Bearing gifts - Fili x Reader

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I am combining a request for Moonqueen84 with a hint of a Christmas tale. Hope you enjoy.

The Company sat silently around the fire. It had been a difficult day, not just because they had had to fight off a large pack of wargs and their riders, but more so because today was Mahal's Day.

Mahal's Day to dwarves was one of the most important days of the year. It was a day to honour the maker. A day when families from across the length and breadth of Middle Earth would come together and celebrate. A day that friends and loved ones would exchange gifts. A day that would bring with it the usual raucous dwarven festivities. Food and drink the centre of day. And it was also a day that was seen as the most blessed when it came to marriages. A day that many a male dwarf would wait for in order to ask a dwarrowdam if he could court her. And the fact that they were missing all of that. That they were so far from the lives that they had made for themselves. All these elements had come together to make the day the worst that the Company had had since they left the Shire with Bilbo in tow. Even the Hobbit finding himself feeling quite dower. He, along with the dwarves missing all those that they had left behind. Their thoughts, their minds drifting off to the Blue Mountains and their homes. To mothers and fathers. To little ones, and to the beautiful maids that might as well be a world away. And Fili...........well, Fili was thinking about that, more than most.

Not long before he and Kili had left their home in the Blue Mountains to join their uncle, Fili had asked the love of his life if he could court her. His heart soaring higher than the heavens when she had allowed him to place his bead in her hair. The promise that when he and the others had helped Thorin reclaim Erebor, that the two would be wed, the last words to leave his lips before he had taken his leave. His loves cries filling the air as she had watched the two princes walk away.

(Y/n)............what could Fili say about (Y/n)? There were no words that he knew of in any tongue that could sufficiently describe the beautiful creature that he had left behind. He and Kili had known her since they were young and from the moment that they had met, it was obvious to all that Fili was smitten. That (Y/n) was smitten. The pair spending nearly as much time together as the brothers did with one another. So, to say that he missed her, that at this moment he wished that he had never left her, would be an understatement. The pale haired prince slowly reaching into his pocket and pulling out a scrap of parchment. The image on the now slightly tattered and torn piece of paper on one hand making his heart beat quicker, and yet, on the other, it made his heart break.

"Who's that.............? She looks very beautiful............" A soft enquiring voice came. Fili wiping a tear from his eye before turning to look at the hobbit that was sat by his side.

"This...........this is (Y/n). And yes, she is beautiful. She............she is my betrothed. I promised her that when we take back Erebor, we would be wed..........." Fili explained, as he handed the little burglar the drawing. Kili placing a reassuring hand on his brother's arm, as he saw another tear form at the corner of Fili's eye. Kili knew how hard it had been for Fili to leave (Y/n). Knew that his brother had wanted his bride to be on the journey with them, and he had done his best to keep his brother's thoughts on the task at hand. Yet today, today Kili knew that it was only right that Fili though about her. That they all thought about the ones that they loved and had left behind.

"Finally! There you are. Thank the Mahal. I could have sworn that that wizard had sent me on a wild goose chase..................." A soft voice suddenly came, delicately forcing away the awful silence that had fallen over the Company. The dwarves leaping to their feet and grabbing for their weapons, as a figure appeared from the gloom.

"(Y...............Y/n)? Is that you..................?" Fili enquired in utter disbelief as he pushed his way past his uncle and Dwalin. Forcing the pair to lower their weapons, as the beauteous dwarrowdam came fully into view.

"Well, who else would it be, you silly dwarf..............?" (Y/n) chuckled. A broad smile gracing her features, as she took in the startled faces of the dwarves before her.

"And............may I ask as to why you are here?" Thorin enquired. Doing his best to sound annoyed at the fact that (Y/n) was there. The heir to the Lonely Mountain in truth more than happy to see his sister-sons betrothed. The sudden appearance of the dwarrowdam appearing to change the mood of the entire Company.

" was the wizard. He told me that you would be here today and that I should come. That you would have need of me. And I come bearing gifts from home. I couldn't let this day pass without bringing you all something." (Y/n) explained. The female dwarf suddenly finding herself surrounded by the Company, each asking about their homes, about friends and loved ones, as she took a bag from her back and handed out the gifts that she had been given to bring to the brave souls that journeyed to reclaim the Mountain.

"And what about me...........? What gift do you have for me...........?" Fili enquired, as the others finally moved away and took a seat back around the fire. Each of them looking at the other's gifts. The mood in the camp now much more festive. The others chuckling, as Kili looked at the pair of oversized mittens that he had been given, that had obviously been knitted by his mother.

"For you, my love, I am afraid that I do not have a gift in the traditional sense." (Y/n) replied, as she turned her bag upside down to show Fili that there was nothing left.

"But...............I do have something for you." She continued, as she moved towards him. Fili's eyes closing as her lips delicately kissed his.

"Happy Mahal's Day, my dearest love." (Y/n) added, as Fili pulled her close. His fingers combing through her hair as she rested her head on his shoulder. The prince sure that no matter what was to come, no matter what the journey had in store for them, today had become the best Mahal's Day ever.  

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