Moondance - Part 6 - Thorin x Reader

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For FanficQueen29 and lolafckingbunny

"What...........? Where............?" Dwalin asked, as he jumped up from the boulder upon which he sat, and gripped Keeper tightly in his hands, ready to face up to this supposed skin changer.

"She has been with us all along Dwalin, leading us on this hunt, haven't you.............?" Thorin explained, the kings grip on (Y/n)'s shoulder getting a little tighter. The skin changer sure that her heart was about to beat out of her chest.

What was she to say, to do? If she confessed that she really was the beast that they had been hunting for, what then? She was with four dwarves who were all armed, Master Dwalin appearing more than happy to introduce his axe to the skin changer if it were to appear. And what did she have...........nothing. Not even a dagger to her name. The only thing that she had, was the wolf inside her; yet she didn't want to hurt anyone, that had been the whole point in this, to get the dwarf king away from the sons of men and try and explain what she was. That she didn't have any intention of hurting dwarf or man; that all she wanted to do was find somewhere safe to live, where she could belong now that the Defiler was dead.

"Why didn't you tell us the truth.............?" Thorin continued, as turned around the tracker. Dwalin, Fili and Kili looking at one another, confused as to what was going on. That whatever it was, only Thorin and (Y/n) seemed to be privy to.

"And what would you, what would the Master of Dale have done if I had told you at the meeting? Told you that the beast that howls at the moon, was much closer than you might think? What then, King under the Mountain? Your people, the people of Dale fear for their safety, and you, Bard, as good rulers, wish to do all you can to protect your kith and kin. So, would you have drawn your knives, your swords, your axes, if I had told you? Would the beast have died, there and then? That is why I did not tell you..................."

"Then when were you going to tell us? Were you just going to lead us around for the rest of the day...............?"

"No.............once I had got Bard and his men away, I hoped to get you alone so that I could explain; so that I could show you what I was. So that I could ask you the same thing that I asked you at the meeting. That if I could show you that the beast just wishes to hunt; that it means no harm to either peoples that call this place home. That just like you, all it wants to do is live in peace. To find a place where it can belong and call home; that it is not a threat, will you allow it to stay.........?" (Y/n) explained. Her eyes looking deep into the beautiful orbs of the king.

"Alright! Is someone gonna tell us what's goin on?" Dwalin huffed, as he looked between Thorin and the tracker. (Y/n) looking down at the axe in his hand, at the sword in Fili's and the bow in Kili's.

"Put down your weapons............" Thorin ordered, as he took (Y/n)'s chin into his hand and turned her head to look at him again. The princes' and Dwalin looking at one another for moment, before doing as their king had ordered.

"Now what...............?"

"Our tracker is finally going to introduce us to the skin changer..........." Thorin explained, as he slowly stepped away from (Y/n). The dwarven monarch giving her a reassuring look, as he joined his friend and nephews.

"What.........its right here.............?" Dwalin interrupted, as he went to reach for Keeper. Thorin glaring at him, until the handle of the axe once again slipped from his grasp.

" one will harm you.............." The king continued. (Y/n) nodding slowly, before she pulled the coat from around her shoulders and dropped it to the grassy earth beneath her feet. The eyes of the dwarves growing wide, as the female began to change before them. They had never seen Beorn become the bear, never seen the transformation; yet here, here they were watching the beautiful woman that they had been following around the Lonely Mountain and its surrounds all day, become the last of the Moon children. Soft skin and silky hair, replaced by fur and claws. A huge wolf now standing where the tracker had been stood. Her bright yellow eyes staring intently at the king.

"Thorin!" Dwalin exclaimed, placing his hand on the king's shoulder, as Thorin took a step forward.

"Its alright, Dwalin. She isn't going to hurt me. She has been with us all day, and we are all still very much safe and well............." Thorin said, shrugging off the hand before taking another step. Holding out his palm, as the huge wolf mirrored his actions. Step after step, until Thorin's hand was resting carefully on the nose of the wolf. His fingers creeping up, until they sunk into the deep fur around her head. The eyes of the great creature closing, as Thorin stroked her softly.

"I will not allow any harm to come to you, you have my word." Thorin whispered, as the she wolf nuzzled into him. The King under the Mountain feeling lost, as the beautiful skin changer encouraged him to continue combing his hands through her fur. Both the king and the wolf appearing to have forgotten about the other dwarves present, until an attention grabbing cough came from behind Thorin.

"This is all very well and good, but what do we do now...............?" Dwalin asked, as he and the princes' kept their eyes firmly on the wolf.

" we go back down to Dale, and I will speak with Bard. (Y/n) will show him what she has shown us, and then I will fulfill my promise, and allow the beast to live in peace. I am sure that we can find her a place with us if she so wishes it." Thorin explained. A small smile coming to his lips, as the wolf gave him a toothy grin. 

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