The Lonely One - Part 4 - Boromir x Reader

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"(Y/n)................." A voice followed. The healer swallowing at the large lump that had just formed in her throat. Doing her best to suppress the embarrassed heat that she could feel creeping up on to her cheeks, wondering whether she should pretend that she knew Boromir was there all along, and that she had been making a joke. Or should she just confess.........should she tell the eldest son of Denethor that she truly loved him, and always would. This, perhaps, the last chance she would get.............

"Good morning............." (Y/n) said with a soft smile, as she got to her feet and looked at Boromir.

"I was going to wake you as soon as I had finished chopping the wood. Why don't I go and make you some breakfast.............." She continued, dropping her gaze, as she went to walk past the Captain of the White Tower; only to find her arm caught.

"(Y/n)...................." Boromir began, as he moved his hand down to hers and gripped it gently.

"Did you mean what you said...............?"

"What I said..............?"

"Please (Y/n). Did you mean it when you said that you love me...........?" Boromir continued, as he placed his free hand under her chin, and brought her face up, so that the exquisite elf was looking at him.

"I..............yes. I love you, Boromir. I didn't mean for it to happen; I just........I just fell in love. And the more time I spent with you.........the more I.................." The healer told him, her words cut off, as Boromir pulled her close and pressed his lips to hers. The elleth wide eyed for a moment, before she began to kiss the handsome man back. Her arms snaking around his neck, as his arms wrapped around her waist.

Boromir couldn't believe it. The Lonely One; the most beautiful female elf that he had ever seen, loved him. Loved him as much as he loved her. And soon, too soon, he would have to leave her. He would have to go back out into the world, and to his possible death. The son of Gondor, wishing that all this could have happened before he was well enough to leave her. Boromir pushing away the idea that when he made his way from her small home, it might be the last time he saw her.

"I love you too................." Boromir replied, as the two parted; his forehead resting against hers, as he pushed his fingers through her hair.

"Oh, Boromir, I don't want you to go; even though I know that you must. I have lived here on my own for more mortal lifetimes than I care to recall; happy in my solitude. But then, two old friends bring you into my life; and now, the thought of being alone, the thought of being without you.........I just..........."

"I will come back to you.................I promise.........."

"You cannot promise that Boromir. You know that, and so do I. I can only imagine what you and the others will have to face. We both know that there is a possibility that you................"

"Don't think like that............" Boromir interrupted, as he brushed the tears from her cheeks.

"I swear that I will return to you. That I will take you to Gondor, to Minas Tirith, as I promised. I want you to meet my brother. I want...........I want you to be my wife..............."

"Boromir. I...................."

"I know that we have not known one another long; but I know how my heart feels. I know that I have never felt for any other, what I feel for you. I have never been happier than when I am in your presence, when I see your smile. I love you, (Y/n); and want nothing more than to spend the rest of my days with you. Please..............." The captain interrupted, placing his hand carefully on her cheek.

"I can think of nothing I want more, than to see the great white city of men; to meet Faramir, to be able to call myself your bride. I love you. I never thought I would find someone that I could feel this way for; yet here you are. I know you must leave; but I ask that you give us today. One day that we can remember when we speak of this, to our grandchildren............." (Y/n) replied, as she placed her hand over Boromir's. The High Warden smiling back at her, as he took her hand and placed it in the crook of his arm, before leading her back inside the cottage.


Boromir woke slowly; opening his eyes to see a still slumbering (Y/n), lying next to him on the bed. They had spent all the previous day talking, laughing, kissing. They had spoken of a future that neither of them was sure that they would have. Of a simple wedding, of children and grandchildren; of a life, be it in Minas Tirith, or in the little cottage in the woods. It all, taking their minds off what they knew the new day would bring. And now that the new day was here, Boromir could feel his heart sink. But duty, and the loyalty to all the others of the Fellowship, called; the captain slowly rising from the bed.

Part of him wanted to wake her; to hear her voice, to see her eyes and smile, before he went; but he knew that that would only make this more difficult for him, for (Y/n). The captain kissing her softly on the forehead, before retrieving his weapons and quietly heading out of the house. Boromir making his way to the stable, where (Y/n)'s large, grey mare, Mithroc, waited. The son of men taking one last look at the cottage, before geeing Mithroc, on.

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