The Twin Rings - Part 2 - The Fellowship x Reader

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(Y/n) watched the fellowship as they settled down for the night. She had been with them every step of the way since they had left Imladris. Watching each of them intently. She had to admit that she was slightly suspicious of every one of them, but that was more due to knowing her brother, and his power, than the actual members of the Fellowship. Though she knew better after all these long years, than to ever truly trust anyone when it came to her brother.

The twin ring knew of Gandalf the Ishtar. She had heard from many that the grey wizard was one that could be trusted. (Y/n) knew of the quest for Erebor so many moons before. Of the company of Thorin Oakenshield. She knew that the wizard had battled Sauron in Dol Guldur. Yet she also knew that even Ishtar could be tempted by her brother's power. Seduced by the evil of the dark lord. And even though she was well aware of the lady of lights feelings for the wizard, the fact that he was one of the most powerful of his kind, and what he would become if he was corrupted by her brother. She had decided to continue to keep a watchful eye on the old man.

She had been suspicious of the heir of Isildur to begin with, knowing that if it hadn't been for the mortal king corruption, her brother would have already been destroyed. Yet as she had seen him interact with the little ones, and the ringbearer in particular, she had begun to change her mind. There was a strange sadness that seemed to envelope the Ranger, but (Y/n) could sense his good heart, and the love he held in it for lord Elrond's daughter. And found herself warming to the man destined to be King of Gondor.

Then there was the elf. Legolas, the prince of Mirkwood. (Y/n) knew of his father, Thranduil. Knew that he could be cold, and even for an elf, showed little emotion. Especially since the loss of his much loved queen. The twin ring knew of the corruption of the Greenwood. How the darkness of Sauron had changed it into little more than a hive of orcs and spiders. But the prince seemed different to his father. And given his friendship with the Ranger, and the strong bond they seemed to share, she would not let her prejudice for the king of the Sindar cloud her thoughts on the young elf.

The dwarf, Gimli, was a difficult one to judge. Throughout her long life, (Y/n) had had very little to do with dwarves, thought she had most certainly heard of his father, Glóin, accompanying Thorin Oakenshield. She could see in his heart that he had only volunteered to aid the little one because he did not trust the intentions of the Mirkwood prince. But she had found that a dwarf, despite their stubbornness, could be a good thing to have around. Especially when it came to a fight.

The mortal man, Boromir, was the one that (Y/n) could sense that she really needed to watch. The hearts and minds of men were the easiest to corrupt. They were weak compared to the other races of Middle earth. But of all the races, (Y/n) had spent most of her time with the mortals, as it was easier to go unnoticed in the throng of faces that came and went. She had spent time in Gondor. Spent time with the people of Rohan. And knew that Boromir was admired as a warrior, by all. But she could already see in his heart that her brother was tempting him. The promise of wealth and power held a strong sway over man. And she had already watched as the mortal kings had become the Nazgul. So, despite his reputation, Boromir was the one that she would watch most of all.

(Y/n) had never come across Hobbits. She had never been to the shire, knowing that even disguised as one of their own, it would be hard to go unnoticed. Hobbits seemed to know each other too well for the twin to infiltrate their world, though she did know of Bilbo Baggins, the uncle of the one that bore her brother now. This Frodo seemed to sweet and gentle to be burdened with such a heavy responsibility. She could tell that he had a good and kind heart, as did the rest of the little ones that accompanied him. And she had sworn to herself that she would watch over him as long as she was alive. Protecting him from all assailants as best she could.


Gandalf puffed on his pipe. Trying to listen for any noise, to watch for any movement that may indicate that the twin ring was with them. But he knew that the chances of even him finding her is she did not want to be found, were slim. He had spoken to Galadriel before the Fellowship left Rivendell. The Lady of Lothlórien informing him that they would have a shadow on their journey. And now he was just waiting for her to show herself.

"Frodo?" Aragorn asked, as the Hobbit grimaced, and placed his hand over the ring.

"Is everything alright?" The Ranger continued, as Frodo moved the ring away from his chest. The golden band glowing in the slowly darkening light.

"Yes. Its......its just the ring. It's started to get hot." Frodo replied, as he looked down at the band. The invisible elvish words suddenly appearing as they had done when Gandalf had placed it in the fire.

"I am afraid little one, that is my fault." A melodious voice called out. The members of the fellowship jumping to their feet and reaching for their weapons. Gandalf staying seated and packing down the weed in his pipe a little tighter. A small smile pulling at the corner of his lips.

"Show yourself!" Aragorn exclaimed, as he and the others surrounded Frodo. There eyes growing wide as a woman appeared as if from nowhere from the darkness.

"Who are you?" Boromir demanded to know. Not sure what to think as the exquisite creature drew closer to them.

"I am........"

"This my friends, is the twin ring. Sister of the one ring that hangs around our dear Frodo's neck. She has been many faces, and been known by many names since her birth. But her true name is (Y/n). The ring of life and love." Gandalf interrupted, as he got to his feet. Bowing respectfully to the twin ring. (Y/n) returning the gesture.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Gandalf the grey. I have heard much of you. And it is also a pleasure to meet you Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Legolas, son of Thranduil. Gimli, son Glóin. And Boromir, son of Denethor, steward of Gondor. But I am especially pleased to meet you. Master Frodo Baggins. Bearer of the ring." (Y/n) said, kneeling down and holding out her hand. Frodo pushing his way through the others and making his way over to her. Much to the others dismay.

"I am afraid that my brother does not like my presence. We are different he and I. He is the darkness, and I am the light. And I am the one creature in Middle earth that cannot be corrupted by his power. I am the only thing that he fears." (Y/n) continued. Smiling as Frodo took her hand.

"You are very brave to volunteer to return the evil back to Mordor. It is a long way for a halfling to travel, even if he is surrounded by friends. But now Frodo, you also have me." (Y/n) told him, as she carefully placed her hand over the ring around his neck. Her twin instantly cooling and returning to its normal state.

"Now. Is there any supper left? I hear that Hobbits are exceptionally good cooks." The twin ring chuckled, as the other Hobbits gathered around her. Pippin showing her the pan of mushrooms and pulling her over to take a seat with them. Leaving Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Boromir to turn their attention to the wizard. All of them hoping to find out what was going on. 

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