Moondance - Part 1 - Thorin x Bard x Reader

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Howls had once again split the cold night air, as the moon had moved up to the highest point in the sky. It had been going on for some time now. An eerie, lone cry cutting through the otherwise silent night air. The pitiful lament of some unknown creature. Even the dwarves that slept below their mountain home had heard the sound. The sorrowful yowl causing quite some conjecture and concern not only in Erebor, but also in Dale. Bard now taking a seat across from Thorin. Both determined to the bottom of whatever this was.

"I don't believe that it's a Warg. This sounds like no other beast I have ever heard." Thorin told the new Master of Dale. The bowman finding himself having to agree.

"Some of the men went out yesterday to see if they could find anything. To see if there were any signs of the creature. But there was nothing. Yet something must be done. Dale is not fully rebuilt, and my people don't have the same protection against whatever this thing is, if it decides to become a little braver, as your people do. Though if it does come into town, it could threaten the safety of all of us. Man and dwarf alike.........."

"Yes.............." Thorin agreed, as he got to his feet. Pulling his large fur trimmed robe a little further over his shoulders.

"The beast has to sleep, and it has to sleep somewhere. Tomorrow we will go and hunt it down. Hunt it down before it can harm anyone. I am sure that together our people will be able to find this beast." Thorin agreed. Neither the King under the Mountain, nor the Master of Dale needing anymore problems at that moment. Erebor just like Dale not yet at full strength; and the more dwarves that returned home, the more dwarves that Thorin found himself having to worry about. The King under the Mountain determined never to lose his home or any of his people to another great beast. Determined to keep his kingdom as safe as he could. And if that meant joining forces with Bard and the people of Dale, then that was what he would do.


Quietly she made her way through the streets of Dale. Pulling her large clothes around her, as a sudden bitter wind gusted down the path. No one really seemed to notice her, not that she expected that anyone would. What was another dirty face in a sea of dirty faces? These people had already been through so much to care about a quiet stranger. And it wasn't as if she was a threat, not like the dragon that had broken out of the home of the dwarves. Not like the hordes of orcs and wargs that they had had to fight. Yet given that, she knew that it was dangerous for her. That if anyone discovered what she really was, she could be run out of the city, or killed. That just like the only other one left that was similar to her, she should stay away from the worlds of man, dwarf and elf. She should live her life in solitude. Yet unlike Beorn the bear, she could fit in better with the mortals. She was smaller than most of her kin, and that was how she had escaped the restraints that Azog and his orcs had used on her and the others. Her smaller wrists and hands able to slip through the shackles. And compared to Beorn, she was still quite young. Her youth and inquisitive nature always ensuring that she was a little more interested in what went on in the rest of Middle Earth. The wolf that she could become, not as solitary as the bear was. The woman always hoping to find another pack to replace the one that had been taken from her.

"Did ya hear it again last night?" One man asked another. The pair not even seeming to notice, as she walked past and made her way around the corner. Pushing herself up against the wall, as she stopped to listen to the conversation.

"Aye. Ya can't really miss it. I heard that Bard went ta speak to Oakenshield. That he wants tha dwarves help ta hunt this beast down before it comes into tha city. Gods only know what that thing could be. What it could do if it came down here." The other replied. The breath catching in her throat, as she heard him mention a hunt. A hunt that would be coming to find her. The mind of the skin-changer racing, as she thought about what to do.

On one hand she could run. Find somewhere else to try and fit in, yet she had already run so much. Run so often. And she had not done anything wrong. Yes, she would howl at the moon, as she hunted for small game to eat, but surely that didn't warrant being hunted down and killed. But..........perhaps if she volunteered to go on the hunt, she could lead the party astray. She could lead them away from her resting spot that she had found, as she had sneaked through a crack in the mountain. A fissure that led to a small cave just big enough for a lone wolf. That, or maybe she could confess to the Master of Dale, or even King Thorin what she was. The skin changer well aware that Oakenshield, the other dwarves and the Hobbit that had helped reclaim Erebor, had met Beorn. That the bear had even helped during the great battle of the Five Armies. But that would have to wait. For now, she would have to find some shelter. The sky above suddenly opening and releasing a torrent of rain. The female having no intention of making her way back to the small lair in the light. Sure, that a lone figure making its way up the mountain would catch the eye of someone. And if it did, it would mean questions that she didn't necessarily want to answer. The skin changer instead pulling her large coat a little tighter around her form, before continuing on her way down the rain soaked street.  

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