The apprentice - Part 3 - Balin x Reader

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(Y/n) sat and watched as Drog and Dava spoke to a kindly looking, pale haired dwarf. The mortal apprentice, presuming that the elder dwarf must be the Master Balin that Gunri had mentioned. She had never seen him before, but after Thorin Oakenshield and his company had taken back the Lonely Mountain from the last of the fire drakes, Gunri had spoken of the dwarf lord as if he had known him quite well. Telling her that he had not seen Balin since they had parted ways, the wise dwarf choosing to stay in Dunland, when others had followed Thorin to the Blue Mountains. Also telling her, that if she were ever to meet the dwarven lord, that she should look to him as a friend.

"So, you are (Y/n)?" A soft, kind voice enquired. (Y/n) shaking the thoughts from her mind, as she realised that the old dwarf was now standing in front of her.

"I, er............yes my lord. I........I am (Y/n)." (Y/n) replied. Getting to her feet and bowing respectfully.

"Master Gunri spoke well of ya, child. That ya were a gifted apprentice, and that he would like ya to take over his forge. But a mortal in the Lonely Mountain, inheriting such a thing is quite unheard of. Surely you would feel more at home in Dale, with others of your kind........."

"No!" (Y/n) exclaimed. Her eyes flying up to look at the pale haired dwarf.

"I mean..........with all due respect, my lord. I may appear mortal. But.......but in my heart and mind, I am as much a dwarf as you or any other. Master Gunri raised me that way. I know nothing of the worlds of men. I know nothing of their beliefs and traditions. In fact, I never truly saw another mortal, until I made my way into Dale, earlier. Being a dwarf, and a blacksmith are the only things I know. Being a dwarf and a blacksmith, are the only things I am. I may not be Master Gunri's blood. I may not be his son. But I am the closest thing that he ever had to a child. And he wanted me to take over his forge. He wanted me to bring it back to life. And whether you like it or not. And even if King Thorin does not want a mortal in his kingdom. I have every intention of remaining here. I have every intention of working my father's forge. I have every intention of becoming its master." (Y/n) declared. The young mortal ignoring the looks of disbelief from Drog and Dava, as she stood defiantly before Master Balin. Determined not to be denied the ability to fulfill her master's wishes.

"Gunri was right." Balin chuckled. (Y/n), Drog and Dava furrowing their brows, as the dwarven lord made his way over to a small box that sat on his large table. Balin opening the lid and reaching inside, before returning to the confused apprentice, and placing a heavy key into her palm.

"My old friend said that ya were as stubborn as any dwarf that he had ever met. That ya would argue ya case. That ya wouldn't leave. If ever Gunri were to have had a child of his own. It would definitely have been like you. That is the key to ya father's forge. I think that is only right that you have it. Only right that you become its master, as Gunri wanted." Balin explained. The old dwarf, carefully folding her fingers over the top of the key. Securing it in her hand.

"Thank you, Master Balin. I promise that I will not let my father down. I promise that you won't even notice that I am here." (Y/n) replied happily. The young mortal forgetting herself, and throwing her arms around Balin. Hugging the dwarf lord until she realised her faux pas.

" apologies, my lord. I, er............I didn't....."

"Think nothing of it, child. It has been a long time since I have been embraced by someone as beautiful as you." Balin chuckled, recalling how Gunri had told him that his mortal daughter, had a bigger heart than anyone that he had ever met. The blacksmith sure that even the grumpiest and gruffest of his kind, had come to love the girl, as soon as they had been in her presence for even only a few moments.

"I, um...........Master Gunri left a note with Mistress Dava and Master Drog. It said that I had one last step before I could truly call myself a master. He wrote that I had to make a sword. And that you had said that you would help find a suitable smith, that would look over my work, and continue my education if I needed it. I was wondering..........hoping.........that you would have found one. That I would be able to begin soon.........." (Y/n) enquired hesitantly. Feeling that the lord had already been kind enough to her for one day.

"Ah, yes.......A suitable smith." Balin hummed, as he made his way back over to his table and took a seat in the large chair behind it. A small smile pulling at his lips, as he looked at the eager young mortal.

"Well, as I promised my old friend, I have been able to find someone that will watch over you. A master that knew Gunri, and has even seen some of your work from the forge in the Blue Mountains." Balin chuckled. A large smile spreading across (Y/n)'s lips, as she wondered which of the other smiths it could be.

"King Thorin will meet you at the forge when you have the fire to temperature. So may I suggest that you make your way down there now. I am sure that Mistress Dava and Master Drog will show you the way." Balin told (Y/n) matter-of-factly. As if telling someone that the King under the Mountain was going to come and spend time with a humble apprentice, was the most normal thing in the world.

"Th.........Thorin? I mean Master Thorin? K-k-king Thorin?" (Y/n) spluttered. Her eyes growing wide at the information.

"Yes. The king is an accomplished blacksmith. It was how he made his way in Dunland, before he took our people to the Blue Mountains.........."

"Yes, Master Balin. I..........I know. Master Gunri told me. But........but the king?! Surely, he has better things to do than waste his time with a lowly smith like me? Surely he has an entire kingdom to watch over." (Y/n) interrupted. Quite sure that the dwarf lord must be joking.

(Y/n) knew of Thorin. In fact, she had seen him a number of times before, when he had come to speak to Gunri. To her eyes, the prince had been the most handsome of dwarves. A little gruff sometimes, like most others of his kind. But his beautiful face, sad eyes and dark hair, had always made (Y/n)'s heart skip a beat. Yet she had never had the chance to actually meet him. To talk to him. He was after all the heir to the throne of Erebor. And she, just a mortal. And when he had left, she never thought that she would set eyes on the prince again. Let alone, that he would agree to supervise her work.

"Master Gunri, was a friend of the king. He helped the younger Thorin with his own work. The king sees it as his duty to watch over you and decide whether ya work is good enough to make you a master. Once the forge is ready, you are to have word sent to me, and I will let the king know." Balin told her. (Y/n) feeling weak at the knees at the prospect of being close to the handsome king.

"Now, why don't you go and see your new home? I am sure that Gurin has left something for you there." Balin added. Chuckling to himself as Dava and Drog nodded respectfully, before taking (Y/n) from the room. The Dwarf lord having a feeling, that this young mortal apprentice was going to make things around the Lonely Mountain, much more interesting than anyone might think.  

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