A find in the woods - Part 2 - Bilbo x Reader

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Apologies for this being a little shorter, but I want to finish this in a sweet third and final chapter. I hope that you still enjoy.

(Y/n) smiled, as she watched Bilbo take teacups and saucers from the little cupboard, as he waited for the kettle to boil. Fussing around just like his mother used to do when she was tiny. Her heart beating a little quicker as Bilbo began to sing quietly under his breath. A soft sigh leaving her lips, as she took all of her little friend in. To her, there had always been something special about Bilbo Baggins. Always something that had drawn her to him. And over the years, as she had grown, that special pull had turned into love. Well, at least on her part it had.

Her mother, Tulip, had always been quite open with (Y/n) about what she really was and where she had come from. Admittedly, it wasn't something that she could hide. (Y/n) was a member of the race of men, surrounded by Hobbits, and it had been quite obvious from a very young age. For even though she wasn't overly tall for one of her kind, her lack of large hairy feet and slightly pointy ears, gave away that she wasn't like all of those that surrounded her. Not that the wonderful Hobbits that she saw as family, had ever made her feel like she was anything but one of them. Especially not her favourite little Hobbit.

From the moment that she could remember, she had known that Bilbo had been the one that had found her. Tulip telling her that he had been the one that had brought her back to the Shire and given her to her mother. Had given her the life that she loved so much. Telling her that he would come around every day and make sure that his little find in the woods was alright. Even staying to help Tulip look after her. And later, he would come over and play with her for hours. Telling the little (Y/n) all about being a Hobbit. He and her mother the ones that had introduced her to the delights of breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner and supper. In fact, between them, they had introduced her to all the best things about being a hobbit. Admittedly, even though she had always felt welcome in the Shire, always felt as though she belonged, some things had been a little difficult for her as she had got older, or should that be taller. Her mother always having to make her new clothes, because she "grew like a weed". She the only one that would bump her head on ceilings and walk into doorways, even from a young age. But no matter the difficulties. No matter her bumps and bruises, Bilbo would always be there to make her smile. He would always make her laugh. (Y/n) always sure that the fact that he had been the one to find her in the woods that day, had given them a special connection. A connection that had always kept them close. A connection that she wanted to last for the rest of her days. Yet Bilbo being Bilbo seemed to be blissfully unaware as to her feelings for him. The situation made worse by the fact that all those that she had grown with, were now falling in love, and even marrying. (Y/n) having to hide the tears whenever she would watch her friends dancing and laughing with one another at get togethers. Whenever she would catch a glimpse of their stolen kisses. The only daughter of man in the Shire, having a terrible feeling that she would never get to know that joy.

(Y/n) knew that Tulip and Bilbo's mother, Belladonna, had always spoke about she and Bilbo being together. That they would make a perfect match. That Belladonna would love to call her daughter despite the difference between her and the others. But nothing had ever come of their mother's beliefs. And now (Y/n) feared that it never would. The smile dropping from her lips, as she contemplated a time when Bilbo would find himself a female hobbit of his own. Not sure what she would do without him.

"(Y/n)? Is everything alright?" Bilbo suddenly asked, as he turned to bring the teacups to the table. The Hobbit slightly concerned by the look on his best friend's face.

"What..........? Oh, yes...........I'm fine, Bilbo. I was just...........I was just thinking................I was just thinking about and Bruno and Hilda's wedding celebrations tomorrow. It should be wonderful. They were made for one another those two." (Y/n) replied, allowing a small smile back onto her face, as Bilbo took a seat across from her.

Of course, Bilbo had somehow forgotten about their friend's wedding the next day. The Shire was filled with visitors from far and wide for the upcoming nuptials. Relatives seeming to be coming out from behind every tree, much to Bilbo's chagrin. But perhaps that would be the best place to tell (Y/n) how he felt. To tell her that he wanted to spend the rest of the days with her. His find in the woods.

"Yes.............you are still coming with me aren't you................?" Bilbo asked, giving (Y/n) a hopeful look.

"Of course, Bilbo. There is no one else that I would rather go with.............."  

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