Dragon clan - Part 10 - Thorin x Reader

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This was not how it was supposed to be. Since (Y/n) and the Company had left Rivendell, things just seemed to have gone from bad to worse. First, they had somehow survived the battle of the stone giants in the Misty Mountains, as the thunder and lightning had cracked around them; the rain falling so hard, that it felt as though each drop of water was cutting at her skin. Then, they had fallen through the cave floor, in which they had taken refuge, finding themselves in a Goblin town. After which, they had managed to escape the said town, after she had not only killed the goblin's disgusting monarch, but (Y/n) and the Company had barely survived falling down into the pit beneath the rickety walkways that had been constructed by verminous captors. Gandalf thankfully reuniting with them, as they had raced out of the mountain. And then, just to add insult to injury, they had found themselves dangling from fir trees, as they did there best to avoid the wargs and their riders. The Dragon Child doing all she could to not only control the fire that Gandalf had asked her to start, using one of the pinecones; but also fight her way to where poor Bilbo was doing his best to defend a lifeless appearing Thorin. (Y/n) doing her best to ignore the heartbreak that she had felt, as she stared at the prone prince; pushing her ever growing feeling for the dwarf to the back of her mind, as she and the rest of the Company had fought the orcs. Doing her best to ignore the pain of the deep cut in her side that the white orc had given her, as she aided Bilbo. But now, now as she looked across the sky at the limp body of Thorin being held in the talons of one of the eagles that had come to their rescue, she could not keep in the emotions any longer; the tears streaming from her eyes and blowing back into her hair, as she gripped at the eagle upon which she sat.

This was all her fault. If she had done more, tried harder; fought more fiercely, then Thorin would be fine. She should have burnt every goblin in that pit, so that they did not have chance to send word to the orcs; it not mattering that the goblins had known what she was and made sure to control her more than they had the dwarves. She should have fought harder against the pale orc; keeping his attention on her, it of no importance if she had lost her life; the only things that did matter, the king and their little burglar. Yet she hadn't; she hadn't and now Thorin could be dead. And it was all her fault.

As the eagles finally dropped them off on the top of the carrock, (Y/n) had thanked the beautiful creature that had helped her, before scurrying as far away from the Company as she could; not wanting to look at the body of the beautiful king, but also not wanting to face the wrath of his kin. More tears rolling down her cheeks, as she cradled herself, holding her hand over the wound given to her by the white orc. So lost in her emotions was she, that she had not seen the wizard kneeling over the body of the son of Thráin. She had not seen that after a few moments, Thorin was on his feet and hugging Bilbo: the king apologising for underestimating him. Nor had she heard the cheer that had gone up from the others. Yet there was something that she did hear, a voice from just behind her, say her name; (Y/n) looking up as she felt a hand being placed on her shoulder. The last of the Dragon Clan jumping to her feet as there stood Thorin, smiling up at her. (Y/n) forgetting herself, as she pulled the dwarf into her arms, and held him as tightly as she could. Ignoring the pain that she felt from her wound, as Thorin wrapped his arms around her. The two only moving apart, as she let out a pained moan. Thorin holding her at arm's length so that he could look at her. Concern evident on his face, as he took in her pained expression.

"You are hurt.............." Thorin said. His eyes growing wide, as he saw the blood down her side.

"It is nothing, all that matters is that you are alive.........." (Y/n) sniffed, brushing away the tears that refused to stop falling. Tears that were now ones of joy, not loss.

"I am so sorry............"

"For what...........?" Thorin asked. His confusion growing, as he motioned for Óin to come over.

"That I did not do more. That I did not fight harder. That I didn't stop Azog............."

"(Y/n)............" Thorin began, as he placed his hand on her cheek.

"You have nothing to apologise for. You have done more for me than I have deserved. You have protected myself and my kin, despite how you have been treated; even putting your life on the line for our sakes. It is I that should apologise to you. Thorin interrupted. Neither he nor (Y/n) able to say any more, as Óin pushed his way between them; the older dwarf grumbling that she was a silly girl under his breath as he saw the extent of her wound, pulling her away from his king and the others, as looked in his bag for anything that he could use to heal the deep cut.

"You care for her.........?" Thorin turning to see Gandalf looking down at him. The would be king under the mountain suddenly realising that the wizard was right. Realising that he had grown to care for the last of the Dragon Children, more than he could ever have thought. That he would die to protect her............

"There is nothing wrong with that, Thorin. Your mind may be on the Mountain, but your heart........well, that seems to have found its place with her. And if I am not mistaken, hers has found it with you. No matter what happens, never forget that.........." The wizard said quietly; before continuing that he and the rest of the Company should take a chance to rest while (Y/n) was being treated, and then they would find their way down from the standing stone, and onwards towards the Mountain that they could finally see. 

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