The apprentice - Part 12 - Fili x Kili x Reader

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My sincerest apologies for making all of you wait so long for this next part. Hopefully now I am back into this, I will be able to finish it off properly. But until then, I hope you enjoy this latest instalment.

Fili and Kili had listened as (Y/n) had explained about what had happened the night before. How she and Thorin had been stood with one another; the young apprentice feeling happier than she had done in a very long time. But then, then, the destructive force that was Ilde had pushed her way into the room. That she had pretended to not know that (Y/n) was there. The dwarrowdam making her way over to the king and taking his arm, before pulling him to her side.

She had told the brothers that Ilde had stated that their uncle had promised that he would take her for a walk. That she had called Thorin "my love". That she had called her a "little smith". Continuing with that she doubted that (Y/n) would want the king to break a promise that he had made to her. All the time, the awful dwarrowdam playing with the bead that sat in her hair. All the time giving (Y/n) her hate filled looks, as she waited for the apprentice to say or do something. Fili and Kili moving a little closer to her, as their friend had said that she had waited, hoped for Thorin to say something. That he would tell Ilde that she was wrong. That he was to have dinner with (Y/n) and not have anything to do with her. But, when the king had said nothing, all she could presume was that Ilde and Thorin were together. That the king had completely lost his mind and all his senses, and asked to court the worst female dwarf to ever exist. The apprentice recalling how she had agreed that the King should not break his promise, before making her excuse that she must attend to Master Gunri's forge. That she had a sword to make, before she had curtsied and left. And that the last thing she had heard was the venom filled lady tell Thorin that (Y/n) was the ugliest of things. That she didn't have a single whisker to be seen. That she would never be a lady, and certainly not the kind that the eye of any noble dwarf could fall on. Fili pulling a clean handkerchief from his pocket and handing it to her, as the apprentice sniffed back the tears.

In truth, it wasn't the first time that the brother's had heard things like that come from the mouth of Ilde. The highborn dwarrowdam was well known for speaking ill of (Y/n) at every opportunity. For having spoken to the elders, saying that someone.........something like (Y/n) should not be allowed to remain in the Blue Mountains. That it would be better for all that she were made to join her own kind. But thankfully, everyone took whatever Ilde said with a pinch of salt. All aware that she was saying all these things because she was jealous of the daughter of men. That (Y/n) was all the things that Ilde would never be. That she was kind, respectful, hardworking, loyal and loving. That she was brave and tolerant, sweet and funny. Ilde on the other hand being rude, disrespectful to anyone that she believed was not her social equal. Had never done a hard day's work in her life. Wouldn't know what loyalty was even if it fell on her from a great height, and was as loving as an orc. Only ever doing what she had to do to try and fool others into thinking that she wasn't truly awful. Though despite what Ilde herself might think, no one had ever been fooled. And most certainly not Thorin. Both Fili and Kili recalling how their uncle had audibly groaned as he had seen the face of the dwarrowdam make her way through the crowd, when she had found her way to the Mountain. How he had visibly shuddered at the sound of her fake, sweet voice. The brothers doing their best not to laugh that their uncle's reaction.

But now it was their turn to tell (Y/n) of their mother's plan. To assure her once again that Thorin was most certainly not courting Ilde, and in fact wanted nothing to do with her. The apprentice listening as the brothers had explained about a skin changer that they had met on their way to the Mountain. About the man that could become a great bear. About his reservations about dwarves, but his eventual kindness. The apprentice's eyes growing wide, as Fili and Kili told her about how the skin changer called Beorn, was going to help them all be rid of Ilde, even if he wasn't there.

"But............but your meeting with this Beorn was some time ago now. How are you going to convince Ilde that it has taken so long to affect Thorin.......?" (Y/n) finally asked, as she blew her nose on the small white square of material.

"Easy............we say that it hasn't affected uncle up until now, because Gandalf gave him a potion, or a powder, or something. Something that would stop him changing. But now, that potion has run out, and uncle has started to notice the changes. He has started to feel strange. Ilde only cares about uncle Thorin because he is the king. If we can make her believe that he is going to give up his crown to Dáin of the Iron Hills, she will be off there like a scalded rat trying get her claws into Dáin instead of Uncle Thorin............"

"But.............if Thorin did that, the next in line to the crown would be Fili and then you, not Dáin. How are you going to................"

"That is true, but Kili and I will simply say that we are not taking the crown out of respect for our uncle. That we are all going to find somewhere safe for him to live and would not be in the Mountain for some time............" Fili said, interrupting (Y/n)'s interruption of Kili's explanation.

"All you have to do is go along with it. Pretend that you aren't interested in uncle. Act scared if he suddenly does something odd if you are ever in his and Ilde's presence again. But to be honest, I don't think that it will take much convincing though. Ilde cares only for power and position, and the slightest notion that she can no longer have that with uncle Thorin, she will be off trying to get it somewhere else." Fili continued, as he gave (Y/n)'s hand a reassuring squeeze. Both brothers much happier, as they noticed the smile come back to their friend's face.

"Alright..........whatever you need me to do, I'll do.............." 

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