The Ishtar's daughter - Part 1 - The company x Reader

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None of the dwarves could quite put their finger on it. None of them had really ever seen anything real. But most of them had a sense that the company had been being followed for some time. And Dwalin and Thorin, in particular, didn't like it. Both of them had voiced their concerns to Gandalf, yet the wizard had just given one of his characteristic soft smiles while he puffed on his pipe. The Ishtar reassuring the pair that all was well.

"I don't care what tha wizard said. I would wager every last coin that I have, that we are bein followed." Dwalin grumbled as he poked a stick into the small fire. The embers spitting and rising up into the deep black air. The sparks glowing brightly before suddenly disappearing.

"I could have sworn I saw something earlier. A dark figure high in tha trees. But when I looked again, it wasn't there." Kili added, as he and his brother looked over to where their uncle sat in quiet contemplation.

Thorin was sure that he had seen a shadow too. Something that was quick and fleeting. Something that moved like the wind. That was as quiet as a mouse, and as dark as the mines of the Lonely Mountain. Yet he also had a sense that whatever this thing was. Whatever was following them, strangely meant them no harm. The son of Thráin knowing, that if their shadow had had anything but good intentions, then there had been more than one occasion that they could have attacked. That they could have maybe even killed some of the company. Yet nothing had ever happened.

Thorin himself had to admit that, just like Dwalin, he didn't believe the wizard when he had said that their fears were unfounded. It wasn't long before that he had met the wizard. A wizard that had told him to take back Erebor. And now, said wizard was nowhere to be seen, and still the shadow lingered.

"Fili, Kili, go watch the ponies." Thorin suddenly barked. The two Durin princes springing to their feet and dutifully making their way over to where the ponies had been tied up for the night.


The shadow had seen the company fight valiantly against the three lumbering Trolls. The dwarves only surrendering as the idiotic creatures threatened to pull the hobbit apart. Now she could see why he wanted to help them. Why he felt so much for them.

She watched as the Trolls turned a number of the dwarves over the fire. The rest bundled up in sacks, presumably to be eaten later. She had been told just to watch. To keep an eye on the thirteen while he was away. To not interfere unless she really had to. But as she heard the halfling try to persuade the less than intelligent trolls that the dwarves were riddled with worms in their tubes. Were infected with parasites and were not fit to eat. She couldn't help but think that this was one of those moments.

He had told her to be his eyes and ears when he could not be with the company. Told her to make sure that nothing happened to Thorin and the halfling in particular. Told her not to be seen. That he would reveal her existence to the dwarves and hobbit when they needed to know. She also knew that the sun would rise soon. She knew that he was close. That all they needed were a few more moments. And even though it may get her in trouble, she knew she had to act.

"Hey! Ugly." She called out, all eyes turning to watch her as she moved into the clearing. The trolls stopping turning the spit, as they stared at the newcomer.

"And what do we have here, then? Smell's prettier than this lot." One of the hideous creatures asked, as he moved away from the fire to where the dark form leant up against a large rock.

"Don't look ta be too much meat on it though." Another added, as he wiped his nose on his arm.

"Well. You see, I am what is commonly known as a distraction." She stated, a small smile pulling at her lips as she saw him climb on top of a rocky formation.

"And I think that I have just brought him the time that he needed." The shadow chuckled, as the rock cracked under his staff. The sunlight flooding through and turning the trolls to stone.


"I thought I told you to stay out of the way, (Y/n). To only interfere when it was really necessary. You could have been harmed." Gandalf scolded, as he stood before the dark figure. The dwarves freeing themselves from their confines and watching the interaction between the wizard and the mystery newcomer.

"You needed some more time. And it appeared that the little one was running out of excuses why the dwarves shouldn't be eaten. I thought that it may just be one of those really necessary moments. And I am perfectly capable of looking after myself. Especially against three trolls." The visitor replied with a huff. Her anger subsiding slightly as Gandalf took her hand.

"And what would this old man do if anything happened to you?" The wizard asked softly. The dwarves looking at one another. None of them really sure what they were watching. More so, when Gandalf pulled their mystery female into his arms and held her close.

"Are ya gonna tell us what's goin on?" Dwalin snorted, as he and the others waited for a suitable answer.

"Of course." Gandalf sighed. The Ishtar realising that he really had no other option now.

"I would like you all to meet my daughter, (Y/n). She has been watching over you while I could not. She is the shadow that has been following you." The wizard began to explain, as his daughter removed her large hood to reveal a face so beautiful that the company could do little more than gasp and stare in disbelief. Her long silver hair tumbling over her shoulders as the cowl was removed completely. A few strands falling over a pair of piercing blue eyes that seemed to be able to peer into their very souls.

" have a daughter? But........but why didn't you tell us?" Bilbo finally managed to ask, as he stepped forward. The halfling feeling himself drawn to the female as she softly smiled at him.

"Indeed, I do, Bilbo. And I did not tell you because until this moment it was better that she remained in the shadows where she works at her best. But now, well now there is little point in her being apart from the rest of us." Gandalf continued. The hobbit, nor the dwarves sure how to take this current turn in events.


"Do ya think she is what he says?" Dwalin asked Balin and Thorin as they and the others packed for the days journey. A journey that from now on, would have to be made on foot.

"Aye. Only a father could scold his child like that. And I can see him in her features." Balin replied, as he looked over at the father and daughter. The two conversing quietly as the others furtively sneaked looks at the Ishtar's child.

"Do you think that she is like Gandalf? I mean, whether she is a..........a witch. A sorceress?" Bilbo suddenly interrupted. The three dwarves wondering why they had never thought of that question. If this (Y/n) was in fact what Gandalf claimed, and she appeared to be, it only made sense that the child could be just like the father.

"I'm not sure lad. But if tha beauty is ta remain with us the rest of the way, then I am sure we will find out." Balin replied. Patting Bilbo reassuringly on the back as the company and its newest member started the days long journey.     

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