Unusual hero - Part 5 - Kili x Reader

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Kili ran and ran for what felt like forever. His heavy footfalls echoing down the corridors. How was she not there? When he had closed his eyes, she had still been laid in the bed, her skin as ashen as it had been since the day of the battle. Her chest barely rising as she took slow, shallow breaths. For all the time, she hadn't moved, not a muscle, but now...........now she was gone. And all Kili could think about, was that he had to find her.

Suddenly he bumped into something, or should that be, someone. The dark haired prince looking up from his now prone position to see Dwalin looking down at him. The large dwarf offering Kili his hand and helping him to his feet.

"(Y/n)...............(Y/n). She............she's gone................" The young prince managed to say, as Dwalin settled him on his feet.

"I................I think that there's something that ya should come and see, lad.............." The large dwarf replied, placing his large hand on Kili's shoulder.

"Something...........something I should see..............? Is.........is it (Y/n)? Is she alright, is she alive?" Kili responded, as he grabbed hold of Dwalin's shirt. The material being balled up in the younger dwarf's hands, as he waited desperately for an answer. Waited for Dwalin to tell him that she was safe and well. That she was awake and waiting for him. The warrior turning his eyes away, not sure how to answer. Still not sure that he believed what he and the others had seen. But it was there, most definitely there, and he, the others, knew that Kili had to see it. That he could not explain, that he could not answer Kili's questions. All he could do was take him to it, as his king had bid him.

"Just come, lad............." Dwalin simple replied, as he carefully peeled Kili's hands from his shirt. The scarred warrior turning and making his way down the hall. Kili standing there for a moment, frozen to the spot, not sure what he was being taken to see. Not sure he wanted to see it. Fearing that he would find (Y/n) dead. But he had to know, one way or another, he had to know. Kili finally able to make his legs move. The prince quickly catching up with Dwalin. Sure, that his heart would beat its last if his beautiful nymph was no more.


The others of the Company and a little hobbit stood looking, in not only disbelief, but awe at what was before them. This could only be magic, the greatest and strongest of magic. Though what this might mean for (Y/n), none of them were sure. But all they could do was hope.

Thorin had sent Dwalin to find Kili. To see if (Y/n) was now awake, all hoping that this occurrence would bring back the joy to not only Kili, but also the rest of them. All of them hating the notion of never hearing her laugh again. Of never being able to listen to her and Bofur play their flutes together again. Of never being able to experience the happiness and joy that she had brought with her on their journey. A gasp of disbelief making all of them turn to see Kili looking at the sight before them. The young prince slowly stepping forward, hoping that his feet wouldn't fail him.

A tree..............what? The day before, where there had been nothing but a patch of barren earth at the heart of the Lonely Mountain, was now so much more. Lush grass and beautiful flowers now covering the black soil. Their scents filling the air. But it was the tree that sat in the middle of the enclosure that truly caught Kili's eye. It was breathtaking, a huge ancient oak that looked as though it had always been there. That it had seen generation after generation of dwarves live and die within their ancestral home. A tree that was like no other that he had seen. Its canopy stretching out, lush and verdant. Kili finding himself taking step after step. Passing the rest of the Company who just watched him; watched as he slowly stepped up into the wall, before taking a step onto the grass.

"(Y/n)..................?" Kili said quietly, as he made his way over to the tree.

"(Y/n), please..............Are you here.............please be here." The prince continued, as he rested his hand on the gnarled bark of the tree. His heart dropping as he heard nothing but silence.

She had to be there. There was no place else that she could be. This had to be her magic. She was the spirit of the trees, of the woods and forests after all. So, all of this could only be down to her; could only be because of her. Right................?

Suddenly he heard something. Something he had heard the day that he and (Y/n) had met. The sound of an instrument drifting through the cool air. His heart feeling as though it would burst with joy as he looked up when something caused the leaves and the branches to move. A soft giggle being heard, as the young Durin spun around. Tears coming to his eyes, as he turned to be confronted by a beautiful smiling face. Kili unable to speak, as (Y/n) stood in front of him, appearing as healthy and as wonderful as the day that they had met.

"Hello!" (Y/n) suddenly said cheerily, as she rocked backwards and forwards on her feet. Kili doing his best to formulate some words in reply.

"Cat got your tongue.............?" She continued, as she began to walk around him, looking him up and down. (Y/n) stopping and carefully placing her hand on his cheek.

"You're still funny looking you know..........thankfully, I still like funny looking. I still like your eyes........and nose. And........I like your hair and beard too." The nymph continued, before she placed her forehead to his.

"You...........you're real? You're well..............you're alive..........?"

"I am, Kili the dwarf, and I have you, all of you to thank for that. If you hadn't believed. If you hadn't shed your tears over the acorn, I would have been no more. It was your love that saved me, Kili. And now, now my heart is part of the Lonely Mountain. I, am part of the Lonely Mountain, and I will never leave you again, my love." (Y/n) explained, before her lips slowly moved to meet Kili's. The dark prince pulling her close, as he kissed her back. The rest of the Company looking between the pair and each other, smiles on their faces as the son of Durin and his nymph continued to kiss. Thorin, Balin and Dwalin finally pushing the others from the scene. All knowing that when the time came, they too would be able to welcome (Y/n) back; but until then, they would leave Kili and their unusual hero to their moment. A moment that would be the first of the rest of their lives together. 

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