Little mouse - Part 1 - Beorn x Reader

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(Y/n) couldn't think about anything but running. Of getting away. Of trying to put as much distance between her and the beast that was breathing down her neck, as possible.

She knew that she shouldn't have been out there at night; she knew of the stories, the tales of the gigantic bear. But she had fallen asleep; the warm early evening air, lulling her into a deep slumber, as she took a seat on the grass and rested against a tree.

Earlier that day, she had decided to go foraging for some provisions, picking up her old basket, before making her way out of the cottage that she had grown up in. (Y/n) had been hoping to find some wild mushrooms, fruit or green leaves, that she could use to sustain her for a while, until she could get to the nearest market. The dried meat that she had had, long since gone, and not likely to be replenished now that her father, who had been an excellent hunter, had passed away. But she had not let this get her down. The woods had always provided for her and her father; the trees hiding all manner of foods, if you knew just where to look, and that was what she had always been good at........finding what she needed.

It hadn't taken her long to find her first patch of mushrooms, then some wild onions and amaranth too. A blackberry bush the next of her finds; its branches groaning under the weight of the plump, juicy fruits. The nettles close by, sure to make a wonderful soup. A small smile gracing her features, as she had heard the birds in the branches above her, sing happily as she did her best to not get stung.

She hadn't meant to wander so far from home. (Y/n) had heard the noises in the night; she had heard the roars of the bear, and she knew that it was best not to tarry in the woods; but it was such a perfect day, enchanting really. As if some glorious magical spell had placed upon it. The young woman not about to miss out on any of it; allowing herself to be drawn further and further, deeper and deeper into the woods.

(Y/n) hadn't realised the time, when she had taken a seat under the tree; all she had been concerned with, was continuing to listen to the song of the birds, and watching as the animals scurried to and fro; they themselves collecting food. The warm air that had surrounded her, being the thing that had made her close her eyes. So, when she had opened them, she had been surprised, and very shocked to see that it was now dark; quickly reaching for the basket by her side and getting to her feet.

She could feel her nerves jangle, as she made her way back through the woods; thankful that the moon was hanging high in the sky and lighting her way. The trees now eerily quiet; only the sounds of the creatures of the night, occasionally breaking the calm. But then, she heard it, the roar; her heart jumping into her throat, as the roosting birds flew up into the night sky. They as startled as she was by the sound. And though the noise seemed to come from some distance away, she had no intention of meeting the beast that had made it. No intention of coming face to face with the fabled creature. The basket dropping from her arms, as she had begun to run. And she had not stopped.

As she made her way passed branches and over rocks, (Y/n) had begun to realise that she had lost her way. Despite being born and raised in and around the woods, it was as if she and it were now strangers. The smell of the animal now filling her senses, as she just kept running. Tears filling her eyes, blinding her slightly, as she prayed to anyone, anything to protect her; to not let her life end that night. The young woman ignoring the twigs that cut at the skin of her face and neck; ignoring the fact that her feet felt swollen and in pain, as she continued on her way, just hoping that she could find something, somewhere where she could hide from the animal that she could swear was getting closer by the second. The sound of its big paws thundering in her ears.

And then, there it was, a cottage across a clearing. (Y/n) digging deep and calling on the last of her energy to make her way there. Racing through the gateway and up to the large door; using all her might to push it open. Not caring who the place belonged to, just knowing that she had to get inside and hide. Her eyes widening as she realised that she could not bar the door behind her. The brace far too heavy for her to move. (Y/n) quickly making her way further into the dimly lit large room; hiding as best as she could under the nearest piece of furniture. 

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