Blacksmith - Part 9 - Thorin x Reader

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Dis couldn't help but chuckle as she was nearly balled over by her two sons. She couldn't express how good it was to see them again. How many times that she had feared that she had lost not only them, but her brother. Yet now, after all this time, here they were back in her arms; admittedly looking as though they needed a good meal or two, but she would soon put that to rights.

"Ya here................" Fili finally managed to say, as he pulled away from his mother.

"We thought ya might not be coming..............." Kili added, a large smile spreading across his face as his mother pulled his coat tighter around him.

"And why would ya think something so foolish? We may not have been here ta help ya take it back from that accursed beast, but this Mountain is as much mine and (Y/n)'s home, as it is anyone's............"

"(Y/n).........? Where is she..................?" Kili continued as he looked around, suddenly realising that he hadn't seen his friend.

"I'm here. Where else do you think I'd be, Kili Durin.............?" A voice came, accompanied by a rather heavy and uncomfortable sigh.

"Now, will one of you help me out of this damn carriage." (Y/n) added as she opened the door fully. Fili and Kili's eyes almost popping out of their heads, as they saw her.

"(Y/n). Ya...........ya.............."

"I'm what, Fili.........? Will you spit it out............."

"Ya pregnant............." Kili blurted out, as their friend did her best to manoeuvre herself and the very large bump, through the small doorway. Both princes looking at one another for a moment before racing to her aid. The pair helping her down to the ground.

"Well done, Kili...........tell me, what gave it away.............?" (Y/n) retorted, a little gruffer than she had meant to. But given the fact that she and Dis had been in that carriage for so long, and she was hungry, she hadn't been able to stop herself.

"But how...............?"

"Aren't you both a little too old for me to start having to explain all that.........but at this moment in time, I feel like it was the Mountain itself that I spent the night with, not Thorin.........So, I would really appreciate a hug and then something to eat. I swear that when this child comes out, it will be bigger than Bombur." (Y/n) added. Her frown now a smile, as she opened up her arms. The two princes embracing her much more carefully than they had their mother.

"Does uncle know.............?" Kili enquired, only to glare at his older brother when he found himself hit around the back of the head.

"How could uncle know? Don't ya think he would have told us if he did." Fili replied, the two brothers turning to look at one another. Looking like they were going to end up tussling like they did when they were younger. (Y/n) the one that would have to break them up then too.

"Can you not do this now............I would really like to see Thorin.........." (Y/n) interrupted. The two princes realising themselves, as (Y/n) and their mother looked at them. Fili and Kili quickly taking one of the young dwarrowdam's arms each and helping her to the entrance to the Mountain, as their mother proudly led the way.


Thorin sat in his chair, Balin going over all the things that the King had to deal with that day. About the numbers of dwarves that had returned to the Mountain over the time since the battle. About the importance of continuing the relations between Erebor and Dale, Thorin barely listening as he drifted off into his thoughts.

Throughout the journey to reclaim their home, one of the things that had kept the new King going, that had helped him survive the fight with Azog, was (Y/n). The images of his beautiful half dwarf, naked in his arms the night before he had set off to see if the rumours about his father being seen in Dol Guldur, were true, pushing him on; the desire to see her face again, to once again feel her body against his, a driving force behind all he had done.

He had known that it was uncustomary for them to know one another before they were wed, but he hadn't been able to help himself. His bride to be, was all he had ever wanted; she was the sweetest, most wonderful and breathtaking female that he had ever met. And the thought of leaving her to find his father had made him want to bed her, so that if something were to happen, they would both have that moment. Their time together the most glorious that he had spent. But instead of returning to her as he had promised, he had met the wizard and the quest had begun. Thorin not sure if his queen would ever truly forgive him for leaving her without a word. If she would forgive him for nearly dying at the hand of the Defiler. The King just hoping that she would still love him despite the fact that he had abandoned her. That she would listen when he explained that he had done this, reclaimed their home, for her, for any possible children they might have. But to answer those questions, to see if she did still love him, she would have to get to the Mountain; Thorin having been counting the days since he had sent word to his sister that he wanted her and (Y/n) to join him. Each day seeming to get longer, as he continued to wait.

"Thorin.............." A soft voice came. The king turning to look at Balin.

"She'll be here soon. That lass loves ya more than life itself. She might not forgive ya right away, as she is Grison's daughter; but she'll still love ya............" Balin reassured as he placed his hand on Thorin's arm. The king nodding slowly and hoping that his old friend was right.

"Will you two please stop fussing. I am not going to break...............!" A voice suddenly exclaimed from beyond the room. The sound making Thorin jump to his feet and race for the door. The king throwing open the ingress to see the smiling face of his sister. To see the concerned looks of his nephews; and then, as Fili and Kili moved apart, Thorin saw her. Saw his beautiful dwarrowdam. His eyes widening as his nephews helped her forward and he looked upon her form. Thorin overcome with guilt and joy, as he slowly made his way towards her. 

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