The Dark Rider - Elrond x Reader

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A horn sounded throughout the kingdom of Rivendell; Lord Elrond looked up from his paperwork wondering why the city had been alerted. He rose to his feet and walked over to the window looking out on to the city below and watched in confusion as the city guards amassed around its gates.

Suddenly Lindir pushed his way into Elrond's chambers.

"My Lord! There are reports that a Dark Rider is approaching the gates." Lindir spluttered trying to recover his breath.

"What do you mean a Dark Rider? One of their kind has not been seen for centuries. What in Middle-earth makes you think it's a Dark Rider, Lindir?" Elrond asked, looking over at his friend.

"I only know what I have read my lord, but the creature that is approaching is followed by a dark mist and the city guard are afraid; I have never seen them afraid before but of this creature they are." Lindir replied, causing Elrond to silently chuckle, seeming to him that it wasn't just the city guard that were scared, as he looked at the worried face of Lindir.

Elrond looked out of the window finally seeing the approaching rider. He had met a Dark Rider but that was a millennia ago, he knew that the riders were dark angels sent by the gods to watch over Middle-earth, but as their kind had perished in battles protecting the worthy of their world, the power of Sauron had grown; now he thought, if one of these creatures was at his city's gates after hundreds of years of absence there must be a good reason.

"I think we should go and welcome our visitor don't you Lindir?" Elrond said signalling for the confused Lindir to follow him.

"But my lord, we have no idea what we are dealing with, this could be dangerous. We have no idea what this creatures' intentions are." Lindir said as he caught up with his lord.

"How much do you know about Dark Riders, Lindir?" Elrond asked, as they made their way through the halls.

"Not as much as I probably should my lord especially given the current circumstances." The dark haired ellon replied.

"Well Lindir, Dark Riders are ethereal beings; beings of pure light, don't let their black guise fool you. Dark Riders cover themselves because they fear what their appearance can do to others; whether male or female, riders are beautiful, a distracting, perfect beautiful, they see this beauty as a curse and view scars that spoil that beauty as a gift." Elrond explained, as Lindir looked at him in confusion.

"Dark Riders are trained from the time they can walk to be warriors, the protectors of Middle-earth. Only the strongest of their kind make it through the training; if this one has survived this long by itself in this world then it must be truly one of a kind. Each rider is given a certain gift at birth; I am intrigued to find out what gifts our visitor possesses." Elrond said, as he continued to make his way to the city gates with a still very anxious Lindir in tow.

"So, there is no threat my lord?" Lindir questioned.

The Lord of Rivendell shook his head. "Only evil, or those that do wrong should fear a Dark Rider my dear Lindir."

As the lord neared the gates, he ordered the guard to open them, reluctantly they complied, and as he made his way through, he heard a voice.

"I wish to speak to the Lord of Rivendell!" The voice of the Dark Rider called out echoing through the valley; pain evident in its tone.

"Lord Elrond has no wish to speak to you creature, state your business before we put an arrow through you." A Captain of the guard yelled at the rider.

"I wish to speak with the Lord of Rivendell!" The rider said again.

Before the captain could speak again Elrond placed a hand on his shoulder. "I think I can speak for myself thank you captain."

Cautiously Elrond stepped closer to the rider. "I am Lord Elrond; how can I be of assistance to a rider?"

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