Unusual hero - Part 1 - Kili x Reader

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The door to the room slowly opened. The dwarf that sat next to the bed not even seeming to notice or hear as the old wooden ingress creaked closed, and footsteps made their way over to him. The visitor was worried. The dwarf in the chair hadn't moved in days. His hand never leaving that of the female that lay in the bed. His free hand occasionally brushing some of her hair away from her face, or the sweat for her brow.

Everyone knew that the elven healers had done all they could for her after the battle. The Company, the dwarf watching on as they had had her brought down from Ravenhill to their tent near what had been the main battlefield. Watching as they had milled around her. The Company discussing what had happened, what she had done. Why she had done it. All of them watching as one of their group, had begun to cry. Internally begging Aulë to not let her die.

In truth, she shouldn't even have been there. None of this, the quest, the dragon, reclaiming the Mountain, was nothing to do with her. In fact, she was merely a quirk of fate, a chance meeting, or perhaps possibly something to do with a certain wizard. But either way, this had not been her battle; not been her war. But here she was, knocking at the door of death, after saving the life of the new king of the Mountain.


It had been a normal day for the Company, the dwarves and their hobbit burglar walking across hill and dale to get just that little closer to their goal. A little closer to seeing the peak of the Mountain that called to them. The dwarves all breathing a sigh of relief, as Thorin had ordered that it was time to make camp. Kili and Fili making their way out to see if they could find some rabbits to fill Bombur's pot, and their bellies. The younger of the Durin brothers quietly wandering towards a small outcrop of trees when he thought he saw a movement at the base of the trees. His grumbling belly pushing him forward, as he moved further into the thick foliage.

Kili had to admit that it was quite nice, as he followed the continued rustling from the underbrush. The day had been a warm one, so the coolness created by the heavy canopy, was very welcome. And the sound of the birds singing, had made his want to hum along. But then..........then he had realised that it wasn't the song of the birds that hopped from branch to branch that he could hear, it was the sound of an instrument that drifted through the cool air. Kili looking up as something caused the canopy to move. A soft giggle being heard, as the young Durin spun around. The dark-haired dwarf slowly pulling back the drawstring of his bow, as something softly landed in the grass behind him. His eyes growing wide as he turned to be confronted by a beautiful smiling face.

The brows of the prince furrowed, as he looked the female up and down, his bow falling to his side, as she continued to smile. He couldn't quite put his finger on what she was, although it was certain that she was not the daughter of men. Her ears were pointed like those of an elf, but more so, though she was far too small to be an elleth. And even though she was about the same height as he was, she was not broad enough, or whiskered enough to be a dwarrowdam. And given that her feet were neither large nor hairy, the prince had to admit that he was a little lost.

"Hello!" She suddenly said cheerily, as she rocked backwards and forwards on her feet. Kili doing his best to formulate some words in reply.

"Cat got your tongue.............?" She continued, as she began to walk around him, looking him up and down.

"You're funny looking..........though I do like funny looking. You have nice eyes........and nose. And........I like your hair and beard too." The strange creature added before stopping in front of him again.

"I'm.........I'm a......Kili................"

"A what...............?"

"I mean.............my name is Kili...........I'm..........I'm a dwarf............"

"Oh.........never seen a dwarf before. Heard of them, but never seen one. Though I must admit if they all look like you, I think I might like to meet a few more. I, am (Y/n), and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Kili of the dwarves." The female announced, before giving him a deep bow.

"So........how do you come to find yourself in my little neck of the woods? As I said, I have never seen a dwarf before...........you must be on your way somewhere............somewhere that dwarves can be found. Somewhere that they call home. Perhaps.............perhaps...........The Lonely Mountain! You are on your way to Erebor, to take it back from the mighty dragon, Smaug.............Oooooooooo, a noble quest. I have never seen a dragon either. I would very much like it if I could accompany you on your quest Kili of dwarves." (Y/n) added eagerly, seeming quite excited by the idea. The youngest Durin prince quite shocked at her offer to join him, despite the fact that they had only just met. Yet, he had found himself leading her back to where the others had been waiting. The rest of the Company quite as confused by the whole thing as Kili was. Not quite sure what the dark-haired dwarf had brought back with him, when all he was meant to do was come back with rabbits. But despite the initial grumblings of Thorin and Dwalin, (Y/n) had found herself as part of the Company. The dwarves quickly becoming accustomed to the unusual creature. Their spirits always improved by having her cheery nature around. And the fact that she seemed to have the most natural ability to kill orcs with either bow or sword, or in one case, a rather large rock, proved her usefulness to everyone. The Company forgetting about the fact that she wasn't like them, until the elves of Mirkwood had captured them. The elven king, Thranduil, having her brought before him when he had spoken to Thorin. The would be king, confused as the ellon had asked (Y/n) to stay in his kingdom. Thranduil even stating that he would let them leave if the dwarf prince ordered her to stay. But he could not. (Y/n) having become as much one of them, as any dwarf would be. That, and Thorin was well aware how his nephew felt for the female that he had come across. How he had never seen Kili happier. But now, here she was, as grey as the grave because she had saved him, and the king feared what would happen to his sister's youngest son if this most unusual of creatures couldn't pull through. The whole Company having been there, as she had finally and carefully been taken from the healer's tent to Kili's room, which neither she nor Kili had left since then.


Fili carefully placed his hand on his brother's shoulder, as he stood behind him. He and the others had tried to talk to the prince. Had tried to encourage Kili to rest, to eat, but all he would do was shake his head. But now, now Fili knew that he had to do something. That he had to tell his brother what Gandalf had told himself and the others about this most unusual of heroes. 

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