Little mouse - Part 2 - Beorn x Reader

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Beorn placed the small basket that he had found on the table; his eyes settling on the little form that was hidden under his bed. She was too small to be an elf of Mirkwood, thought too tall for a hobbit, and too tall for a dwarf, so she had to be a daughter of man; but whatever she was, she still looked small to him. Like one of the sleepy little mice that called his cottage home. One that would curl up in its nest when the sun would set, and he would light the candles.

He had no idea what she was doing in his home; but given that she seemed to be hiding, that her hair was out of place, and dried blood clung her skin, he had to presume that it was due to the bear. That she must have found herself in the woods after dark; the mushrooms, berries, nettles and dandelions in the basket that held the same scent as her, suggesting that she had been out foraging; that she had perhaps got lost and found herself having to escape the bear. His home, the first that she had come across. Under his bed, the only place that she could think of to hide from the beast that had probably chased her.

Carefully, he pulled out the chair. He didn't want to wake her, for despite the cuts to her face, she looked so peaceful; Beorn sure that he could not remember the last time that he had felt such peace. Her sudden soft sigh, as she moved a little, actually bringing a smile to the skin-changers face, which was something that had not happened in a very long time. Her beauty seeming to be charming him, without her even trying.

He couldn't help but wonder where she had come from; though he did believe that there was a huntsman's cottage some distance away from his own home on the edge of woods, so perhaps she was his child. Perhaps he was out looking for her, Beorn sure that if he was, he would sooner or later come calling. And even though the skin-changer was not really one for guests, he had already decided that it would be best if she were to stay in his home, for her own safety. The big man hoping to discover, when she woke, that her beauty was not only on the outside.

Suddenly, there was a small gasp; Beorn looking over to see his visitor now wide awake and staring at him wide eyed. Her chest moving up and down rapidly, as she quickly moved a little further under the bed.

"Ya can come out, little mouse; I will not hurt ya........." Beorn said. The skin-changer not wanting to move, just in case he should scare her all the more.

"I found ya basket. I think that everything is still in it............" He continued. Suddenly feeling the need to laugh, as he saw her pretty face suddenly appear from behind the linen that covered his bed. Her eyes as wide as saucers.

"(Y/n) name is (Y/n). I........I didn't mean to come into your home; but there was...........a-a-a.........and I was scared. I stupidly got lost in the wood and couldn't find my way home. This was the only place I could find, I hide............I.......I'm sorry." (Y/n) explained apologetically, as she slowly pulled herself out from under the bed and sat on the floor. Her eyes not failing to notice the heavy manacles at his wrists.

"And why were ya out in the woods after dark.........?"

"I didn't mean to be................" The huntsman's daughter began. Her eyes now focusing on her hands in her lap.

"I had only come out to forage for some things; but the day was so beautiful, and the birds singing so sweetly, that I found myself being drawn further and further into the woods. I took a seat under one of the old trees and was lulled to sleep by the warm breezes; when I woke it was night, and I heard the roar of the bear, I ran............." She continued. Her eyes never moving from her lap. Sure, that the unusual man in front of her, would think that she sounded very foolish.

"Are ya the daughter of the huntsman that has the cottage some way from here...............?"


"Then ya father will be lookin for ya................"

"No..............." (Y/n) quickly interjected. Her eyes finally looking up at the owner of the cottage that was filled with animals. The young woman carefully picking up a mouse that had climbed up onto her skirts. Her fingers delicately caressing the fur on its head, as it sat in her palm.

"My father left this world, some time ago. I am all on my own now. No one will be looking for me..............." She explained sadly. Her words plucking at Beorn's heartstrings. The skin-changer more aware than most, what it was like to be alone. What it was like to have no one that would come looking for you.

"Well, maybe I should take ya home then. Safer for ya that way." Beorn replied, as he slowly got to his feet. The skin-changer feeling his heart begin to beat like never before, as she smiled sweetly at him. (Y/n) placing the mouse on the floor, watching it as it scurried off, before she made to get to her feet. The huntsman's daughter quickly dropping back down, as her legs refused to hold her weight. The big man quickly at her side, picking her up, and placing her on the bed.

"What's wrong with ya............."

"I hurt my feet running, and the twigs cut into my skin. I must look a state........." (Y/n) explained, as she did her best to straighten her hair, before pulling up her skirts slightly, so that she could see the damage. Beorn quickly looking away, as she looked at all the cuts.

"Then ya should stay here until ya better..............."

"Oh, but I couldn't. You have been so nice already. I cannot impose on your hospitality any longer............" (Y/n) interjected, as she tried to move her sore legs.

"Ya stayin, little mouse. And when ya well, I'll escort ya home............" Beorn countered. Not wanting to tell her just yet that he was the bear, and the fact that she was injured, that she had had to run in the first place, was down to him.

"Th........thank you. But I should at least know your name if I am going to be staying." (Y/n) said. The big man replying with one word........

"Beorn............." He told her, before he left her on the bed. The skin-changer off to get fresh water, and something to help heal her wounds.  

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