Queen of the woods - Part 3 - Thorin x Balin x Reader

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Quietly the queen made her way through the palace. It may have been some time since she had to rely on her natural stealth in a battle; but she was glad to see that time had not lessened her abilities. (Y/n) moving along the corridors, like a shadow. The entrance to the dungeons, now just before her.

She had to admit that she felt a little guilty. She hated going behind her husband's back. Swearing that she would not do it again, after offering help to the dwarves of Erebor; her heart going out to them in the aftermath of the dragon's attack. Thranduil and Legolas were the most important things in the world to her, and she never wanted to hurt them. But she knew that sometimes her king's judgements were not always sound. That his stubbornness, at times, could be worse than any dwarf she had ever met. And one of those times, was now. This rift between Mirkwood and Erebor that had been created by Thrór and Thranduil, having to end. They were neighbours, for goodness' sake. They, the dwarves, and the men of Dale, had once been on such a good footing. When Oropher had been king, she his envoy, her endeavours had created a flourishing trade between the three realms. The Greenwood had been light and lush, the land around the mountain, covered in trees. And the city of Dale, quite a sight to behold. Yet now, the woods were sick; the lands around the Mountain and the great city of men, had been burnt. And from what she had heard from those that ventured beyond the woods, Esgaroth, the place that men had moved to after the desolation, was a dark cold place. The queen wanting nothing more than for things to return to what they had been. To once more be allies with the line of Durin, and the rulers of men. So, she knew that she had no other choice; she had to help Thorin. She had to get him and his kin out of the dungeon; and hope that whatever they were really doing, when it was over, she could persuade her husband and Thorin to sit down and speak, civilly. But first, she had to come up with a plan to get them out of Mirkwood. The queen silently slipping through the door and down into the dimly lit dungeon.


The dwarves sat, looking out into the dimly lit surroundings. Even Dwalin having given up trying to break out of his cell, some time ago. Thorin finding his thoughts drifting back to what had happened in Thranduil's throne room. The image of the exquisite queen filling his mind. Despite his utter dislike for elves, especially those of the forest kingdom, it was impossible for him not to like (Y/n). He had heard tales that she had offered his kin help, as they had fled the winged scourge. That she had given them food, blankets, shelter, when they had had none. Thorin sure that she had been the only elf that had done anything for those that had once been the elves allies. That, and she really was the most beautiful creature that she had ever laid his eyes on. The prince never having admitted this to anyone; but he had even once thought about asking her to be his. To be the queen of his people, when it came his time to rule........


"There's a.........."

"What the..........?" Thorin quickly getting to his feet, as he heard the gasps of the others. Doing his best to see what they could see. His heart beating a little faster, as he heard a beautiful voice.

"Thorin...........?" The Company staring in utter disbelief, as a figure in white glided past their cells. Some of them wondering if they had passed into the next world, as she smiled at the faces, that looked through the bars at her.

"(Y/n)........? Over here........." Thorin called back. Brushing himself down, as he waited for the queen to appear.


"Balin.........?" (Y/n) asked, as she followed the Durin prince's voice. Stopping as her eyes fell on the pale haired dwarf.

"Balin. Is that really you..........?" The old dwarf smiling and patting the hand that she had placed on the bars.

"Aye, lass. Long time no see; but I swear that you are as beautiful as the last time that I saw you." Balin chuckled, as the queen smiled at him.

"You are right, it has been a long time. Too long. Thorin didn't get a chance to tell me that you were part of the Company. In truth, he didn't get chance to tell me anything; not that I think he would have told me anything in front of my husband. And I am not about to ask what you are all really doing here. It is just so good to see you and Thorin again; I just wish that it were under better circumstance. But perhaps if I can think of a way that I can help you escape, once you have done what you need to do, you and I might be able to speak, and you can also introduce me to the rest of the Company. Though for now, I think I should go and speak with Thorin." The queen replied. Her smile growing, as Balin kissed her hand. (Y/n) nodding before continuing on her way to the son of Thráin's cell.


(Y/n) made her way back out into the light of the corridor. She had promised Thorin and Balin that she would help and help she would. But she needed something, and as she heard yet another noise behind her; she was sure that that something, was right next to her.

"I know you are there. I can hear you. I can feel you........." The queen said to the seemingly empty corridor. The lady taking a seat and placing her hands in her lap.

"I am an old friend of Thorin and Balin. And I believe that you are their friend too. I am going to help them escape; but I will need a little help. Your help. So, perhaps you and I can trust one another, and between us we can come up with a plan to get them out of here......." She continued. The breath catching in a throat, as from nowhere appeared a little creature, a small man with blushed cheeks and a mop as curly hair. 

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