Water Maid - Part 7 - Bilbo x Gandalf x Reader

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Bilbo sighed, as he heard yet another knock come to his door. The little hobbit slowly and reluctantly getting to his feet once more. (Y/n) giving him an apologetic smile as he had passed her. It had been yet another day of visitors. Another day of the Water Maids enchantment in full effect over the inhabitants of the Shire. He supposed that he couldn't blame (Y/n) or anyone else for it. It was, after all, (Y/n)'s way of protecting herself. Her sword and shield. Yet if Filibert hadn't had to have been his usual insufferable self, (Y/n) wouldn't have felt the need to protect herself and him. So, he was going to blame Filibert for all this. Definitely blame Filibert.

The beauteous Water Maid had done nothing but apologise again for his little home being invaded for what seemed like the hundredth time since she had been helped from the water a little over a full cycle of the moon, now. Bilbo trying to assure her that it was not the first time, and that hobbits, even enchanted ones, were a little easier to get out than a bunch of rambunctious dwarves. (Y/n) giggling as he had told her about the dwarf version of cleaning up. How he feared that every plate, bowl and dish he had, would be broken, as they flew through the air. His exquisite guest once again saying that she wished she could have been lucky enough to meet all the princes that he spoke so fondly of. How she would one day like to even meet a dwarf. The Water Maid sure that they must be the most interesting of creatures. That their world must be at once so different to hers, but then strangely similar. The land under the water sometimes as deep and dark as the mines of the Lonely Mountain that Bilbo had described.

With another heavy sigh, Bilbo placed his fingers around the door handle; hoping to goodness that Filibert hadn't come calling for the umpteenth time that day. The hobbit though finding a visitor that he hadn't expected. Gandalf smiling down at him, as he opened the door.


"It's nice to see you too, Bilbo." The wizard chuckled, as the hobbit hugged him. The little man feeling as though it had been years since he had last laid eyes on the Maia.

"Gandalf. What are you doing here...................?" Bilbo enquired, as he took Gandalf's hand and pulled him inside Bag End. The Ishtar doing his best to not hit his head on the hanging light, as he was drawn further into the little house. The wizard smiling, as he saw the creature that was sat in Bilbo's drawing room, right next to the fire.

"Have you forgotten about the celebration for the marriage of Ortho Longfoot and Primula Mugwort? That, and I had heard that you had not had enough of adventures, Master Baggins. That you had been and found another of your own. And if this exquisite maid is anything to go by, it would appear that the rumours were true." The grey wanderer informed him, Gandalf slowly making his way over to where the female sat. Sure, that he had never seen anything quite like her in his life. For despite how long the Ishtar had lived and where he had been in Middle Earth, Gandalf had never before been fortunate enough to meet a Water Maid.

"Now, my dear. Who might you be.............?" The wizard enquired, as he took a seat and pulled out his pipe from under his robe. A small smile pulling at his lips, as the wonderous creature looked into his eyes.


Gandalf had sat and listened to (Y/n) as she had introduced herself. As she and Bilbo explained how he had found her in the river tangled in the fishing net. How she had been injured and accepted the hobbits invitation to stay with him until she had recovered. The wizard chuckling, as the Water Maid explained about her little enchantment, and how it seemed to be working a little too well on the inhabitants of the Shire. Gandalf imagining what things would have been like on the quest for Erebor, if his hobbit friend had met the beauteous creature before the dwarves had come to his home. The Ishtar sure that despite the fact that she belonged with the sea, the maid would have made a wonderful inclusion on their adventure. That things would have been so much easier if the maid had been there to enchant King Thranduil, perhaps even the great fire drake himself. Gandalf knowing that Water Maids were much more powerful than they may at first appear.

Yet as he had listened, he had noticed one thing, that Bilbo had not moved from his guest's side for one moment. That in fact, for the entire time that they had spoken, the hobbit's hand had held firmly to that of the maid. Gandalf not surprised that his little friend had fallen in love with the unusual visitor. Not surprised that if anyone was going to find a being like a Water Maid just caught up in a net, it would be the hobbit.

"Well.........I think I will have to do something about this enchantment of yours, my dear. If I don't, I doubt that there will be a wedding today. I should imagine that Ortho is far too enamoured with you at this moment, to think about his bride to be. And we can't have that now, can we?" Gandalf finally said, as slowly got to his feet. Bilbo jumping up so that he could open the door for his old friend. The wizard taking the chance to speak to the Water Maid alone.

"And perhaps, if you join Bilbo at this evening's celebrations, you and I might then get a chance to discuss what you would like to do, yourself." Gandalf told her. (Y/n) smiling up at him as the wizard nodded respectfully, before making his way back out of Bag End. 

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