The Lonely one - Part 3 - Boromir x Reader

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Boromir stirred, as a noise from outside the window met his ears. The High Warden turning over in the comfortable and warm bed as the sound continued. A smile pulling at the corners of his lips as he was met by the sight that had become quite familiar now, a pair of large windows that were open just enough as they always were, let in the morning breeze and the smell of blooming flowers.

It had been sometime since Aragorn and the others had left him with (Y/n), and even though he had hated the idea of not being able to help, not being able to assist in locating Merry and Pippin, a bigger part of Boromir was happy that he had remained. Happy that he had been left with the lonely one, for in truth, he had never been more content in his life. He was still aware of the evil that faced their world, that the power of Sauron was all around them; but here, with (Y/n) none of that seemed to exist. The woes of the world disappearing as you got to the threshold of the small home. Pain, loss, fear, anger, all replaced with love, and kindness when the elleth would smile.

Smile............oh that smile. It was a smile that Boromir had come to love more and more. A smile that pulled at the most perfect pair of lips he had ever seen. Lips that complimented her sparkling eyes and flawless skin. In fact, as far as Boromir was concerned, (Y/n) was the most amazing creature that he had ever had the privileged of meeting. And he had realised not long into his stay with the healer, that he had fallen in love with her.

Every morning he would pretend to be still asleep so that he could wait for her to wake him. So that she would take a seat next to him on the bed, before brushing his messy hair away from his face. Her fingers ghosting over his cheek for a moment before she spoke his name. The son of Gondor sure that it had never sounded sweeter than when it left her lips. Then she would help him sit, help him remove his shirt so that she could tend to his wounds, carefully removing the old bandages so that she could replace them with fresh. Boromir always finding himself biting his lip so that he didn't moan at her soft touch. So that he didn't beg her not to stop. Didn't beg her to do more. An exquisite shudder racing down his spin as her hand would press against his chest. As her body would touch his, as she adjusted his pillows so that he could sit better. Though he knew that all this, the time that they spent together, how she would sit with him as they ate. How they would talk until it grew late, was coming to an end. He was getting stronger by the day, and even though he would give everything he had to stay, he knew that within a matter of days he would find himself a long way from the cottage. A long way from (Y/n). Racing off once again to do his best to find the rest of the Fellowship.

Another noise from beyond the window forced the thoughts from his mind, Boromir pulling back the sheets and stepping onto the cold stone floor, before making his way over to the windows; a smile spreading across his face as he saw his lonely one chopping wood. The dress that she would normally wear in the house being replaced by a pair of breeches and a shirt. Two rabbits and a large bird waiting on an ancient tree stump to be plucked and skinned.

Boromir would happily admit that (Y/n) was an amazing elf. To his mind, more so than any other of her kind. On one hand she could be tough, happy to get her hands dirty with even the most menial of chores. And even though she had always said that she was no kind of hunter, every day there had been fresh meat for him to eat. Then, then she would be the gentle creature that tended to his wounds, that would rush to his aid should he call out in the night. Would hold him as he struggled to get the image of the large Uruk hai that had stood over him, out of his sleepy mind. A small chuckle leaving the captains lips, as he watched (Y/n) place down her axe and take a seat on the grass, so that could watch a squirrel that had just come down from one of the trees.


(Y/n) wiped the sweat from her brow. It had already been long morning, leaving her home as the sun rose, to make sure that Boromir would be able to enjoy something more than the greens that she would partake in. She had been to get fresh water from the river and now more wood needed to be chopped before she could even think about waking Boromir................

Boromir................from the moment that he had been brought to her, she had loved how that name had sounded in her mind and on her lips. In fact, though she dare not admit it, she had come to love the owner of the name himself. It wasn't just that he was handsome, which he of course he was. (Y/n) sure that she had never seen a more beautiful son of men in all her long life. No, it was more than that. It was who he was that really drew her to him. He was loyal and brave. Strong and kind. Over their time together, he had told her about his brother Faramir, about his home. About all the wonders of Gondor and how one day he would very much like her to see it. But he had also told her of the man that was his father, of how he had been tempted by the power of the ring that a little one called Frodo was burdened with carrying. Yet she could see that he was nothing like his father, that he was better than his father could ever dream of being. She could see that he had tried, that he continued to want to make amends for being seduced by the ring. And she also knew that the only way that he could do that, was if he left her.

(Y/n) knew that he was getting better day by day. That his strength was almost fully restored. And within days, she would have to do what she had promised Aragorn and send Boromir back into the dark world on her fastest horse. That she would have to send him out to possible death. And that thought, the thought of him dying, of not seeing him again, was breaking her heart.

With a heavy sigh, she wiped the tears from her eyes. Carefully placing down her axe, as she saw movement. A small, sad smile making its way onto her face as she saw a squirrel scurry down from one of the trees. The elleth taking a seat and watching the tiny creature for a moment. Her smile getting broader as it moved closer. The little animal stopping as it came to stand before her. Its eyes looking up into hers.

"Well, little you think that I should tell our son of Gondor that I love him............?" The elleth enquired. A soft chuckle coming from her, as the squirrel tilted its head from side to side but refused to say anything in reply.

"Not much of a conversationist, are we.............?" (Y/n) continued, chuckling again at her own silliness. Her brows furrowing as the little creature turned and ran away. Her cheeks reddening, as she heard a soft cough from behind her. 

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