Rivals - Part 1 - Haldir x Reader

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For julzrulz4ever. New character time. Apologies for not updating sooner, but my mental health has been slowly getting worse and I needed some time; but hopefully I am getting better now. I hope you all enjoy this first Haldir story.

Yet another arrow hit its target. This one though, splitting the shaft of another arrow, right down the middle. Some of the others present rattling their swords in celebration of the shot. The whole scene quite a familiar one for anyone that called Lothlórien home. Two marchwardens coming to stand toe to toe.

Haldir, the marchwarden of the northern borders, and (Y/n) of the southern borders had had this rivalry for as long as anyone could remember. Each one doing their best to outdo the other whenever the chance presented itself. The usual, well known calm and cool demeanour of the elves, leaving the pair whenever it came to the other.

Haldir's brothers, Rumil and Orophin, could never understand why he disliked the elleth so much. They themselves found (Y/n) to be one of the most beautiful elves to call Lothlórien home. Not only that, but she was intelligent, quick, and had proved herself as a marchwarden over and over again. The two ellons believing that in truth, Haldir and (Y/n) had more in common than they had differences. That just like their brother, she had journeyed beyond the borders of the Golden Wood. That just like Haldir, she had become fluent in Common Tongue during her travels. And just like her fellow marchwarden, she was well respected; even by the lord and lady of Lothlórien. But no matter these similarities, whenever the pair met, their rivalry became obvious; and this time was no different to any other. Rumil and Orophin looking at one another as (Y/n) continued to stand before Haldir.

"Well, Haldir. It would appear that I have won. Unless you think that you can split my arrow, as I did yours.................." (Y/n) commented, moving out of the way and allowing the pale haired ellon to look at the target. Haldir not about to give in, the male marchwarden notching another arrow and preparing himself to shoot.

"Ahem............." A cough came. The elleth smiling, as Haldir's arrow flew and hit to the far right of the centre of the target. All present, turning to see a rather uncomfortable looking young guard standing there.

"My apologies. The Lady Galadriel would like to see you." The ellon said, as he looked at Haldir. The marchwarden of the northern borders handing his bow to one of his men, before following the younger guard. Haldir doing his best to ignore a smiling (Y/n) as he made his way past her.

He had no idea what it was about the elleth that made him feel and act in such a way. Many times before, his brothers had pointed out all that he and (Y/n) had in common. That they were very alike in many ways, and should, in theory at least, get on; but the reverse had always been the truth. It wasn't as if their rivalry had begun when they had been made marchwardens; no, it had begun so long ago now that in all honesty, Haldir couldn't actually recall when. All he knew for sure, was that over the years their rivalry had grown, and now was to a point that they would try and best one another whenever they could. And perhaps this rivalry had got to a point that it had come to the ears of the Lady of Light herself; though why she should call on only him, Haldir was not sure.

"My lady............." A voice suddenly said. Haldir realising that he and the young guard were now stood before the Lady Galadriel. The two bowing, as she smiled softly.

"Thank you. You may leave us............." The lady replied, thanking the young ellon who simply bowed again, before leaving the two alone. Galadriel's smile getting a little broader, before she seemed to hide it on purpose.

"I have something that I wish you to do for me, Haldir............" Galadriel began, as she made her way over to the marchwarden.

"Anything, my lady..............."

"I wish you to be an escort for (Y/n)..............."


"Yes, (Y/n). I am well aware that you know one another, and I believe that there is no one better than you, to escort her to her new home. I have been corresponding with Lord Elrond, and we both are in agreement that (Y/n) would make his equerry, Lindir, an excellent bride. That, and she would be a great addition to his household and aid in the protection of Imladris. I and Lord Elrond would therefore like you to escort her safely to meet her husband to be." Galadriel explained, the look of shock in Haldir's eyes not escaping her.

She was to be leaving.........not only leaving, but she was to be married. A part of Haldir thought that he should be pleased by the news; that he should take some delight in the notion that his rival would soon no longer be residing in Lothlórien, but for the life of him, he could not. In fact, all he wanted to do was say that he wanted her to stay; that he didn't want her to leave. He wanted to tell the lady that she and Lord Elrond were mistaken; that (Y/n) deserved a husband that was more like her. That knew what it was to fight and protect. That Lothlórien was the only place that she needed to be. But he knew that he couldn't; he knew that all he could do was as his lady had asked and escort the marchwarden of the southern borders, to Imladris.

"It would be my honour to escort (Y/n)............Does........does she already know of this................?"

"Yes. She was informed earlier. She appeared a little taken aback by the news, but she has already met Lindir, and I am sure that the two will make a good match............"

"When do we leave..............." Haldir continued, now understanding why (Y/n) had been a little harsher than normal towards him.

"When the sun rises. That should give you both some time to get some things together for your journey. I must confess that she will be a loss; that I wish that a suitor had come forward here. But, from what I understand, Lindir will make her as happy as he can...........Now, perhaps you should go and prepare." Galadriel explained, the lady smiling once more, as Haldir bowed and left the room.    

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