Green Thumbs - Part 2 - Lindir x Reader

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Lindir couldn't help but stare, as he and his lord showed their visitor around Imladris. Normally he wouldn't. He along with everyone else had always been told that it was rude to stare. But he couldn't help himself. For the little woman in front of him was the most unusual and yet most beautiful thing that he had ever seen. Even more beautiful, in the equerry's opinion, than the elleths that called Imladris home.

Much of her appeared as though she was a daughter of men. But from what he knew, she was shorter than most of that kind. And then, as he looked a little closer; as she moved some of her flowing, bouncy, bright hair behind her ear, Lindir could see that the tops of them were pointed, not enough to be like his own, but certainly more than those of men.

"And here we are................." Lord Elrond suddenly announced; Lindir realising that the trio had finally found their way to the formal garden. The dark haired ellons watching as their visitor looked around.

"It is already a beautiful garden, my Lord. Are you sure that you want me to change it............?" (Y/n) queried. The half hobbit feeling the need to ask the question, despite hoping that the elegant, statuesque elf, would not change his mind and send her away. Already sure that she would like to spend as long as she could in the elven realm.

"You are right, mistress (Y/n). But Mithrandir assured me that could make this space look like the Gardens of Valinor.................."

"Oh, did he now..........? Well, I don't know about that; especially as I have never seen those gardens. But, I will do my best to give you a little piece of what I believe the Land across the Sea may look like............." (Y/n) replied with a hearty smile, as she took another look around the garden.

"Perhaps though, it would be best that I begin tomorrow. It has been a long journey for myself and Poppy; and I am sure that she, just like me, would appreciate a little rest............"

"Of course..........where are my manners. Why don't I have Lindir here, show you to your rooms............." Elrond smiled, as Lindir came to his side. The smaller lady looking up and blushing as Lindir bowed slightly. Her eyes wide and filled with the look of happiness, as the two just stood there for a moment, taking one another in. A soft cough from the half-elven lord the only thing that broke the unspoken interaction between the pair.

"That would be wonderful, my lord. But.........perhaps we could find somewhere for Poppy first. She's the poor thing that has to pull that old cart all day. I just sit back and enjoy the ride............." The half-hobbit replied, as she turned her attention back to the tall, handsome lord.

"I believe that we can do that too..........Lindir, would you please take mistress (Y/n) and Poppy to the stables. I am sure that we will be able to find ample room to accommodate her......." Elrond chuckled, as Lindir and their visitor bowed. The equerry gesturing for (Y/n) to follow him.

"Oh, and my Lord............."

"Yes mistress (Y/n)............."

"Please call me Green Thumbs, or Thumb........I hope we are friends, after all.........." The gardener said, bowing once more before quickly catching up with Lindir................."


Lindir couldn't help but take furtive looks at the woman by his side; as he, she and a rather cheery appearing donkey, made their way towards the stables. The visitor to Imladris chuckling as the rather furry animal, brayed at any elf they passed. It obvious from the looks on their faces, that they were not used to such things.

The equerry was still to say anything to the beautiful female; Lindir not really sure where to being. He wanted to ask her about herself; about who and what she was, but he thought that might be considered a little rude. The only other thing seeming to come to mind, was to ask her about the gardens................

"My father was a man from Bree, my mother a hobbit from the Shire..........." (Y/n) suddenly said, as she looked up at the handsome ellon by her side. The gardener chuckling, as Lindir's brows furrowed.


"Its alright............I know many people wonder. Not tall enough for men, not small enough for a hobbit; not robust, or hairy enough to be a, what is she................?" (Y/n) continued, as she scratched Poppy behind the ear.

"I was born in Bree, but live most of the time in the Shire; though I have been known to venture a little further afield if it means I can work. But this is most definitely the furthest that Poppy and I have ever been..........." The half-hobbit added, as they finally arrived at the well-appointed stables, and (Y/n) began to unhook the wagon, before walking Poppy out from between the shafts.

"Then you have seen more of the world than I have, mistress (Y/n)............" Lindir was finally able to reply, as he gestured for her to follow him into the stables. (Y/n) getting Poppy comfortable; unable to stop herself from giggling, as she saw the confused looks on the faces of the horses of the elves.

"Why would you want to see the rest of the world, when you live somewhere as beautiful as here................"

"Yes.........quite beautiful..............." Lindir interrupted, as he looked at her. The equerry feeling a heat come to his cheeks, as she smiled at him.

"Well, now that Poppy has her place to rest, perhaps you could show me mine.............." She continued before making her way back out of the stables. Lindir sure that the furry, grey donkey had just winked at him, before he followed after their visitor. 

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