Healer - Part 5 - Bard x Reader

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"Bard? What is all this?" (Y/n) asked, as she reached out and took the Master of Dale's hand. Letting Bard lead her over to one of the two chairs set out at the small table, as she looked around the room in amazement. The lights from the little candles reminding her of her youth and family. Of the celebrations of the elves, and the stars in the night sky. The half-elven quite taken aback by how beautiful the little family home appeared. A family home that she could only wish was also hers.

"I thought that you deserved something special, (Y/n). You have done so much for the people here. For Sigrid, Bain and Tilda. For me. And I just wanted to show you how much all of that means to us. To me. That, and today is a special day." Bard explained. A small smile pulling at the corners of his lips, as the half-elven furrowed her brows. (Y/n) trying to remember if she had forgotten something. And if she had, what it was.

"It is the anniversary of the day that we first met. The first day that I saw you, as I sailed up the river." Bard explained. A blush creeping onto her cheeks as (Y/n) realised that he was right.

"How could I forget. But I thought that you had never noticed me that day. I swear that you never looked up from the barrels you were moving.............."

"How could I not notice you? You were.........are the most beautiful creature that I have ever seen, (Y/n)..................."

"Then why didn't you say something? I thought that you must be mute for your first few visits. That I must appear awful in your eyes. It was if I weren't even there. I tried everything to make you notice me. I would wear all my best gowns. Placed only the most perfect of blooms in my hair. It wasn't until I actually made my way over to greet you, that you even seemed to look up from your work. And then it took me even longer to get you to talk to me. I thought that you must hate me..............."

"What......? I could never hate you, (Y/n). From the first moment I saw you, you were the only thing I saw. The only thing that I wanted to see. I must confess that I didn't appear to look at you, because I feared that if I did, I wouldn't ever be able to look away. I didn't speak to you, because I was afraid that the words would get lost. That I would never be able to tell you what I really wanted to tell you." Bard interjected. The new Master of Dale hating the idea that the half elven would even think for a moment that he could possibly do anything but love her. His hands reaching out to take hers. His thumb brushing gently over her soft flesh.

"Oh Bard. I knew as soon as I saw you that day, that I had to get to know you. That no matter how many handsome ellons there were in Mirkwood. Not one of them could come close to you, in my eyes. When I knew that you would be making your way up the river, my heart would always skip a beat. I would race to the docks, ignoring the disapproving looks of my kin, just so that I could be there when you arrived. Just so that I could be the first one that you saw." (Y/n) replied. Her fingers slowly intertwining those of the man by her side.

"But what...........what was it that you really wanted to tell me. What was it that you feared would get lost.......?" The half-elven continued. Her brows furrowing slightly, as Bard turned his eyes to the floor for a moment.

"I wanted..........I wanted to tell you..........something I should have also told you the day that you rode into Dale. Something that I should have told you every day since. I.......I love you (Y/n). From that first moment I saw you on the dock, I knew that I loved you. That I would always love you. That I would never want to be without you. When Smaug destroyed Lake Town. When the battle was in full force, I feared that I would never get to see you again. That I would die, and you would never know how I felt. And I promised myself that if I was ever lucky enough to see you again, I would tell you. Yet even when you arrived here, all that time ago, I still didn't tell you because I was afraid that you might not feel the same. That you would not want to sacrifice your elven life for one with me. But I can't keep it inside me anymore. I love you. I want to spend the rest of my days with you in my arms. I want you to be my bride." Bard explained. The Master of Dale finally daring to look up at the beautiful creature that was still holding his hand. Her look of confusion and concern turning to one of joy, as her hands carefully moved to cup his face.

"I will sacrifice my forever, for a mortal forever. Happily, joyfully, and without regret, as long as I am with you. I will gladly surrender all my immortal days, for a mortal life. A mortal love. I love you, Bard. I love your children as if they were my own. I don't want to be anywhere but here with you. To be with anyone but you." (Y/n) told him, as she moved and took a pendant from around her neck. Holding the piece up for Bard to see, before placing it over the Master of Dale's head, and resting it around his neck.

"This is the symbol of Rohan. It was my fathers. He gave it to my mother the day they were wed. The day that he promised to love her for all his days to come. And she gave it to me when she journeyed to the Undying Lands. Now, I think that it is only right that I present it to the man that I wish to spend all my days to come, with." (Y/n) explained. The half-elven smiling as Bard took her into his arms. The Master of Dale determining to tell her every day that he loved her in every way possible, as he pulled the little box from his pocket and placed the golden ring on her finger. The bowman promising to never let her go, as the children came to join them. The half-elven overjoyed to finally have the man, the family that she had wanted for so long. 

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