Dragon lover - Part 6 - Smaug x Reader

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For Estelle_Books

(Y/n) stared wide eyed at the room that Smaug had just escorted her to. From floor to ceiling it was full of jars of preserves. If it could be pickled, it was pickled. The whole scene bringing back memories of all the jars that her grandmother would keep in the basement of her home; but just on a much, much larger scale. For just like every other room that she had seen in the Lonely Mountain, it was huge.

"Take what you like..............." Smaug said, as he came up to her side. (Y/n) turning and smiling at the dragon, before making her way to the line of shelves and perusing the items; some she was sure could only be things that were of Middle-Earth; but others................her hand reaching for a large jar of pickles before she took a seat on the floor. Her legs crossing, as she placed the glass container on her lap. (Y/n) sure that at any moment her grandfather would walk through the door, grab one of the pickles from the jar, ruffle up her hair, and then take a seat in his old chair.

"As the new Queen under the Mountain, all of this belongs to you. Everything under this mountain, belongs to you..............."

"Does that include you............?" (Y/n) chuckled to herself. Her words coming out a little louder than she had wanted them to. A bright blush coming to her cheeks, as the dragon crouched down in front of her, and smiled.

She had of course been thinking about it since he had appeared in this new form; his eyes, that smile, that voice, all hard to ignore. As she had told him, she had always loved the dragon. The dragon that Tolkien had described as red and gold, with fiery breath, sharp claws, and a hide as strong as a diamond. But as he was now, well that was another thing all together; and as much as she liked the idea of spending as much time as possible with Smaug, in this form that desire had only grown.

"If the queen so wishes it.............." Smaug replied, as he reached out and touched her cheek. Her face sudden getting hotter, as she stared into his bright orbs and took in his words. This hardly the most romantic setting that she had ever been in; her sat in the floor like a child, cradling a jar of pickles on her lap. But she also had to say that she had had worse dates. The breath catching in her throat, as the handsome dragon allowed his fingers to move over her cheek and into her hair, pushing some stray strands back behind her ear. The two just looking at one another for a moment, before Smaug got to his feet. (Y/n) letting out a longing sigh, as he moved away.

"Now, eat. Appease your hunger. And when you are done, we still have so much more to see..........." Smaug informed her. (Y/n) nodding, before reaching her hand into the jar.


(Y/n) couldn't help but yawn. It had been a long day, and she had enjoyed every minute of it. Smaug proving himself to be more than 'a most specially greedy, strong and wicked worm', as Thorin had described him in the book. The last of the great fire drakes having made her laugh; having been most chivalrous and kind, as he had continued their tour of the Lonely Mountain. Showing her the seemingly bottomless mines, where the dwarves had discovered their gold, jewels, and Moria-silver. But now, as she moved into the side of the creature that had transformed back into his dragon form. Smaug bringing his tail around to encircle her; she couldn't help but feel her eyes grow heavy. The dragon chuckling deeply, as she yawned again, and snuggled a little more into his side.

"Tomorrow, you may do as you wish. Explore on your own if that is your desire. There is still much to see; more rooms that may hold things of interest for you..........." Smaug told her. (Y/n) nodding happily at the thought of being able to spend another day in the mountain. Yet as she was about to close her eyes for the night, a glint caught her attention. A glint from something that was not gold.

"What's that............?"

"What............?" Smaug countered, as his large eye watched his visitor clamber over his tail and make her way across the pile of gold on which they lay. The dragon pulling himself to his full height, as he saw what (Y/n) was looking at.

"It.........it can't be................" She continued, as she hesitated to reach out and touch the shimmering stone.

"It...........its the Arkenstone...............It has to be........." (Y/n) added. The breath catching in her throat, as she finally allowed her fingers to wrap around it. The stone glowing brightly and bathing the space in its brilliance, as she brought it up to look at it better.

In the film, it had been shown as just a rounded stone, appearing to her eyes, at least, like a glowing piece of beautiful opal. But this.......this had been fashioned. It had been expertly cut. It more than obvious why it was so important to the Thorin. Why it was considered a divine symbol for the King under the Mountain.

"It is yours if you want it. You are the queen............" Smaug suddenly growled, as (Y/n) continued to be captive by the jewel.

"No. No. I have no desire for this." (Y/n) quickly interjected, as she turned to look at the seemingly angry dragon.

"It is not my birthright. Though I can now understand why it was so important. But I have seen what it can do; and have no desire for it, nor the gold in this mountain. Being with you, being in this mountain, is more than I could ever have hoped for. Greater than any jewel." She explained, allowing the exquisite stone to fall from her hand and slip down the huge mound of gold, before she made her way back to the dragon. Climbing back over his tail and moving into his side, as the great drake resumed his previous position.

"Goodnight, Smaug.........." (Y/n) said, as she found the most comfortable spot and closed her eyes.

"Goodnight, my queen.........." The great dragon replied. A smile pulling at his scaled lips, before he too closed his eyes. 

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