Fairy - Part 2 - Lindir x Reader

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 "So, what do you think?" (Y/n) asked happily. Lindir's eyes growing wide as the tiny being, suddenly flitted up into the air. Her glass like wings beating as rapidly as a hummingbird. The soft hum, as the delicate appendages fought against the air, like a soothing balm to Lindir's ears.

"Well, little one. I would have to say that you are the prettiest thing that I have ever seen." Lindir replied. The ellon unable to stop him from smiling, as the exquisite little sprite curtsied in mid-air.

"Why thank you, Lindir. And I believe that you must be the prettiest elf that I have ever seen, myself." (Y/n) replied, as she fluttered up to right in front of him. Lindir not really sure if there was anything that he could say in reply to such a comment. But sure, that he had never been told he was the prettiest anything before.

"You know, I have wished that you and Elrond could see me for so long. I had always wanted to ask you about things. To join in your conversations. But as I said, very few can ever see a fairy. And given that, I must admit that I find myself confused as to why, all of a sudden, you can not only see me, but also hear me. Not that I am complaining though. It is nice to talk to someone that can talk back to me. I love the animals, the birds and the insects, but they aren't much for conversation. I find the whole thing very one sided." The tiny sprite confessed with a soft giggle, as she landed delicately back on the flower.

"So, now that we can speak, I have so many things to ask you. So many things that I would love to know. But, I suppose that you have many questions too, and I think that it is only right that I allow you to ask first. It is proper. I find that young elves like you, are always quite inquisitive, despite pretending that they're not." (Y/n) smiled, as she watched Lindir make his way over and take a seat on the chair in front of the flower. The ellon not able to remember the last time that he had been described as a "young" elf.


The sweet song of the birds roused Lindir from his slumber. The dark haired ellon slowly opening his eyes, as the soft rays of the new day sun peaked into his room. A warm breeze gently moving his hair away from his shoulders. He moved, yet when he did, he found that he was not in the chair where he had remembered falling to sleep, but in his bed. His crisp white sheets pulled up neatly around him.

"(Y/n)?!" Lindir called out, as he pulled back the bedding. His bare feet softly landing on the cool floor.

"(Y/n), where are you?" Lindir called out again. The ellon waiting to hear the sound of the fairies' gentle tone in reply, as he made his way back over to the chair that sat in front of the vase of flowers and took a seat.

Surly it had been real? Surly the night before had actually happened? It had all felt so genuine, so right. He and the tiny lady had spoken into the small hours. She had told him what the land had been like before Rivendell had been built. About all the wonderful things that she had seen, and places she had been before she had called the Misty Mountains, home. About her life and others of her kind, before he in turn had answered the questions that she had wanted to ask him for so long. And given that, Lindir was sure that he could not have dreamt it all. That not even his mind could come up with something quiet as perfect as his little fairy. Could not have imagined such an exquisite voice. No! She had to be real. (Y/n) had to be real. He had heard her sing before night had fallen. He had heard her before he had made his way to his rooms. He must just have somehow made his way to bed without realising it. So now, and just to make sure that he really hadn't completely lost his mind, he had to find the tiny being. He had to find her, because he had already grown to like the fairy. Had already realised that he didn't want to lose her now that he had known the privilege of not only being able to hear her, but also see her.

Quickly he got to his feet. He knew that soon he should join Lord Elrond for the days business. That as always, there would be much for him to do. But he still had time. He still had enough time to look in the places that she had told him she loved the most, before he would have to try and focus on his work.


"Ah, there you are, Lindir. How nice of you to join me." Elrond smiled, as Lindir finally made his way into the room. The half-elven lord furrowing his brows, as he looked at his friends worried face.

Lindir had been everywhere. He had looked in all her favourite places. The ellon completely ignoring the strange looks from the other elves as he had raced passed. Yet still, he had not found his little fairy. He knew that he was late. That he should have been in his lord's rooms some time ago. But once he had started looking, he hadn't really wanted to stop until he had found her. Until he had heard her singing her little song. Yet, as he had made his way to the little stream that she said that she loved most of all, Lindir had realised that he would have to abandon his endeavours and make his way to his lord's room. Though his concern appeared to have followed with him.

"My apologies, Lord Elrond. I was.........I was detained........." Lindir apologised absentmindedly, as he made his way over to his desk.

"Are you quite alright, Lindir? You appear preoccupied with something"

"No, no, my lord. It is nothing, really." Lindir explained. Doing his best to brush off the lord's concerns. The ellon hoping that his work would take his mind off the missing beautiful fairy.


"What are you doing?" A tiny voice enquired. Lindir growing wide eyed, as (Y/n) suddenly appeared before him.

"I.........I.......you are real? I thought I had been dreaming. That perhaps I had lost my mind! Where did you go, (Y/n)? I thought that you would still be there when I woke. I looked for you everywhere." Lindir asked as quietly as possible. Hoping that Lord Elrond wouldn't hear him, and also think that he had lost his mind. The ellon feeling as though he were chastising a child for doing something she shouldn't.

"Oh, how sweet you are. Of course, I am real, silly. I already told you, that I am as real as you. Just because not many can see us, that doesn't mean that fairies don't exist. And I would have been there when you woke, but this realm does not just look after itself, I had things to do. That, and you looked so pretty sleeping in your bed, once I magicked you there, that I didn't want to wake you. And if you need me to come to you, all you have to do is call my name three times. I will be able to hear you from anywhere in Rivendell and be with you." (Y/n) explained. The fairy placing a tiny kiss to Lindir's nose. The ellon feeling a warmth flush in his cheeks, as she smiled broadly at him. (Y/n) flying to sit on his shoulder. The sprite nestling comfortably between his neck and hair. Her miniscule fingers playing with a single strand of his dark hair.

"Now, my dear Lindir. Why don't you tell me what you are doing? Perhaps I can help. We fairies are very smart you know."    

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