Smelly, ugly halfwit - Part 2 - Dwalin x Reader

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"We'll make camp here for the night." Thorin suddenly announced. The rest of the company gratefully falling to the floor. A groan coming from all of them as Thorin issued duties so that supper could be made.

"I'll go find some wood for the fire, Thorin." (Y/n) offered, hoping to get a few moments peace from the dwarves and her brother. Since the journey began, she had come to care deeply for the company. But being around a bunch of smelly, loud dwarves all the time, could on the odd occasion, get on her very last nerve. And today, that last nerve had been pushed to its limit by the still annoying Dwalin, who seemed to go out of his way to make things as difficult for her as possible.

(Y/n) had been reassured by Balin that his brother didn't really mean anything by the way that he dealt and spoke to her. That despite everything, he believed that Dwalin actually liked her. Even the Durin princes had said that they had seen a notable change in the gruff dwarf demeanour since she had been with them. But even though she had tried to apologise for that night at Bag End, the little hobbit realising that she may have been a little harsh on Dwalin. The grouchy warrior had still continued to huff and grumble at every word she had uttered, or suggestion she had made. Resulting in her no longer even attempting to speak to the large dwarf anymore. The little hobbit actively avoiding Dwalin as best she could.

"I'll go with er." A voice came from behind her. (Y/n) rolling her eyes at the familiar gruff voice.

"I am perfectly capable of finding some firewood you know. Contrary to what you might think, I am not completely useless." (Y/n) scoffed as she turned to face Dwalin. Not in the mood to have the exact dwarf that she really wanted to get away from, going with her.

"Dwalin's right, (Y/n). You should have someone with you. We don't know what's out there." Thorin told her. (Y/n) groaning audibly at the notion.

"Well. Fili or Kili can come with me."

"Sorry, (Y/n). I need them here." Thorin interrupted.

"Alright. What about Bofur, or Dori and Nori. What about Bifur or Oin. Anyone but him. Please Thorin." (Y/n) pleaded. The hobbit knowing that any further protests would also fall on deaf ears as Thorin shook his head.

"I'm sorry (Y/n). Everyone else has a job. Anyway, Dwalin is the best one to protect you." Thorin continued. Trying to stop himself from smiling as (Y/n) began to grumble under her breath.

"Protect me? Firstly, I don't need protecting. I am perfectly capable of looking after myself. Secondly, if something does come for me, I am probably better off with it than I am with him." (Y/n) scoffed. Sure, that being confronted by a pack of rampaging orcs, would be preferable to spending any more time with Dwalin than she really had to.

"(Y/n) please. I would feel better if Dwalin was with you. I know that you will be alright. But Thorin is right. We don't know what's out there." Bilbo reasoned, as he placed his hand on (Y/n)'s arm.

"Fine! Fine! But one wrong word from the smelly, ugly halfwit, and I swear that I will be coming back alone." (Y/n) warned as she made her way into the darkening evening light. A grumbling Dwalin in tow.

"Do you think that he is ever going to tell her?" Thorin asked as he moved to Balin's side. The pair watching as (Y/n) and Dwalin disappeared into the small, wooded outcrop.

"Aye. When tha time is right. He's a dwarf a few words, you know that. In truth, I don't think that he would even know where ta start. Our little (Y/n) isn't quite like anything he has ever met before." Balin chuckled. Shaking his head as he thought back to all the times that his brother and (Y/n) had argued since their quest to reclaim their home had begun, so long ago back in the Shire.

Balin hadn't failed to see how his brother would look at the little hobbit through the fire as she sat, merrily talking to her brother. And he definitely hadn't failed to notice how Dwalin would growl and grumble whenever Fili or Kili would make (Y/n) laugh. Balin finally realising that all of Dwalin's groaning and moaning about (Y/n), was because he actually liked her. The axe wielding warrior finally confessing that there was something about the hobbit that he liked. Well, in truth, more than liked. And of course, by now, everyone else also knew about Dwalin's feelings. Everyone that is, apart from (Y/n).


(Y/n) kicked a stone. Huffing under her breath as she looked for some suitable branches to build a fire, so that Bombur could make supper. Her eyes rolling once again as she heard Dwalin grumble.

"You didn't have to come you know. You're the halfwit that volunteered to "protect" me. I would have been perfectly alright by myself. In fact, I would have been better off by myself. You are the reason I said that I would go for firewood in the first place. A few wonderful moments of not having to look at that ugly face of yours." (Y/n) scoffed as she began to pick up small branches and twigs.

"If I didn't think that that big mouth a yours would somehow get ya killed, even in a quiet wood. I wouldn't have had ta come. And what kinda fire do ya think we can make with those twigs. We need some real firewood." Dwalin retorted, as he pulled out one of his axes. The big dwarf spitting on his hands and rubbing them together, before wrapping his palms around the grip, and raising the axe above his head so that he could bring the blade down. Chopping through and splintering a large log.

"Fine. If you think that you can do it so much better than I can. Then why don't you just do it. Personally, I have better things to do than listen to your boastful bravado. And if you haven't noticed, halfwit. You are an axe wielding big dwarf, and I am most certainly not. I'm off to see if Bombur needs any help with supper. I actually enjoy Bombur's company. And he doesn't treat me like I'm completely pointless." (Y/n) retorted. Dropping her pile of sticks and twigs on the floor before storming off.

"Ya can't wander around in tha dark by yaself. Come back ere." Dwalin called out, as the little hobbit began to disappear into the shadows of the trees.

"No. Won't. Shan't. Get back to chopping your wood." Came a defiant voice in reply.

"Go off then ya stubborn hobbit. See if I care." Dwalin replied. The big dwarf knowing that he should follow. But sensing that it may be better to let (Y/n) calm down before he reappeared with an arm full of good firewood.

"DWALIN!" A sudden cry came. Dwalin forgetting all about the wood as he chased off into the darkness. The sound of (Y/n)'s scared call instilling a fear in the dwarf that he had never known before.

"(Y/n). What is it, lass?" Dwalin asked as he sped into the clearing where she stood. Her back pressed firmly up against a large rock. A look of horror on her face as she pointed at something that he had yet to see.

"Well, what do we have here?" A snivelling, hissing voice enquired. Dwalin turning to see a lone orc sat atop a warg. The dwarves hands holding the handle of his axe tighter as he prepared to fight the threat. And protect his little hobbit.   

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