Water maid - Part 5 - Bilbo x Reader

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"I know it's not perfect, but it's the best I can do I'm afraid." Bilbo sighed, as he looked at the makeshift bed for his visitor, that he had set out in his front room.

He had found every pillow and cushion that he could lay his hands on. Anything that may be soft and comfortable, and laid them on the floor in front of the fireplace. The hobbit digging through the cupboards to find his very best linen. The crisp white sheets wrapped about the pillows to form a kind of rudimentary mattress. While thick, warm blankets were laid over the top. Bilbo hoping that the water maid would find it comfortable enough.

"It is wonderful, Bilbo. Really it is. You shouldn't have gone to all this trouble just for me. I am used to sleeping on beds of seaweed. My only company, the fish. I have never slept in a real bed before." (Y/n) explained, as she slowly and carefully manoeuvred herself onto the large mound of soft items. The water maid giggling, as she suddenly sunk into the middle of the cushion and pillow mountain. Bilbo quickly moving so that he could push away some of his construction. Finding himself laughing along, as he looked down at the wildly giggling (Y/n).

"Are you alright?" The hobbit was finally able to ask, as (Y/n) managed to appear over the top of the cushions.

"I am fine. I just didn't expect it to be so soft." The water maid continued to chuckle, as Bilbo did his best to move the pillows around her.

"Thank you, Bilbo. It really is the best place that I have ever been able to sleep." The beautiful creature continued. As she moved herself into a better position. The hobbit handing her one last cushion. Bilbo sure that the material and pillows were giving the water maid a better defence than the great wall and gold of the Lonely Mountain had given Smaug.

"I should leave you. It's getting late." Bilbo told his guest, as he looked at the clock on the mantel again. Slowly getting to his feet.

"Oh no, please don't. Well, not unless you are tired. I was hoping that you would feel like telling me all about yourself. We haven't really had chance to talk. What with my enchantment seeming to take over everyone here. And I would so like to get to know you better. Especially if I am going to be here for a while." (Y/n) said, as she caught his wrist. The look in her eyes telling the hobbit that she really did want him to stay. That she really wanted to know all about him.

"Yes.........yes. About me. I would love to tell you." Bilbo agreed happily. Quickly grabbing his pipe and weed, before taking a seat back in his chair.


The water maid had gripped tightly to her blankets. Anxiously biting her lip as Bilbo had told her about fighting giant spiders. About stinking orcs, wargs and trolls. She had laughed when he had told her about how the dwarven company had invaded his little home. Eating and drinking everything in his larder. About the chaos they caused in Rivendell. Inched forward when he had spoken of flying on great eagles. Of his meeting with the great fire drake. And then, as he had told her about the battle. As he told her of the death of the Durin princes. The death of Thorin. She had begun to cry. The water maid now gripping his hand, as tears filled his own eyes. The memories and pain of his friend's demise, feeling as fresh and raw as the day that it happened.

"I have never met a dwarf. I suppose that is because they call the earth their home and not the seas. And I really know nothing of them other than what you have told me. But.........if I were to ever have met one of their kind. If I had ever had the chance to call one friend, I would have liked it to be Thorin. He sounds like a good and noble dwarf. That he would have made a good King for his people. And I am sorry that you and the others had to lose him. To lose all of them." (Y/n) told Bilbo, as she reached up and wiped a tear from his cheek.

"You were lucky to have known such a great dwarf. And I think, that despite all the danger that you faced. Despite all the horrors you witnessed. I would say that you had quite the most amazing adventure. I think that I would very much like to see Rivendell. It sounds like the most beautiful of places. To meet Lord Elrond. Even Mirkwood must have been a sight to behold. Though I can only imagine what it must have been like to face the dragon. There are many great creatures in the vast and deep oceans. Many scary and beautiful sights. But I believe that I have never met anything that could rival Smaug. You must be the bravest thing that I have ever met." The water maid smiled. Bilbo placing his small hand over hers, as it continued to rest on his cheek. His blue, green eyes looking deep into the water maids. Her orbs speaking of the vast waters that she normally called home. Of great storms and crashing waves. And of lands and places that he had not even seen on his adventure.

"But what about you? I have done nothing but tell you about my life. I am sure that you must have had adventures of your own. That you must have seen things that I never have." Bilbo finally managed to say. The hobbit moving so that he was also sat on the water maid's makeshift bed. (Y/n) taking a deep breath before she began to regal the hobbit with her life. The hobbit finding his jaw drop as he listened to her story.  

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