Water Maiden - Part 3 - Bilbo x Reader

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To say that (Y/n) was causing a stir, would be an understatement. Bilbo sure that every hobbit in Hobbiton, had stopped what they were doing and had all turned to look at the elegantly tall creature with waves of blue and green hair, that was currently limping through their small village. Her hand resting delicately on his shoulder, as they slowly and carefully made their way to Bag End.

Bilbo had momentarily thought about trying to sneak (Y/n) back to his home. But had quickly realised that trying to do such a thing would be impossible. That there was no way that he could possibly have got an injured water maiden. A creature that was even taller and more striking than any other being, that he had seen in his long journey, through the lanes of the Shire without anyone noticing. That no matter what he did, (Y/n) was going to create a stir. So instead of trying to hide her, he had chosen to make no secret of his newest adventure. Bilbo finding himself smiling as the littlest inhabitants of the Shire all began to crowd around her.

"Bilbo. What are they?" (Y/n) asked. Giggling as the tiny little creatures looked up at her. The children buzzing around her happily, like busy little bumblebees flitting around a beautiful bloom.

"They are little ones. Er.......children. Babies." Bilbo explained. Trying to steer the injured Water maiden around the inquisitive children. Their little hands pulling at the bed sheets that were wrapped precariously around (Y/n)'s form, as they all vied for her attention.

"They have to be the sweetest things that I have ever seen." (Y/n) continued. Her smile growing wider as more and more of the children crowded around her. Their tiny voices grumbling as their parents tried to hurriedly drag them away for the unusual visitor. None of the other hobbits knowing what to think, as Bilbo continued to assist the badly limping maid.

"I thought after you got back from your little adventure with those dwarves, life would be quieter again." A voice came from behind Bilbo. The resident of Bag End rolling his eyes as he heard the gruff tone of Filibert Grubb. Bilbo turning as best he could, to see the disgruntled look on the older Hobbits face.

"Oh, er Filibert.....I........"

"Yet here you are, bringing another strange........stranger into the Shire. Do you mind telling me how this......how this creature came to be here? This doesn't have anything to do with Gandalf, does it?" Filibert interrupted. His mouth opening and closing, but no further words coming out as (Y/n) turned from the little ones, to look at him. The older hobbit seeming transfixed under the water maid's gentle gaze.

"My name is (Y/n). I got caught in some of the netting in the river. Bilbo here helped me. I am afraid that I cannot return to my own home until I can swim again. So, he is taking me to his home so that I can recuperate. It is so sweet of him, don't you think? Now, if you don't mind, we really must be going. (Y/n) explained. Filibert just nodding and smiling. Bilbo's brows furrowing as he looked at the older hobbit. The young Baggins never able to remember anything shutting Filibert up, as quickly as (Y/n) seemed to have been able to do. The once burglar, even more confused as Filibert suddenly reached up and took (Y/n)'s hand. The grey haired hobbit kissing her knuckles softly.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, my dear. Please allow me to assist with escorting you to Bag End." Filibert eventually managed to say. Bilbo still not sure what was going on, but happy for the help all the same. (Y/n) placing her other hand on Filibert's shoulder. The two hobbits helping her the last short distance up the small incline to the green door of Bilbo's home, as the rest of the Shire seemed to follow behind them.

"Watch your head, (Y/n)." Bilbo instructed, as he and Filibert finally got (Y/n) through the small gate. The door of Bag End opening to reveal the comfortable little home inside. (Y/n) stooping as best as she could as the two small hobbits helped her inside.

"If there is anything that I can do for you while you are here, (Y/n). Please have Bilbo call on me. And I hope that I will be allowed to call on you some time, to make sure that you are feeling better." Filibert said, as he and Bilbo helped her into the main room. Assisting the exquisite creature to sit on the floor. The old hobbit blushing like a youngster as (Y/n) kissed him delicately on the cheek.

"You are so kind, Filibert. And it would be so nice of you to come and see me again. But for now. If I could rest a little............"

"Oh, of course. Of course. I........I will leave you for now. But if you need anything.....Anything.........." Filibert called out. Bilbo finally able to push him out of the house and back onto the path outside. Locking the door to ensure that he couldn't get back in.

"What? How? Filibert!" Bilbo tried to ask. His brows furrowing as (Y/n) began to giggle lightly.

"Oh, that. Well, water maids have a special way with the hearts of others. Particularly the males of a species. Anything, from the smallest of animals to elves, mortal men, and obviously even hobbits. I could tell that he was going to make a little trouble for you. So I just.......I just enchanted him a little." (Y/n) told Bilbo. The water maid moving her long legs as best she could, in an attempt to get comfortable. The blood seeming to flow more steadily every time she moved even the slightest inch. Bilbo rushing off to get some supplies so that he could try and stop (Y/n)'s wound from bleeding. The hobbit knowing that he may not be an elven healer, but with what he had picked up during his adventure with Thorin and the company, he certainly knew more than many that he shared the Shire with.

"You.......you didn't enchant me, did you?" Bilbo enquired quietly, as he knelt down by (Y/n)'s side. The water maid carefully moving the material from her leg so that the hobbit could see the now angry looking wound. His small hands carefully trying to clean the injury as best he could.

Bilbo had to admit that he felt a little hurt that (Y/n) might have also cast her little spell over him. That she might have felt the need to beguile him, so that he would help her. As far as Bilbo was concerned, he had done all of this because he wanted to. Because........well, because he already liked the beautiful creature that squeaked slightly with every touch of the damp cloth. Because he wanted to get to know her better. He wanted her to be his next adventure. He wanted........

"No, no. I knew I didn't have to enchant you, Bilbo. I only ever use it to protect myself from those that wish to harm or catch me. I could tell that you only wanted to help me. That you were the sweetest little man that I have ever met. That you were kind, and wonderful." (Y/n) replied, as she placed her hand softly on Bilbo's cheek. The hobbit looking up from his work, to see the bright smile of his water maid.

"In truth, I believe that it is you that has enchanted me, Bilbo." (Y/n) added. Bilbo glowing bright red as she kissed him gently on the end of his nose.      

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