up without a father, had been her mother and Dis. The two females doing the things that Thorin should have been doing for her. The two females assuring her that all would be well, that her fears were ungrounded. (Y/n) sure that the stress of not knowing, had made the pregnancy all the more difficult. And then the letter telling her and Dis that the Lonely Mountain was once more the home of the Durin folk, that they had to come and join Thorin and the others, had brought with it a new set of challenges. (Y/n) having no desire to wait until the little one was born before making the long journey. Having no desire to be separated from her beautiful blacksmith for a day longer than she had to be. That, and she wanted to give him a piece of her mind; and that was just what she was going to do, king or no king.

"But, (Y/n) are with child............our child..........."

"Yes, I am. And that is exactly why I am not speaking to you. You promised me that you would return from Dol Guldur, with or without your father. You promised me that as soon as you got home, we would be wed. Yet what do you do...........huh? You leave me, without a word, and cross Middle Earth without a care for me. And not only do you leave, but you also had Fili, Kili, Dwalin and Balin follow you. My poor mother and Dis, have not only had to do your job of caring for me, but also have had to keep the others together in your absence; none of us knowing if you were alive or dead............and that is why I am not talking to you............." (Y/n) stated, as she crossed her arms. Thorin only able to look at his nephews and Balin for help. The other males just shrugging, none of them the best at dealing with angry, heavily pregnant Dwarrowdams.

"Amrâlimê............." Thorin began softly, as he took a step forward. The king reaching out his hand, until it gently lay on (Y/n) rounded belly. A small smile coming to his lips, as he saw the resolve in her eyes, crack just a little.

"We had to do it, for all of us. For our.........children, and our children's children. This is where we belong, this is our home. This is where I want us to stay. I want our children to be born here, just as I was............" Thorin continued, moving a little closer. Reaching up with his other hand, to brush the tears from (Y/n)'s cheek. A sudden swift, sharp kick from inside her, sending his beautiful dwarrowdam into his arms. Thorin holding her tight as she looked up at him. The king just glad to have her back with him. To take in her smell and feel her warmth.

"Your child has a kick like a mule............Oh, Thorin, I've missed you..........." (Y/n) sniffed, before burying her head into his chest. All the emotions that had been building up inside her since he had left, since she had discovered that she was with child, finally breaking through. Her body shaking as she sobbed. Thorin doing his best to reassure her that he still loved her, even though, as (Y/n) put it, she was the size of a Mûmakil; that he would never leave her again. That he was sorry for going without saying a word to her, and would spend the rest of his days making up for not being there when she needed him the most. The king taking her up into his arms, as he felt her legs go from under her; quickly carrying the soon to be mother of his child, to their rooms. Dis, Fili, Kili and Balin following quickly behind; it obvious that something wasn't quite right with the young half- dwarf, that was to be the new queen. Dis making her way over to (Y/n), as Thorin set her on the bed.

"Dis.....................?" Her brother asked, as he looked down at her and (Y/n). A smile coming to the princess' lips, as (Y/n) grabbed her hand.

"Oh, she's fine..........its would just appear that your child wants to meet you to............" Dis chuckled, as she used her sleeve to wipe sweat from (Y/n)'s brow. The males looking at one another, before quickly making for the door.

"And where do you think you are going.............?" Dis called out, as the door was opened. The males babbling something about it not being right for them to be there.

"Oh no you don't............Fili, Kili, I need you to bring me some hot water and clean linens. are going to hold (Y/n)'s hand and be here for while she does this............and Balin, are going to marry these two before my niece or nephew makes an appearance." Dis ordered. The dwarrows knowing that they better do as they were told, as (Y/n) suddenly let out a scream; the prince's nearly falling over one another as they tried to get out of the door to follow their mother's orders. Thorin and Balin making their way back to the bed; the king taking the hand of the half-dwarf that he loved, while Balin hoped that he could remember the marriage ceremony, before the new heir to the mountain came into the world. 

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