Stone - Part 2 - Aragorn x Reader

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Second part of the request from crap_shit. Hope that you all enjoy.

Aragorn, Gandalf, and the others made their way into the forest. Not one of them had slept. Each one had lay awake, contemplating what they were going to see. Whether the Stone Witch would be as fearsome as the legend would have them believe. Even though they had already been through so much. Even though they had been surrounded by death and the horrors of the dark lord. The fear that sat in all their hearts as they made their way through the trees, was palpable. Their hands sweating as they gripped to the handles of their blades.

Gandalf had had each one polish their swords, daggers and even Gimli's axe, until they could see their reflections in the metal. Told them that at the slightest rustle of the trees, or crunch of a fallen leaf, they should not look up. That they should turn their backs and use their blades to see behind them. That being the only way that the princess could not inflict her curse upon them. Yet this had not made any of them feel any easier. And as the sound of bird song and chirping insects slowly began to die away. Each was sure that the terrible witch would find them from the sound of their violently pounding hearts.

"Why didn't you tell them the whole story?" Aragorn whispered, as he and Gandalf pushed their way through the branches and thick bracken.

"Would the whole story change anything, Aragorn? And the whole story or not. The princess would still be cursed. The truth that a line of the Dúnedain descend from her and her prince would not change that. And the others have no need to know that little known fact. It has no bearing on the task at hand." Gandalf replied, turning to look at Aragorn as he stopped dead in his tracks. A small rustle attracting the vigilant ranger's attention.

Gandalf knew the full story better than most. That the princess had produced a child with her lover before Sauron had taken her. That a line of the Dúnedain owed their very existence to the cursed creature that called Fangorn, home. And he also knew, that even though Aragorn's line were not direct descendants of the lady. Many still felt a strong connection to the myth and the once breathtaking woman. Men including Aragorn's own father, and Isildur himself, were even known to wear charms that depicted snakes, around their person for protection.

"I just........I suppose not. you think that she will know? That she will be able to tell that we have a connection? That I am Dúnedain?" Aragorn asked. The ranger having a feeling that even though the ancient creature had spent most of her days in hiding. That somehow, she would know.

"If it helps, then let us hope so." Gandalf told him. Aragorn nodding in agreement as the two made their way to catch up with the others who had forged ahead.


"How much further?" Merry groaned. Huffing at Pippin as he dodged a branch that his cousin had just let go.

"Be quiet. I see a light." Legolas said in reply. The elf hushing the hobbits as he pulled his blade from it sheath and used the glistening metal surface to survey the scene.

"It's a small clearing. I see a fire and a.............."Legolas began, before dropping his blade to his side. The Sindar prince not expecting to see what he had just seen.

"And a what? Damn elf." Gimli growled. Moving the blade of his axe so that he could see what Legolas had just seen.

"'s a woman. But she's glowing. She......she looks.........." Gimli spluttered out. The rest now using their own blades to see what the dwarf and elf appeared to have lost the use of their tongues over.

There in the clearing, in the deepest, darkest part of the forest sat a young woman. Her form glowing softly in the gloom as she sat atop a tree stump next to the fire. Her exquisite beauty obvious, despite the blindfold that covered her eyes.

"I believe that we should go and introduced ourselves." Gandalf said with a soft smile. The wizard placing his blade back in its scabbard, before slowly and carefully pushing his way into the clearing. The Ishtar completely ignoring the others whispered calls as he made his way over to the beautiful woman.

"Who's there. Please. I cannot see." The woman said. Her melodious voice making the old wizards heart skip a beat as she held out her hand. Seemingly touching at the air as Gandalf came to a stop.

"We mean you no harm............"

"We? Make the others appear. Or their will be consequences." The young woman ordered as she got to her feet. Pointing her long staff towards the wizard.

"Why are you all here? No one has been foolish enough to come to this sanctuary for a very long time. She doesn't like visitors. And she likes even less, those that have been sent to kill her. These woods are littered with the stone remains of creatures that dare to think that they could destroy her. A warning to all those that dare enter. So, I would advise you to all turn and leave." The young woman explained as the others moved out into the clearing to join Gandalf.

"We mean the princess no harm, I assure you. We just wish to speak to her on a matter of grave importance.............."

"And whom might you be, anyway? We aren't here ta answer ta a mere slip of a girl. We are ere ta see tha witch." Gimli interrupted the wizard. Stepping forward and moving closer to the young woman. The dwarf feeling his usual gruff bravado return.

"It has nothing to do with you, who I am, dwarf. And you will not be seeing the princess. You know, I can smell your kind. I can smell all of you. Dwarves always bring that terrible stench of the earth. The deepest, darkest, dampest earth with them. A stench that makes this sanctuary feel like the grave. And there is an elf in your company. The smell of Lembas bread hangs heavy in the air whenever your kind come into these woods. There are two here that I do not recognise. A kind that has never been to this sanctuary before. Perhaps they are the only two intelligent ones among you. And then there.................." The young woman retorted angrily as she pushed Gimli back with her staff. Her tirade stopping as she came to stand before Aragorn.

" I smell............" She continued softly. Dropping her staff and raising her hands. Her fingers delicately ghosting over a shocked Aragorn's features.

"A Dúnedain. And a handsome one at that. But I should not be surprised, many of your kind were. One in particular was greater than any other..........." The woman hummed. Aragon's heart almost bursting from his chest as her body pressed up against his. The most beautiful smile the ranger had ever seen brightening her face, as her fingers became entangles in his hair.

"Why do you wish to see the princess? If you are not here to kill her, there seems little other reason to make your way here. So, state your business before I change my mind and do let you see her." The woman asked, as she turned her attention from Aragorn back to the wizard behind her.

"We have come to ask for her help............"

"Help? After all these eons of being hunted. Of being a creature that was feared and reviled. Of having to hide because the outside world wanted to do nothing more than destroy her. The world has finally come to ask for her help. And what would you possibly think could make the princess want to aid you?" The woman scoffed in reply, as she made her way to sit back on her tree stump.

"The one thing that is more important to her than to anyone else in Middle earth. The destruction of Sauron." Gandalf informed her. The young woman's breath catching in her throat as she heard the name she had never wanted to hear again.

"Then wizard, I will allow you to see the princess. But rest assured, she is not as sweet natured as I am."

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