Old friend - Part 1 - Legolas x Reader

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Request for user48121621. I hope that you all enjoy.

The young elfling stood before her parents. Her eyes red from the tears that refused to stop. She could understand her older brother being mean to her, he had always been a little that way, but Legolas? She had always thought that they were friends. They had grown up together. Raced through the forest together. Used wooden swords to pretend that they were fighting any foe that might want to attack his father's kingdom, or the giant spiders that haunted the forest. But recently, recently something had changed. Her best friend had become more like her brother. He would call her names. Leave her out of all their usual fun, and be, well in truth he had become just down right awful to her. The whole thing culminating in this moment. A well thrown stone hitting the side of her head and causing a stream of bright crimson to trickle from the wound. It now dry and sticking to her skin as she stood there, her head bowed ignoring the amused grin of her older brother.

Her parents weren't quite sure what to do, after all it had been the prince that had thrown the stone, not just any young elflings. It was the prince that had taken to mistreating her, and neither her mother nor father were sure how to address this with the king. Sure that Thranduil wouldn't be happy to learn that his only son had taken to doing such things, nor would he be pleased with the elves that had come to try and fix the situation. (Y/n)'s mother looking at her father, who simply nodded in agreement.

"We have been talking, your father and I, my dear one. And we think that it would be best for you go and spend some time with our family in Lothlórien." Her mother stated. (Y/n) slowly looking up and wondering how long it would be until she saw her home again.


Legolas sighed as he made his way back to his rooms. It had been a long day, in fact, it had been a long few days for himself and his men. The celebrations for his father's birthday would begin tomorrow and dignitaries, old friends and family were coming from anywhere and everywhere for the festivities; and Legolas had been put in charge of making sure that all of them arrived safely. That the forest was as clear of spiders as it could be, and that he and the other elves of the guard, were there if needed. The young prince letting out another heavy sigh as he opened the door to his rooms and made his way over to his bed. Dropping unceremoniously onto the soft mattress. His mind drifting off for the hundredth time that day. Drifting off to an elleth that he hadn't seen in hundreds of years. An elleth that he hoped might just return for his father's day.

The last time that he had seen (Y/n), she had been a pretty little elflings. His best friend. The only one in his father's kingdom that he always felt that he could be himself with. Their laughter ringing out, as they fought off imaginary foes and spiders. Climbing up into the trees as far as they could go, until their eyes could look over the vast canopy of leaves that hid Mirkwood. Legolas sure that they had been some of the greatest times of his life. But then.............and he was ashamed to admit this, things had changed. Her older brother, Cothorn had always been a presence in their lives, and it was as obvious to the prince, as it was to all, that the young ellon hadn't liked his sister too much. And even though Legolas had spent years defending her and protecting her from Cothorn, he had, for some reason that not even he could fathom, become just like her brother. Their much loved friendship becoming little more than he and her brother teasing (Y/n) at every turn. This mistreatment culminating in that one fateful evening when Cothorn had dared him to hit (Y/n) with a stone. The projectile slamming into her head. Legolas only able to watch on in horror, as crimson had begun to trickle down her skin. The prince realising there and then that he had become something that he had never wanted to be. That he had hurt the elleth that he cared about the most.

He had tried to go and find her the next day so that he could apologise and make sure that she was well, only to be told by her parents that she had gone. That they had sent her to other family, and she might not return for some time. Cothorn sent away to another place not long after, leaving the young prince feeling more alone than he had ever felt.

He had found himself thinking about her over the long years. Found himself wondering how much the pretty little elleth had grown and what she had become. Legolas having tried to ask her parents about her on many occasions since she had left Mirkwood, only to be told that she was well and thriving. And now that they had both passed to the Undying Lands, he hadn't been able to discover anything new for a very long time.

Legolas had always hoped that one day he would wake up and find the elleth looking down on him. Her smile, that he had come to know so well in their youth, brightening up his room once again, as she handed him a wooden sword and told him that they had spiders to fight. But at this moment, the prince doubted that he would ever see her again. The pale haired ellon turning onto his side and slowly closing his eyes, hoping that maybe he would be able to dream about her and all the times that they had spent together.


A lone figure sat atop a quiet pale horse. Her eyes surveying the scene before her. It had been so long since she had seen Mirkwood. So long since she had been sent away to her family in Lothlórien. Hundreds of years having passed since she raced through the trees and climbed their branches to the canopy above. But she was not here to reminisce about old times. She had been sent by her uncle and aunt, the Lord and Lady of the Golden Wood as their representative at the celebrations for King Thranduil's birthday; the lady geeing on her mare as she made her way to the outskirts of the forest. The light of the moon the only thing to help her see now. She knew that once in the vast, wicked wood she would only have her wits to help her. That it was foolish to traverse the forest alone at night. But it had been a long time since she had been scared of these woods, a long time since she had been scared of anything in fact. And one way or another, she would make it through, Sure that her unannounced presence would be quite the shock for an old "friend". 

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