Moondance - Part 3 - Thorin x Reader

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"My granddaughter can help." Margit announced boldly. The men and dwarves at the meeting turning to look at the elderly woman. Margit smiling as she looked down at (Y/n) that was sat quietly by her side. The pair, up until this moment just listening to the Master of Dale and the King under the Mountain, as they asked for volunteers to help hunt the beast that had been heard on many a night, howling up at the great celestial orb.

"Granddaughter?" Bard queried, as he watched the elderly female pull a dark clad form to its feet. The new Master of Dale having to admit that he was a little confused. He had known Margit all his life, and he was sure that she had always been as old as she was at this moment. But in all that time he had known her, he had never seen or heard that she had a child, never mind a granddaughter. Yet if the old woman said that was who the figure was, then that was who it was. Bard knowing better than to really question the elder lady. A woman that was well respected for her skills in healing and her knowledge. So, if she thought that this granddaughter of hers could assist them in finding the beast, then he wasn't about to say no. Especially given the fact that many of his men wanted nothing to do with the little expedition into the surrounding hillsides. Most fearing the notion that they come face to face with a pack of wargs that had escaped the battle. Or perhaps something even worse.

"Aye. My granddaughter......................"

"And what can this granddaughter of yours do?" Thorin interrupted, as he, Dwalin, Fili and Kili looked over at the pair. The world seeming to stop for him, as the old woman pulled the hood from the figures head to reveal a creature, the likes of which the King had never seen. One so beautiful, that it was as if her mere presence had made the breath leave his body. Everyone else, man and dwarf alike seeming to feel the same as Thorin did, as the room fell completely silent. The young woman casting her eyes down to the floor. Seemingly embarrassed by all the attention.

Thorin couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he had the strangest feeling that no matter what this old woman was claiming, this girl was not of mortal stock. Yet what she was, he couldn't say. She was not as tall or as aloof appearing as the elves. But she still had elements about her that might suggest that she was half-elven. Though the king had a feeling the truth about her lineage was far more complicated than that. And he determined to find out more about her.

"My granddaughter is a tracker. Better than any other that you have here or could possibly find." Margit announced proudly. The old woman pushing (Y/n) forward. The skin changer finding it hard, if not impossible to now draw her attention away from the dwarf king. And Thorin in turn, appearing to be transfixed on the unusual eyes of the female that was stood in front of them.

"So.........a tracker...........?" Bard finally managed to ask, as he was able to shake the thoughts from his mind.

" my.......... grandmother said, I am the best that you will find. If there is still a beast in the hills, I will be able to find it for you." (Y/n) replied. Her eyes never moving from the blue orbs of the king.

"If........?" Kili suddenly enquired. The dark-haired prince, gulping as the girl turned her attention to him.

"Yes.........prince. If. Just because a beast was here, does not mean that it still is. Many hunt and then just move on. Especially if they have exhausted all the local prey. And given that the creature would not only have to compete for its food with the people of Dale, but also the increasing number of dwarves that are returning to Erebor, I have a feeling that there is a possibility that it may be long gone........." (Y/n) explained, turning to look at the dwarf she knew was called Dwalin. The large dwarf having just huffed indignantly at her words.

"You doubt me, master dwarf............." (Y/n) enquired, as she moved over to where Dwalin sat. The youngest son of Fundin standing his ground, despite the unusual glint in the female's eye.

"Ya too young ta know anything girl..........." Dwalin grumbled, as he leant on the handle of Grasper.

"Youth does not necessarily denote inexperience, just like age does not necessarily mean you are wise, Master Dwalin. I have seen more beasts. More craven creatures and foul beings than you could even imagine. I have hunted the evils of this world, and in turn been hunted by them. Yet here I still am. So, I assure you, that if this creature remains on the hills, I will find it." The skin changer declared, turning her attention back to the dwarf king and the Master of Dale.

"But I ask one thing of the King and the Master............It is my belief that the beast that you wish to hunt, means no harm to either peoples that call this place home. That just like you, all it wants to do is live in peace. To find a place where it can belong and call home. So, if we find it, and it is not a threat, will you allow it to stay.........?" (Y/n) enquired. Feeling her heart pound violently, as the dwarf and man looked down at her. The skin changers request causing quite a stir among the others present at the meeting.

"Agreed!" Thorin declared suddenly. A soft smile pulling at the corners of his lips as the female before him nodded respectfully. The king rising to his feet and making his way over to where (Y/n) stood. Thorin standing before her and looking into her eyes.

"So, young tracker. When do we hunt..................?"   

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