Old friend - Part 3 - Thranduil x Reader

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(Y/n) smiled as she looked up at the tree. It had always been the tallest in the kingdom. It was the tree that she and Legolas had always dared each other to climb. The pair not even able to get halfway up, before they were caught and scolded for being so foolish. The duo told that they should never do it again. That they weren't just any elflings, they were the heir to the Kingdom and the niece of the Lady of Light. That they had to think, that they had duties and responsibilities. But now, now she didn't have to worry about being reprimanded. She didn't have to worry about being told that she had duties and responsibilities, she knew she had; but this, this was something that she had always wanted to do. So, she was going to do it. The lady jumping elegantly up onto the first branch.

"(Y/n)............." A voice came. The sound causing her to stop, and instantly feel like an elfling again. The lady not needing to turn to know who would be looking up at her; but given it was him, she knew that she had to.

"My king............." (Y/n) replied, as she turned. The niece of the Lady of Light jumping down to the ground and bowing to the regal ellon, that just looked at her for a moment, before casting his eyes to the trees.

"You used to try to climb this when you were a young, with my son............." Thranduil remarked, as he made his way over to the huge tree and placed his hand onto it.

"Yes, my king; but someone always used to stop us. Legolas and I never even got halfway up..............."

"So, you were trying to do it now................?"

"Well, I..................."

"Perhaps then, we should do it together...............?"

"Together...........? You mean, you and I..............?" (Y/n) asked in disbelief, as she looked at the king. Sure, that once again, she could see a smile want to make its way onto his lips.

"And why not..........?" Thranduil simply replied, as it was the most normal thing to say. The elleth unable to stop herself from smiling, as she watched the king of Mirkwood remove his crown and then make his way up onto the first branch, before disappearing into the foliage. (Y/n) quickly following behind him.


The breath caught in her throat, as she finally came above the tops of the trees. Despite living in Lothlorien for so many years, despite its beauty; this, what lay before her, had to be the most beautiful thing that she had ever seen. The leafy canopy seeming to stretch on to the horizon. And even though, below where she and king were at this moment, Mirkwood was dark and dangerous, the forests swarming with all manner of unsavoury creatures; here and now, it was the most perfect place in the whole of Middle Earth.

"It's beautiful................" (Y/n) said softly. The elleth sighing as she watched the birds fly out from the tops of the trees. Her concentration to held by the scene to notice that Thranduil was not looking at the view, but at her.

"Yes...............beautiful." The king agreed.

"Most beautiful.............." Thranduil added, before (Y/n) turned to look at him. The ellon smiling as the king continued to stare. Feeling a blush come to her cheeks, as his steely eyes looked into hers.

"It is strange do you not think............?" The king suddenly said, as he turned his attention to the sky above his kingdom.

"My king.......................?"

"That neither you, nor my son have been able to find one to love............" Thranduil continued. (Y/n) only half sure that the monarch was talking to her. This seeming at once to be the oddest place to have such a conversation, but then, maybe the most sensible. It very unlikely that anything that was said here, would be known by another living soul.

"I..........I am sure that the prince will one day find his love. I should imagine that there is many an elleth that would care for him a great deal. As for myself..........I doubt that I ever will................."

"Why do you say that...................?" Thranduil interrupted, as he once again turned his attention to her. The elleth scolding herself for having said anything. (Y/n) well aware that the king would not allow her to not continue.

"I...............once, long ago, I was sure that I had found the one that I was meant to be with. I cared about him; more than I thought I ever could care about anyone. But..........."


"But..........he betrayed me. He turned his back on me; hurt me in every way. And since then..........since then I have not had the desire to find anyone. No want to open my heart again. That was why I was so glad that my aunt said that I could choose; for a knew that I never would.............."

"So, you have closed your heart completely? That is such a shame for one so young and beautiful. This ellon sounds like a fool............."

"Perhaps we were both fools, my king. We were too young and perhaps I gave my heart too easily and hoped for more than he wanted. Perhaps I saw more in him than was actually there; and in truth, I was never anything to him but a silly little elleth that hung to his coattails. But whatever the truth, I know that there never will be anyone else................Yet...........yet today is not meant for such things. Today is your birthday and should therefore be one of celebration." (Y/n) explained, hoping that reminding Thranduil that it was his birthday, would take his mind off everything else she had said.

"Thank you...........for allowing me to do this with you." The king said, giving (Y/n) one last look, before his head of long pale hair disappeared below the leafy canopy. The elleth taking one final glance at the scene, before she followed after the king. The lady determined to look as perfect as she could, for when she met Legolas again at the evening's function. For even if the prince had broken her heart so many years before, she would happily break his now.  

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