Sick - Kili x Reader

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Some swine has given me a rotten cold, and I feel terrible. 🤧 So, what greater way to help myself feel better, than have a lovely Durin prince as a nurse maid. 🤒😊 Sorry it's a little shorter.

(Y/n) sat in her bed. Coughing, sneezing, and feeling, well let's face it, feeling downright terrible. She hadn't had been unwell in years, so now, it felt like her body had forgotten how to fight off the dreaded malady. And consequently, every inch of her. Every last muscle and nerve seemed to hurt. Even her teeth seemed to ache. And the pile of handkerchiefs that required cleaning by the side of the bed, seemed to be getting bigger and bigger as she blew her sore red nose, for what felt like the millionth time that hour.

(Y/n) had somehow found herself tagging along with the company as they had made their way back to Erebor. Fighting alongside the dwarves as they had reclaimed their home. The only female mortal to now call the Lonely Mountain home. And since the first moment the company had come across her. Kili had fallen in love. The dark haired prince never wanting her to leave his side.

"How do you feel?" A soft voice enquired. Kili's head appearing from around the slowly opening door. A soft smile gracing his features, as his eyes fell on his ailing bride to be. A bride to be who was looking ever so slightly sorry for herself.

No matter how much she had told him to keep his distance. Told him that she didn't want him to get sick too. Kili would always be Kili, and a stubborn dwarf would always be a stubborn dwarf. So, in the nicest way possible, he hadn't listened to a word she had said. Instead insisting on popping in as often as possible, to make sure that the woman he loved wasn't on the verge of death.

"I still believe that I am going to die at any moment. And my head feels as though I have been drinking copious amounts of beer. But I will be fine in a few more days." (Y/n) chuckled, as she pulled the furs under her chin, and dramatically pretended to faint.

"Wait one moment. Where have you been?" (Y/n) suddenly asked, sitting up again. Realising that she hadn't seen the attentive Kili for well over an hour now. And that he was still strangely hiding behind the door.

"I've been speaking with the others. Then I went down to Bombur's kitchens and informed him that you were unwell. And he told me that he had the perfect cure. So, I returned to the kitchen when he told me that his cure would be ready, and he gave me this." Kili explained, as he finally fully appeared in the room, his hands full of a tray that seemed to consist of a steaming bowl of something, a new pile of fresh handkerchiefs, a perfectly folded napkin, and a tiny little wine glass with a single beautiful flower sticking out of it.

"Oh, my dear sweet prince. You didn't have to do all this." (Y/n) cooed happily as Kili placed the tray over her knees and got into the bed by her side.

"Well, I actually didn't do much. The soup was made by Bombur. Bilbo found you the fresh handkerchiefs, but I did find the flower." Kili replied, smiling as (Y/n) took the first sip of the freshly made soup that Bombur had given her. A hum of appreciation leaving her lips as she savoured the taste.

"So, what's it like outside? Has Bilbo decided whether he is going to return to the Shire yet? Has Bofur found his hat after I hid it? Has Thorin spoken to Bard properly yet?" (Y/n) asked, as she snuggled closer to her dwarf. Savouring his warmth as much as the soup. She felt as though she had been in bed for many moons, even though, in truth, Kili and the others, had insisted that she not move until she felt better, only two days ago.

"No. No. no. You haven't been confined long enough for any of that to happen I am afraid, my love. But I wish that you would tell me where you hid Bofur's hat. I swear if you don't, he'll never forgive you. Oh, and snow has actually begun to fall. So, uncle will be having to speak to Bard, as I am sure that he and his people will need shelter until they can rebuild Dale, properly." Kili chuckled, as he brushed his fingers carefully through (Y/n)'s hair. His smile growing broad as he found the courting bead in the flowing stands that he had put there himself, so time ago.

"Well, that's no fun. I had hoped that as I was not gracing the world with my presence, something interesting would have happened. That one of the others would have missed me at least." (Y/n) replied, as she finished the soup and placed the tray on the table next to the bed. Kili laughing as she pouted. The young Durin prince knowing full well that the rest of the company were missing her.

"I'm afraid that nothing interesting has happened, (Y/n). And you know that the others have missed you. But even if the world, or they, haven't missed you, I have." Kili replied, in a strange way wishing that his bride to be would get sick more often, so that he could keep her all to himself, and didn't have to share a moment of her time, even with his family and friends.

"Missed me? I think that you've spent just as much time in this room as I have over the last couple of days. I don't know how you've been able to do it. But I'm most certainly not complaining." (Y/n) continued, sure that the only time he must have really left her side, was when she was asleep. But thankful that he hadn't listened when she had told him to keep his distance. That he didn't seem to care if he did catch her malady. And had been there whenever she felt at her worst. Her dwarf always devising interesting, new and better ways to keep her spirits up. Or just holding her when she had felt like she had just single handedly lost a war, against an army of orc and their wargs.

"Can you stay? At least until I fall asleep?" (Y/n) asked, as she snuggled into her nurse maid a little more. A soft sigh emanating from her, as she felt Kili move further down the bed. Taking her with him and letting her rest her head on his chest. The Durin prince having absolutely no intention of leaving (Y/n)'s side, even when she had fallen asleep.

"I think that I can spare a little time, my love. Only because it's you though." Kili chuckled. Knowing that no matter what anyone else might think. To him, this, being here with (Y/n), was the best place in the world.

"Why thank you, kind master dwarf." (Y/n) yawned. Feeling her eyes close as she listened to Kili's steady heartbeat. Confident in the knowledge that the dwarf that was soon to be her husband, would still be there when she opened her eyes again. And that maybe being unwell wasn't the worst thing in the world, after all.   

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