Dragon clan - Part 6 - Bilbo x Thorin x Reader

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Bombur suddenly sat bolt upright, his nose sniffing at the air. The sun was only just coming up over the horizon, yet there was a wonderful smell of food drifting from somewhere not too far away. A smell of food that had nothing to do with rabbit. The redheaded dwarf quickly getting to his feet.

"Bomb................." Bofur began, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he looked up at his brother. Bombur not hearing anything, just letting his nose lead him away.

"What is he doing..........?" Nori asked, his brows furrowed with confusion as he came over to join Bofur. The others beginning to stir, as Bombur made his way out of the clearing.

"I don't know; but I think that smell might have something to do with it." Bofur replied, as he got to his feet and followed his brother. The others looking at one another before they all quickly made their way after the brothers.


(Y/n) sat next to the fire that she had started; it hadn't taken her long to catch all that she needed; and given that she knew of the dwarven dislike for anything green and healthy, all she had to do was make sure that the fish were cleaned and cooked for when the Company rose.

She couldn't help but smile a little, as she turned over the silvery catch. She knew that it wasn't much, but Thorin had made a sign that he was perhaps beginning to accept her by allowing her to eat with them, so she thought that this would show him that she felt no ill will against the dwarves. That despite what happened at Bag End, and despite what they might think of her, of her kind, of the way that she looked, she had every intention of helping them, of helping Bilbo with the dragon.

"What's this..................?" Someone enquired. The dragon child quickly getting to her feet, as she saw the all the dwarves looking at her. Thorin stepping forward.

"Well, I know it may be a little early, but I believe that it is what hobbits would call breakfast................"

"Is that all for you................?" Kili enquired, as he joined his uncle. The dark-haired prince licking his lips at the sight.

"What..........? No..............no, I caught them for you........all of you. I had a feeling that the day might be a long one, and I believe that dwarves, just like hobbits, like to have a full belly. I know that it isn't rabbit, but........." (Y/n) explained, unable to say anything more, as the dwarves surged forward and grabbed for the cooked fish. All of them sitting down and stripping every last bit the milky flesh from the tiny bones. Muttering to one another about all of it.

"You have to love dwarf manners." The dragon child chuckled, as she handed Bilbo his breakfast. The pair sitting down on an old log not far from the others.

"How did you catch all these...........with a rod and line............?" The hobbit enquired cheerily. Happy to have something to stop his stomach from grumbling, before they set off for another long day's trek. Bilbo wondering if she had found a good branch and some twine.

"Oh, I don't need a rod. I am a very good swimmer. I actually love the water. I catch them by going to them, not by trying to get them to come to me........" (Y/n) explained. Bilbo smiling, wondering if he would ever stop finding out new things about his prettiest travelling companion. The pair looking up, as a shadow seemed to loom over them. A very happy looking Bombur standing in front of them; suddenly holding out a fish on a stick.

"For you..................." The redheaded simply stated. His cheeks glowing an even brighter red than his beard and hair, as (Y/n) smiled at him.

"Oh, no, no, you have it Bombur. I have already had one, and I caught a couple more just for you............" The dragon child told him. Bombur's smile getting bigger, before nodding with thanks and taking a bite of the grilled fish. Making his way back to join his brother and the others.

"Looks like you have made a good impression..............." Bilbo said, a little part of him wishing that Bombur had offered him the other fish.

"Well, any impression has to be better than the first one. And I really should have known that the way to win dwarves over, was to feed them. Even Oakenshield looks like he has a slight smile on his face. You know........its a shame that he doesn't smile more. He quite suits it when he does..........."

"You like him...............!"

"What............? Who.........?"

"I can't believe that you like him..................."

"Like whom...............?" Another voice interjected. (Y/n) and Bilbo this time looking up to see Thorin standing over them. The dragon child and hobbit turning to one another; both of them trying to think of something suitable to say. Something so that Bilbo didn't have to tell the would be King under the Mountain that he meant him; and (Y/n), so that she wouldn't have to confess that the observant hobbit was right, that she did like Thorin. That in fact, as far as dwarves went, Thorin Oakenshield, son of Thráin, son of Thrór, had to be quite the most handsome one that she had ever come across. Even if he could be a little grumpy at times. Even though he had, up until last night, made it quite clear that he wasn't overly keen on what she was.

"Gandalf.............Bombur............" (Y/n) and Bilbo blurted out at the same time. Causing Thorin to quirk a brow. The pair suddenly finding themselves laughing at the rather confused looking prince. Thorin finding himself laughing along; the sound quite infectious. Thorin not sure when the last time was that he had laughed like this. Not sure the last time that he had felt unburdened enough to laugh like this.

After listening to (Y/n) and Bilbo talk the night before, he had begun to have a change of heart about the dragon child. Begun to see, that despite what she was, she wasn't so different from them. That in this big world, they were as lost as she was. The dwarven prince finding his heart going out to her; Thorin in his own way, feeling as alone as she must. That they both had their burdens to bare. Burdens that weighed heavily on them; but she could still smile, still laugh. So, perhaps he should try and be a little more like her. Perhaps that would be the best way to get through this.

"Would you mind if I joined you?" Thorin finally asked, as the laughter died down. Bilbo and (Y/n) looking at one another, before moving apart to make enough room for the prince to sit between them. 

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