The Dark Elf - Thranduil x Reader

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"How can they exist? They are just myths, legends, stories told by children to scare one another!" Thranduil said as he paced the floor of his throne room as his advisors looked on.

"It would appear that the dark elves do exist my lord. We have had a communication from their king, King Araydark of the dark realm. He is sending an envoy to meet with you as a show of good will between the two kingdoms. We are unsure of their exact purpose, but a favourable meeting may ensure a strong alliance. All we know of them comes from the old stories; they are mysterious creatures, the dark elf maidens are said to be witches, and those of the royal bloodline are supposed to be incredibly powerful sorceresses. If the dark elves are agreeable a marriage between the two clans could ensure a long period of prosperity and protection for the kingdom my lord." An old advisor said, watching the king step across the floor.

Thranduil stopped pacing. "I am perfectly capable of ensuring the safety of my own kingdom without requiring the assistance of anyone else Nevarth, but I will see this envoy. I wish to see for myself these mysterious dark elves, and if they are pleasing a marriage between my son and princess of theirs may as you say prove to be beneficial."

Thranduil slumped into his throne. "When does this envoy arrive?" He asked, his voice a strange mixture of intrigue and disinterest.

"The envoy and a small entourage will be here within two moons. May I suggest my lord that we send the royal guard to ensure that they have safe passage through the forest. The menace of the spiders is still very real, and an attack may cause problems." Thranduil sighed and stared at his elderly advisor.

"Very well , post guards at the far side of the forest as an escort for the party. We do not wish any misfortune to befall our guests. You may all leave now, and Nevarth, have my son sent to me; I shall inform him of the impending visit. I believe that it would make a good impression if he was part of the guard escorting the envoy." The advisors bowed their heads and slowly left the throne room.

Thranduil walked over to the balcony overlooking his kingdom. 'Dark elves.' He thought to himself. He remembered the tales he was told as a child, they were dark creatures enveloped in an unnatural black mist. They came from the cold lands far off to the south where the land was covered in perpetual night. They were said to be ghosts, that lived in an eternal limbo taking the souls of any creature foolish enough to step foot in their kingdom; but surely these were just stories, legends from many moons ago. If they were true though, what use would a meeting between the two kingdoms afford him? He could see no benefit whatsoever, but he was intrigued, more intrigued than he had been in many years, the chance to meet such strange creatures piqued his curiosity. The thought of having to wait two moons to see the envoy frustrated him immensely, but even he could not speed up time, so he would just have to wait.

Thranduil turned as the doors of the throne room were pushed open, the two guards bowing deeply to the king as Legolas marched in bowing himself.

"Ada, you called for me?" Legolas said, as he stood patiently waiting for his father to speak.

"Yes Legolas. We are to receive visitors in two moons time, I wish for you to be in charge of the guard that I am sending to escort our guests through the forest. It is important that they arrive safely, our caller is an envoy from the kingdom of the dark elves."

"Dark elves father? But they are myth!" Legolas said, unsure about what his father had just told him. All elves knew the stories but as they grew, they dismissed them as something that only belonged in nightmares.

"It would appear that not all the stories are myths, we are to receive the envoy of King Araydark of the dark realm and you will ensure their safe passage and bring them to me." Thranduil replied, still deep in thought as he wondered what was to come.

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