Water Maiden - Part 2 - Bilbo x Reader

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"Ow!" (Y/n) suddenly yelped, as she tried to move. The hobbit dropping to his knees by her side.

"Is everything alright. What's wrong?" Bilbo asked, as (Y/n) tentatively moved her hand away from a large gash that cut through the shimmering scales that covered her long tail.

"I hurt myself when I got caught. Some of the branches and rocks tore at my tail, and I don't think that I can swim." (Y/n) explained, as Bilbo hesitantly touched the tender area around the torn, blooded spot. (Y/n) flinching every time he got a little close to the damaged scales.

Bilbo wasn't quite sure what to do. It was obvious that the water maiden was in pain. That if she said that she couldn't swim, then he was sure that she was telling the truth. Yet how he could help her, he didn't know. It wasn't as though he could just carry her through the Shire to Bag End. It wasn't as though, even if he could carry her, that they wouldn't be noticed. (Y/n) seemed even taller than an elf, and legs or tail, she would certainly create quite a stir. But he wanted to help, needed to help. (Y/n) was already the best thing to happen in his life since he had returned from the Lonely Mountain. And even though he had met a skin changer that could transform into a huge bear. Even though he had seen the beautiful elves of Rivendell and Mirkwood. Even though he had flown on giant eagles, faced wargs, orcs, trolls, giant spiders and a fire breathing dragon. This water maiden was the most interesting, beautiful, and unique creature that he had ever laid eyes on. And he knew that whatever he had to do; he was going to get to know her better.

"You can come and stay with me until you are better, if you like." Bilbo suddenly blurted out. (Y/n) turning her attention from her injured tail to the Hobbit knelt by her side.

It had been many a moon since she had been on dry land. It wasn't impossible, though it would be strange. And given the fact that she couldn't swim until her injury was better, as well as she knew no one else that could possibly aide her. This seemed like her best and only option. Plus, the little man was giving her such a sweet hesitant smile, that she couldn't help but want to agree.

"If you can help me get far enough away from the water, and bring me something to dry my tail with, it will turn into legs. Oh, and I will need something to wear. I will be completely naked once my tail is gone." (Y/n) explained. Bilbo gulping, and glowing bright red at the idea of a laying eyes on the full glory of the water maiden.

"I er..........yes. Towel. Clothes." Bilbo has mumbled to himself, as he got to his feet, wondering how he was ever going to clothe a creature that was even taller than an elf, when all he had was his own clothing.

"I have an idea!" Bilbo suddenly exclaimed, making to run back to Bag End as quickly as he could.

"Bilbo." (Y/n) called out. The hobbit stopping dead in his tracks as he suddenly remembered that (Y/n) needed help to move away from the water.

"You stay here. I'll be back as quickly as I can." Bilbo told the water maiden as he helped her to settle under the ancient oak where he had cast his line. The hobbit surveying the scene to make sure that no one else was around, before racing off back to his home.


Bilbo raced through Hobbiton as quickly as his little legs could carry him. Completely ignoring the looks and shouts of the others as he sped past. He needed to get back to Bag End. He needed to get back to (Y/n) before anyone else saw her. The hobbit not sure how the rest of the Shire folk would react to seeing something like the creature he had just been speaking to. Something as unique as the woman whose smile had made his heart skip a beat.

Throwing open the door of Bag End, Bilbo raced inside. The hobbit pulling the clean, crisp sheets from his bed; hoping that the linen would be enough to cover (Y/n)'s body. Bilbo grabbing towels and bandages before he stormed back out of the front door.

Making his way back to the river, Bilbo could hear the sound of a melodious singing voice drifting through the ether. The beautiful noise pushing him to run just a little faster. The song drawing him back to the water maiden that was waiting for him.

"(Y/n). Are.....are you alright?" Bilbo managed to gasp out as he tried to regain his breath. Her beautiful smile once again making his heart skip a beat.

"I'm fine, Bilbo. It is such a beautiful day that I couldn't help but sing. Though I do feel a little strange being out of the water. It's a long time since I have been on dry land like this." (Y/n) replied. The water maiden grimacing a little as she tried to move her injured tail.

"I.......I brought you these. I know that they're not perfect, but it's the best I can do at the moment. And I brought a towel so that you can dry yourself, and bandages for the wound." Bilbo told her as he placed the linen in (Y/n)'s hand. The hobbit not failing to notice that the colour of her tail had begun to change, and the tiny incandescent scales seeming to disappear. Making it obvious that the sun had already begun to dry out the flowing appendage.

"Thank you, Bilbo. I am sure that they will be perfect. But.......well, I'll need just a few moments." (Y/n) replied. Her cheeks blushing a subtle shade of pink as the hobbit realised what she was referring to. Bilbo trying to find a suitable place to wait so that she could finish drying, and then clothe herself in his bed sheets.

Bilbo sat on the riverbank; his feet dipped into the water below. A small smile on his lips as he heard (Y/n) begin to sing again. He couldn't help but wonder about what (Y/n) would look like once her tail was gone. Then he couldn't help but wonder how he was going to be able to accommodate something as tall as (Y/n) in his tiny home. If Gandalf crashed his head into the roof beams and light fittings, then it seemed obvious that (Y/n) would have similar issues. But as he heard her call out his name, he forgot about any problems and turned his mind instead to all the possibilities.

Bilbo stood there in disbelief. His eyes growing wide as he looked at the vision before him. A little part of him wanted to chuckle at the fact that the water maiden wobbled on her long legs like a newly born foal. But the rest of him was lost in the full wonder of what he was witnessing. (Y/n) had somehow managed to drape his simple white sheets around her, so that they resembled a flowing gown that he had last seen in Rivendell. Her hair seemed now to have taken on the colour of the water. The locks tumbling over her shoulders in glorious hues of blues and greens. And her dark eyes appeared to sparkle in a kaleidoscope of colours.

"Can you walk, (Y/n)?" Bilbo eventually enquired, as he shook the thoughts of her beauty from his mind. And turned them to more practical matters.

"I think so. I haven't used my legs for a very long time, and I'm a little wobbly. But I think I'll be able to walk. It's just the injury that hurts." (Y/n) told him. Bilbo finally noticing the tinge of scarlet that was beginning to stain the white linen.

"Let's get you to Bag End, (Y/n). I'll try and help when we get there." Bilbo replied as he grabbed his rod and basket. Placed (Y/n)'s arm on his shoulder and began to move slowly. The unusual pair winding their way back to his home.     

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