Queen of the woods - Part 2 - Thranduil x Thorin x Reader

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Everything in italics, is Sindarin

"Your stubbornness, and obsession with those gems will be your undoing, my love." The queen said. Not happy that her husband had had Thorin thrown into one of the dungeon cells before the prince and she could speak; and was refusing to let he and his company go.

"Those jewels are yours. Thrór was a greedy.............."

"Thranduil, please........" (Y/n) interrupted, taking his wrist and making him turn to look at her.

"There is no need for this. The issue was foolish then and is even more foolish after all these years. If you would have allowed me to go and speak with Thrór.............."

"No. I did not want you anywhere near those dwarves. Not Thrór, not Thráin, and certainly not his grandson.........." Thranduil growled. His thoughts going back to the smirk that had been on Oakenshield' s face, as he had kissed his beloved's hand.

"Thranduil, meleth nin. If I did not know better, I would say that you sounded jealous." The queen stated, doing her best not to laugh, as her husband eyes widened at the notion that he, Thranduil, son of Oropher, king of the woodland realm, would be jealous of a dwarf, of all things.

"You know........." (Y/n) continued, as she moved to stand in front of her husband; her hand being softly placed on the scarred cheek, which lay beneath his magic.

"There is no reason whatsoever for you to be jealous. You should know how much I adore you. You are my sun and moon. When you are not by my side, it is as if my heart stops beating, until I see your face once more. You are everything that I have ever needed, and everything that I have ever wanted. And no other elf, man or even dwarf could turn my head." The queen's heart skipping a beat, as her husband smiled and placed his lips to her forehead in a gentle kiss.

"But if you need a little more proof that I love you more than life itself.......why don't you and I retire to our bedchamber; and I will happily prove it..............."


"Did he offer you a deal........?" Balin asked hopefully, as Thorin was pushed unceremoniously into one of the other cells.

"He did. I told him he could ish kakhfê ai'd dur rugnu. Him and all his kin........." Thorin called out. Hoping that his insult would reach the ears of every elf in Mirkwood.

"That's that then. A deal was our only hope..........."

"Not our only hope........" Thorin replied, piquing Balin's curiosity.

"What do ya mean, lad...........?"

"Do you remember (Y/n)?" Thorin asked, as he leant against the ornate metal door of his cell.

"(Y/n)......? (Y/n).........." Balin mused for a moment. A smile coming to his face, as he remembered where he knew the name from.

"Aye, (Y/n). How could I forget. She was the envoy for King Oropher. She put the jewels and gold of the mountain to shame, with her beauty........what about her...........?"

"She is here.........she is Thranduil's queen......." Thorin called back. Balin's eyes growing wide at the information.

Balin could recall that her visits as an envoy had seemed to stop all of a sudden, without anyone knowing why. He could remember that the last time he had heard of the beauteous elleth, was after the dragon had attack. Their people saying that she had gone behind her kings back, and helped as many of the dwarves that were fleeing the Lonely Mountain, as she could; but he had never known that she was Thranduil's queen. That what she had done for their kin, had not only gone against her king's orders; but those of a husband.

"I think that she might help. She wanted us to speak before that snooty, pointy eared, poor excuse for a king ordered me to be brought here..........and she remembers you. She said that she thought you were sweet." Thorin chuckled. Balin just grateful that he was in a cell by himself, and none of the others could see the blush come to his cheeks. The older dwarf only hoping that the son of Thráin, was right.


(Y/n) smiled as she looked at the slumbering ellon by her side. Even after their many centuries of marriage, Thranduil still had the ability to take her breath away. The ability to make her feel like a lovesick elfling. The queen slowly reaching out, and pushing some of her husband's silvery hair, back behind his ear, before kissing him on the cheek.

Normally, she would have been resting in his arms. She would have been warm in his embrace. His naked body against hers. But tonight was not a normal night. She knew that whatever she might say to her husband; no matter how she might plead the case for the prince and his company, Thranduil would not listen. His dislike for the race of dwarves was too ingrained now; yet that didn't mean that she shared those feelings. Despite their often gruff nature, (Y/n) had always found that she had a soft spot for the children of Aulë; and in particular, for the line of Durin. Thrór, until the sickness that had overtaken him, had always been good to her whenever she would venture to Erebor. So, she knew that she needed to do something for his grandson. That because she still felt guilt for her husband's refusal to help the dwarves, and that she still thought that she could have done more to assist those that were fleeing the desolation that the fire drake had brought with him; she had to find a way of getting Thorin and the others out of the kingdom. The queen carefully pulling the silken sheets from her body and getting up from the bed. (Y/n) pulling her nightgown around her form, before making her way out of the room. Hoping that she could make her way to the dungeons without being seen; and back to the bedchamber, before Thranduil woke. 

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