Dragon Lover - Part 1 - Smaug x Reader

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This is the first part of a request for Azureman136, who has kindly given me some wonderful ideas to try and bring to life. And in particular, a crossover between The Hobbit and Game of Thrones, which I will be writing as a separate book. But, until then, I hope that you all enjoy this.

(Y/n) watched as the last light of Durin's day hit the Lonely Mountain. A little hobbit desperately searching for the key that a dwarf king had thrown away in despair. It didn't matter how many times she had watched the scenes. The look on the dwarf's face, always made her heart break a little. She knew it was probably ridiculous. That it was stupid to feel so strongly for characters that were just actors playing a role. But she had grown up with Middle-earth as a big part of her life. The Hobbit, then Lord of the Rings, being two of the books that her mother would read to her every night before she went to bed. As she had grown, (Y/n) had read the two books over and over again. If she had ever had a bad day she would retreat to her room, wrap her duvet around herself, and drift off into another world. All the troubles of the real world disappearing, as she immersed herself in Tolkien's creation.

She had loved the hobbits since she could remember. The antics of Merry and Pippin in particular always making her smile. Laughing at the thought of the dwarven company causing havoc in Rivendell. And at the interactions between Legolas and Gimli.

Her heart breaking every time she had read of the death of the Durin's. The thought of Thorin never being able to see Erebor once again filled with his people, saddening her to the core. Tears streaming down her face as she had read of the demise of Boromir as he had tried to protect the hobbits.

But, out of all the characters that she loved, for some reason she had always loved the fire drake of the Third Age, the most. The mighty dragon himself. Smaug.

She didn't know why. He was the bad "guy" after all. He had burnt Dale and captured the Lonely Mountain. Driving away the surviving dwarves from their home, so that he could sit atop the vast wealth that had been amassed by them. Yet maybe it was because he was the last of the great dragons of Middle earth. Maybe it was because she had always loved the idea of the huge fire breathing beasts. But no matter what the truth was, the great winged creature had always held a special place in her heart. And when her favourite books had been brought to life, she had come to love the dragon all the more.

"What is it with you and these movies? I mean I know they are good, but I swear that you have seen this one about a hundred times." Chloe chuckled, as she leant on the back of the sofa next to (Y/n). (Y/n) gripping at the pillow in her hands, as Smaug broke out from the confines of the Lonely Mountain and made his way to Lake Town.

"I mean, personally I prefer Bard. But I think you have a thing for that dragon." Chloe continued. Laughing out loud as (Y/n) paused the movie and turned to look at her house mate.

"Firstly, I will have you know that I have seen all the movies more than once, and its nowhere near a hundred times. Secondly, I don't just watch the Hobbit, I watch Lord of the Rings too. And thirdly, when you know that the voice of Smaug is Benedict Cumberbatch, what's not to love? Have you seen him do the motion capture for it? Its brilliant." (Y/n) replied. Chuckling at the idea of watching the actor crawl along the floor, with dots all over his face.

"Now, if you don't mind. I have a dragon to watch burn down a town." (Y/n) added as she turned back to look at the large TV on the other side of the room.

"I swear that we are going to have to broaden your horizons, (Y/n). Dwarves, elves, wizards, and dragons are ok, but if you start going to those Comic-cons dressed as a hobbit, I'm going to think that you've finally lost the plot." Chloe told her, as she came to sit by (Y/n)'s side. (Y/n) reluctantly stopping the movie once again.

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