Not the hat - Bofur x Reader

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I hope you will forgive me for not uploading for so long. But I am going to make a concerted effort to dedicate more time to this book. So, I hope that you enjoy this little offering, and please stick with me for what I have planned.

A giggling squeal cut through the great halls of Erebor. Thorin chuckling quietly to himself as Bilbo rolled his eyes. The pitter patter of hobbit feet followed by the heavier sound of Dwarf footfalls going past the room where the King under the mountain and the hobbit burglar, sat.

"It sounds like (Y/n) has stolen Bofur's hat again. I swear that she is the only one that can separate him from that thing." Thorin said, shaking his head as more giggles filled the home of the dwarves.

Slowly the reclaimed moutain was beginning to fill with dwarves, the knowledge that Thorin was king, bringing others from far and wide back to a home that many couldn't believe that they would ever see again. But still the halls were quiet enough the hear the laughter of a small fleeing hobbit.

(Y/n) had followed the company of dwarves and her older brother, undenounced to all except Gandalf, who knew that the mischievous little (Y/n) Baggins could certainly prove useful. And to the shock of all, the wizard had been proved right, when (Y/n) had suddenly appeared when she was needed the most. The little hobbit fighting along with the company as they had been surrounded by orcs.

(Y/n) was different to her older brother. And despite her sweet and kind nature, she was a tough little thing. She was the one of the two siblings that was always getting herself in trouble. The one that could be found sleeping in trees, or getting her clothes covered in mud when she was supposed to be making a good impression to the rest of the family. The one that had longed to see the world beyond the Shire. And now in Erebor, she seemed to be in her element.

"Have you told her that you are leaving?" Thorin asked, shaking the male Baggins from his thoughts.

"No. Not yet. I don't know how she'll take it. I know that she feels more at home here than she ever did in the Shire. And I know that she won't want to come with me. Not as long as Bofur is here." Bilbo replied, knowing full well how his younger sister felt for the Dwarf.

As soon as Bofur had seen (Y/n) at Bag End, it was obvious to all that the toy maker had instantly fallen for the hobbit beauty. And he had been relieved, yet reluctant to leave her behind when he and the others had set off on their quest. But when she had appeared as if from nowhere, yelling and screaming at the orcs that were attacking her brother and the dwarves. Her small sword, that Gandalf had gifted her with, cutting at the hideous orcs rotten flesh. Bofur had promised himself that he would not only protect her but would never let her leave his side again.

"You know he wants to court her, don't you? He's already made the beads. I've seen them. They are some of the best work he has ever produced. We are all just waiting for him to summon the courage to ask her." Thorin continued, as Bilbo dropped his eyes to the floor.

It wasn't that he didn't want his sister to be happy. And he knew that Bofur would make her just that. It was more that he knew that he would miss her when he returned to the Shire. And that Bag End would never be the same without her there.

"I know. He has already asked for my permission. And I also know that if I hadn't have said yes, (Y/n) would have never forgiven me." Bilbo chuckled sadly, as he puffed on his pipe.

"Well then. I would have to suggest that you stay for the wedding. Because if you don't (Y/n) will never forgive you for that either." Thorin replied, as he placed a reassuring hand on Bilbo's shoulder. The king and the thief both shaking their heads, as yet another peel of laugher rang out through the halls of the mountain.


"(Y/N)!" Bofur called out, as he spun around looking for the hobbit. The dwarf swearing that the little creature could disappear into fresh air.

"(Y/n). Not the hat. Why is it always the hat?" Bofur called out again, hoping for a reply.

"Because I swear that you like this hat more than you like me. That, and I think that it suits me far better than it suits you." (Y/n) chuckled, as she appeared from around the adjacent corner. Bofur sighing as he lay his eyes on his hat that kept slipping over (Y/n) eyes.

"You know that that's not true, lass." Bofur began, unable to stop himself from smiling as (Y/n) pushed his hat further back on her head. And blew stray strands of her long brown hair away from her face.

Bofur knew that it had taken him too long to tell (Y/n) how he felt. He knew that it had taken him too long to ask (Y/n) if he could court her. Bombur and the others had teased him, asking him why if he was not too scared to fight orcs, was he too scared to ask a little hobbit if she would be his. But now, now knowing that Bilbo was planning on leaving the mountain and making the long journey back to the Shire. Knowing that Bilbo would really like his sister to accompany him back to their own home. Bofur knew that if he didn't ask her now, he could lose his little hobbit forever.

"I'll make you a deal, (Y/n)." Bofur told her as he leaned against the wall and smiled, knowing full well that he had piqued her curiosity.

"I have a surprise for ya in my workshop. If ya don't like it, ya can keep my hat." Bofur continued, nearly falling backwards as (Y/n) jumped into his arms.

"Deal!" (Y/n) told him, as she grabbed his hand, and pulled Bofur behind her in the direction of his workshop.


Bofur pushed open the door. Chuckling softly as (Y/n) rushed into his rooms. He knew how much she loved helping him with all his toys. How much she loved helping him paint and decorate his little creations as the mountain waited for more children to arrive back at their reclaimed home. And he hoped that one day, that some of those children would be theirs.

"Here ya go." Bofur said, as he produced a fancy box from under a table and handed it to (Y/n). The little hobbit jumping into one of the chairs that sat by the fire in the room.

"Oh Bofur. It's perfect. I love it." (Y/n) told him, as she opened the box to reveal an exact copy of Bofur's own hat. (Y/n) removing his hat from her head, and placing her gift in its place, before jumping to her feet so that she could admire it in the nearest mirror.

"I made it myself. I hope its alright." Bofur told her, his heart pounding violently in his chest as (Y/n) turned to look at him.

"Its perfect, Bofur. I love it as much as I love you." (Y/n) replied, as she walked over to Bofur, and kissed him softly on the cheek.

"Ya......ya love me?" Bofur asked. Knowing that she already must, but never having heard her say it out loud.

"Of course, I do you silly dwarf. Since I first met you at Bag End, I knew that I would love you. I know that Bilbo doesn't think I know, but I have heard him talking with Thorin and some of the others about returning to the Shire. I know that he would like me to go with him, and as much as I would like to see the rolling hills of my home again, I know I don't belong there anymore. I belong here, with you." (Y/n) informed a stunned Bofur, as he wrapped his arms around her small form.

"Well then lass. I suppose that I should give ya these too." Bofur told her. As he pulled a small box out from his pocket, before opening it, and presenting (Y/n) with two beautifully carved wooden beads.

"I would like ta court ya lass. I would like ya to be me wife." Bofur continued, as (Y/n) stared up at him in disbelief. The dwarf taken aback as she suddenly laughed and spun around. Throwing her arms into the air in delight.

"Yes. Yes. Yes. I have been waiting for so long for you to ask me." (Y/n) declared happily as she reached for Bofur hat, put it on his head, grabbed his hand, and pulled him from the workshop.

"Now let's go tell everyone that you have finally plucked up the courage to ask me, then they can stop teasing you." (Y/n) told him as they made their way through the great halls of Erebor. The dwarf knowing that the mountain would always be (Y/n)'s home. And that she would never have to steal his hat again.     

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