Not all who wander - Part 6 - Éomer x Aragorn x Reader

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Everything in italics is Sindarin

"Aragorn............?" (Y/n) gasped; the smiling King of Gondor nodding, as he got to his feet. The half-elven rushing over to him. The former Ranger holding her in his arms; it having been quite some time since he had seen the beautiful elleth.

"Yes, wanderer, it is me.............." Aragorn replied, as he pulled away just enough so that he could look at her properly. The half-elven not having changed any, not that he would have expected her to, since he had last laid eyes on her.

"Éomer didn't tell me that it was you that was coming to see him. If I had known, I would have tried to get away from Renia sooner..............."

"Renia? Is he still biting people............?"

"Aragorn, you know he only bites people he doesn't like or trust. He never bit you or Legolas, and he certainly never bit Arwen.........And speaking of Arwen, is she with you? I would so like to see her again............"

"I am afraid that she remained in Gondor, though I am sure that when she knows that you are now living here, she will do all she can to come and see you.............." Aragorn replied. A sudden, slightly irritated cough causing he and (Y/n) to turn and see Éomer staring blankly at them. The pair having quite forgotten for the moment that they were not only not alone, but also that poor Éomer had no idea what they were talking about.

"Forgive me, Éomer.........." (Y/n) said, as she pulled herself away from one king, and made her way over to another. The half-elven curtsying politely, before giving the handsome man her best smile. Aragorn doing his best not to laugh, as he saw the look on Éomer's face. It now more obvious than ever, that his friend was completely smitten.

"It has been so long since I have seen Aragorn, that I just got carried away. We were only talking about Renia and Arwen............" She explained, as she moved closer to Éomer. The king of Rohan taking her hand and bringing it up to his lips so that he could kiss it.

"You are forgiven; but perhaps you should start to teach me some Sindarin, so that the next time that we see Aragorn or Arwen, I will be able to understand you............." Éomer smiled. He and (Y/n) staring at one another for a moment, before Aragorn decided that it was his turn to remind them that he was there.

"So............" The half-elven began, as she moved to Éomer's side and looked at Aragorn.

"Why has the king of Gondor come to Edoras? Don't tell me that you are bored of ruling already, Aragorn. That you yearn for the days that you could wander as a Ranger; just as my king yearns for the days when he was a simple Marshal of the Riddermark." (Y/n) chuckled, as she took Éomer's arm, and looked between the two men. Wishing that Arwen had joined her husband, so that she could speak with someone that could understand. So that the daughter of Lord Elrond could advise her on her feelings for a mortal man.

"I came to help your king............."

"Help...........?" (Y/n) interrupted, as she looked up at the man next to her.

"Éomer, is everything alright.........?" She continued. It obvious that she was concerned for the man that she had come to care for so deeply.

"Everything is fine. I just wished for Aragorn's advice." The blonde man assured, pushing some of (Y/n)'s hair back behind her ear. The three present in the room, turning, as a knock came to the door; one of the riders making his way in through the ingress, bowing to Aragorn before speaking quietly to his king.


"You should not worry so much. It is nothing. I just have to go and speak to one of my advisors.........." Éomer explained. Chuckling slightly at the increasingly concerned look in the eyes of the half- elven.

"Why don't you take Aragorn to see Renia? I will find you when I am done." The young king continued, as he placed a hand on her cheek. Éomer having to admit that he felt a pang of jealousy, as (Y/n) nodded happily before making her way over to Aragorn. The former Ranger offering her his arm and leading her out of the room.


(Y/n) smiled, as Renia came up to greet Aragorn. The pale charger had always loved the Ranger. The wanderer always sure that Aragorn would sneak her mount, treats, when she was not looking. Sure, that she had heard Renia munching on apples on more than one occasion, when the Ranger had been around.

"You like Éomer, don't you.............?" The King of Gondor suddenly asked. (Y/n) feeling a blush come to her cheeks at the question.

"I............he has been kind enough to let Renia and I stay here. He has given me a good position in court, and we have become friends.............."

"But you like him as more than just a friend. I know you (Y/n). I can see it in your eyes. The way that you look at him............" Aragorn interrupted, as (Y/n) placed her hand on Renia's neck and ran her fingers through his mane.

"Oh Aragorn, I do love him. More than I thought I could love anyone; but I don't know what to do. He is a king, and I am just a simple wanderer. No high-born lady or princess. I have no noble father or mother, no dowry to offer. I cannot help create an alliance, or give him lands and riches. And as close as I feel we sometimes are, I fear that his advisors are now telling him that he has to find himself a wife. One that fits his position. And when he does, I will lose him forever, and Renia and I will have to leave Edoras............" The half-elven confessed. Aragorn reaching up and brushing the tears from her cheeks. The King of Gondor knowing that he had to get his two friends to talk. That he had to get them to tell one another how they felt. That with just a few words, they would both be happy, and Rohan would have its queen. Aragorn looking to Renia, as he pulled (Y/n) into his arms, hoping that the white charger would play his part in the plan that had just come to his mind. 

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