The ghost of Mirkwood - Part 4 - Legolas x Reader

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"What..............?" The elleth asked in disbelief, as she rose from the large rock upon which she had been sitting. Hurt evident in her eyes, as she looked at the prince.

"Why would you ask such a thing.........? I would never want to destroy this Kingdom. I love this place. I came here with Oropher over the Blue Mountains after the War of Wrath. And as for your line.........I loved your grandfather more than I can ever tell you; and he in return loved me. We were to marry, but then the Necromancer came, his evil distorting Amon Lanc and turning it into Dol Guldur, before spreading out to the rest of the Greenwood. I was stolen from my king by the followers of the hostile being, told that if I did not remain in Dol Guldur, that if I did not promise myself to the Necromancer; that if I did not become his queen and help him to spread his evil, then I would die. But I could not betray this land, I could not betray my people, nor would I deny the love that I felt for Oropher. So, I refused. I refused to remain, to give myself to the Necromancer. And my punishment has been worse than death. My soul exists in a world between this one and the next. I wander the wood, far enough away my old home, my old life, to not be a part of it; yet still close enough to witness things, to hear things, so that I may suffer. The power of the Necromancer keeps me here in the darkest part of the woods. Everything within, was designed to prevent me from leaving, and others from finding my body that lays at its center. Any being that has ever stepped foot in this place, has been claimed by its darkness, unless I have been able to help them. All of it a constant reminder, that despite my decision, I still belong to the Necromancer. So no, prince Legolas, to answer your question, no, I have no desire to destroy the kingdom or your line...............Now please, I want you to go.............." The elleth explained, before turning and making her way back into the darkness that confined her.

"My lady.......please............." Legolas called out, as he ran over to the edge of the trees.

"I did not mean to hurt you. It is just that there are tales about you. Stories that have been written, that all elflings know. That all elves in Mirkwood know. Tales of you and my grandfather. That Oropher denied your love. Choosing instead to marry my grandmother. That you were so devastated by the loss and betrayal of the king, that you had travelled alone to Dol Guldur. Throwing yourself from the jagged cliffs. The Necromancer bringing back your tormented and heartbroken spirit. Sending your vengeful soul back to the north, to haunt Oropher and his descendants, as the dark power descended over the woods. It is said that if anyone were to meet you, to speak to you, that their life would be forfeit to your spirit. And if ever my father or I were to be the ones to come in contact with you, then the Woodland Realm itself would fall...........I am sorry that I asked. I am sorry that I ever thought you would be capable of such things..............." The pale haired prince continued. Happy to see that she had stopped. That she had at least given him a chance to explain his question.

"So...........this was not enough for the Necromancer? It was not enough to strip my soul from my body. Not enough to take me from the ellon that I loved, to allow me to know when had made the final journey. Not enough to create this prison within which nothing can live. No; he had to sully my name too. To turn me into something wicked, something evil. To make me something that all will fear..............." (Y/n) replied, as she turned to look at Legolas. The prince dropping his head. Hating the fact that he had upset her. That he had been the one to tell her about how she was thought of.

"You should go, my prince. The darkness of this part of Taur-e-Ndaedelos has a tendency of creeping out and destroying anything that is good. Of taking anything living and beautiful, and turning it rotten and ugly..............."

"But as I told you, I cannot not leave you like this, my lady.............." Legolas interrupted, as he finally looked at her again.

"And as I told you........there is nothing you can do for me...............I have been cursed for longer than you have been alive; for longer than even your father has been alive. There is nothing that you can do. Nothing that anyone can do................" (Y/n) replied, wiping away the glistening tear that slowly made its way down her cheek.

"Even if that is the case, my lady, that does not mean that you have to face it alone, any longer. I can be here for you..............."

"And what if I told you that I did not want that. That looking at you just makes it all worse. That it reminds me of all that I have lost, all that I could have had. That I have no desire to see or speak with you ever again.............?" The elleth retorted angrily, as she turned away so that the grandson of Oropher could not see all the other tears that had begun to fall.

"I would say that you were doing your best to keep me safe; just as you did when you rescued me from the darkness of the wood. Just as you kept our people safe by not agreeing to give yourself to the Necromancer and joining him in his corruption of our home. But I assure you, that I am not scared. That I have no intention of letting you wander alone, now that I have found you................"

"Come again tomorrow, when it is light. You will find me here waiting for you. We can talk if you like. I can tell you more of your grandfather. Of the world before, when Oropher and I were young. Of the truth behind the stories that you have been told............."

"I would like that very much, my lady............." Legolas replied with a soft smile. Keeping his torched raised high above his head, as he watched the spirit of the exquisite elleth disappear back into the dark heart of Taur-e-Ndaedelos. 

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