Queen of the wood - Part 4 - Thorin x Reader

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Everything in italics, is a flashback

"You're a hobbit........." The queen said, a little taken aback. Not expecting that such a thing would appear when she had spoken to the empty corridor.

"Well, aren't you a strange one to find in the company of dwarves." She continued, before placing her finger under the hobbits chin, and raising his head to look at her.

"And quite a handsome hobbit too. If you don't mind me saying." (Y/n) finding herself smiling, as the little man blushed all the more.

"My name is (Y/n)....." The queen introduced, placing her hand on her chest and nodding at the small man.

"Bilbo.........Bilbo Baggins, at your service, your grace......." Bilbo finally replied, as he bowed low.

"I thought I had felt something odd in the throne room when I went in to try and speak to Thorin. So, you know that I am the queen of the woodland realm?" (Y/n) asked, chuckling, as the halfling blushed once again.

"All is well, Master Baggins. Just know that unlike my beloved husband, I hold no ill will towards dwarves. In fact, until the sickness took Thrór, I have nothing but fond memories, of my visits to Erebor." (Y/n) explained, suddenly feeling a sadness overcome her, as she thought back to a time before the dragon.........


"My king............." A voice called out. Thrór, Thráin and Thorin turning to see Balin making his way to where the three stood. A smile coming to the old king's face, as he saw the much taller figure behind his advisor.

"The envoy from the Greenwood........" Balin continued with a smile and a respectful bow. Thrór taking a seat back on his throne, as Thráin moved to his right, and Thorin to his left; Balin stepping to the side and allowed the elven visitor to take a step forward.

"King Thrór.......... princes........"

"I am surprised that that king of yours still allows ya to come here............"

"I wouldn't be much of an envoy if I was couped up in the woods, now, would I? And as much as certain of my kin would wish me to remain under their watchful eye, one cannot refuse an invite to Erebor for the celebration of Durin's Day. Especially when the invite has come from the king himself." (Y/n) interjected, knowing full well that Thranduil had not been too pleased about the trip; but she had a job to do, and that was to keep the goodwill that she had built up between the elves of the woods, and the dwarves of the mountain, alive and well.

"I have long heard of the legendary celebrations for the day and cannot wait to prove that an elf can drink just as much as a dwarf can. That, and Master Dwalin has challenged me to a fight..........." The envoy continued with a chuckled, as Thrór slapped his knee, and let out a hearty laugh.

"And this is why I like this lass. She has tha heart of a dwarf.............."


(Y/n) stood and watched as the evening celebrations for Durin's Day, stepped up a pace. The tables that had been set out, groaned under the mountains of food, and barrels of ale had been cracked open to quench the thirst of all the guests. As much as she had always loved the celebrations for the Feast of Starlight, it was nothing when compared to this. (Y/n) sure that there were very few in Middle-Earth, that knew how to celebrate like the dwarves. Boisterous laughter filling the air, along with the music that was being played. The envoy looking on, as couples danced around the floor. (Y/n) still having to admit that if it weren't for the dresses that the dwarrowdams wore, she could still sometimes struggle to tell the females from their menfolk.

"Are you enjoying yourself............." Someone enquired, (Y/n) turning to see Thorin making his way to join her.

"Indeed, Prince Thorin, thank you. I had known that this evening would be a sight to behold; but it is already proving more than I could have imagined........."

"And this is only the start. The celebration will last for at least two more days............"

"Yes, Balin has already warned me. And I think it is a wonderful idea, why cram all your celebrating into just one day, when you can spread it over three or four." The elleth chuckled, as the prince handed her a mug of ale.

(Y/n) had to admit, as she and Thorin stood in a comfortable silence, watching the couples continue to dance, that there was something quite handsome about the dwarven prince. His thick dark hair, framing his bearded features perfectly; accentuating his beautiful eyes, and really rather sweet smile. The elleth finding it hard to believe that such a striking male was not courting. (Y/n) sure that if he were an elf, he would have found his princess, centuries ago. Yet a little part of her was glad that he hadn't; for it meant that she was not confronted by an angry dwarrowdam, every time that she and Thorin spoke. The envoy sure that female dwarves were even more formidable than their men.

"When are you to fight Dwalin............?"

"On the morrow.........That is if he can see straight by then.........." (Y/n) replied with yet another chuckle, as she and the prince looked over to where Dwalin was very much joining in with the celebrations.

"Though, if I find him still asleep under the tables, perhaps you and I could have a match instead? Both Balin and Dwalin have taken great delight in telling me what a force you are to be reckon with..........." She added, a large smile making its way onto her lips, as she looked down at the beautiful dwarf, whose eyes met hers.

"I would like that very much. But perhaps before we fight, you would do me the honour of a dance......." Thorin agreed, before holding out his hand for her to take. The envoy finishing her drink, and then allowing the prince to lead her to the floor...........


"My lady...........?" A concerned voice came. The queen shaking the thoughts from her mind.

"Forgive me, Master Baggins...........I have a notion what you and the others are doing. Please.......I do not need you to confirm or deny it." She continued, holding up her hand when Bilbo went to say something.

"I also have a feeling, that somehow, a certain grey wizard has something to do with all of this. And with all the best intentions, Mithrandir is wonderful at getting himself, and others into some sticky situations. So, you will need all the luck and help I can give you. But first, we have to get Thorin and the rest of the Company, out of Mirkwood; and I have an idea............." The queen added, patting the spot next to her on the seat, and smiling at the hobbit, as he came to join her.  

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