Snow princess - Part 3 - Dwalin x Reader

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Apologies for lack of updates, but I have been in hospital having surgery. But now I am home and recovery, I will be able to get back to more usual schedule.

Dwalin felt his skin grow redder; but this time it was nothing to do with the cold. This time it was due to the closeness of the princess. (Y/n)'s face remaining close to his, as the pair watched the two white creatures. The warrior's heart skipping a beat, as the lady smiled, looking on as the stag and his doe nuzzled into one another.

"Have you ever seen anything more beautiful................?" (Y/n) enquired softly. Her eyes turning to look at the dwarf by her side.

"Aye............I've seen one thing more beautiful. One thing that is the most beautiful creature in the whole of Middle Earth." Dwalin replied. The warrior surprised that he had actually been able to say something like that, especially with her so close. Especially as her eyes were looking into his. A soft pink hue suddenly rushing onto her cheeks.

"And what, or whom, pray tell, is that creature...........?" The princess asked, completely forgetting about the buck and doe that had now turned to look at the two dwarves. The animals seemingly as interested in the warrior and princess as (Y/n) and Dwalin had been in them.

"A pretty little hobbit that you saw in the Shire, perhaps? A breathtaking elleth that you met in Rivendell as you cavorted naked in the fountains with my brother, nephews and the others? An elven guard that made you forget yourself, as she kept watch over you in the dungeons of Mirkwood; or a simple woman that you caught sight of as you made your way through Lake Town...........? (Y/n) mused, as she walked around Dwalin. Chuckling as he let out one of his usual huffs. The lady coming to stand before him. Pulling his fur collar back around his neck, well aware that Dwalin really didn't like the cold, before she carefully blew away a few soft snowflakes that had come to land on the warrior's bald head.

"No...........I don't think that any of those are quite right. Especially not the elleths............So, it must be a dwarf. A dwarrowdam that you may have left behind in the Blue Mountains, or one that has just returned to the Mountain, maybe? If you tell me her name, I might be able to help you with this most beautiful of creatures." The lady added, as she reached for Dwalin's weathered hands. Rubbing them firmly so that she could help get some warmth back into them. Doing her best to hide her disappointment in the fact that her Dwalin's eyes had fallen on another. The dwarrowdam in question, (Y/n) was sure, would be someone that she deemed unworthy of the old grump's affections. Though as she wanted nothing more than for her loyal guard to be happy, she would do as she said, and put in a good word for him.

" is a dwarrowdam. One that returned some time ago." Dwalin agreed. Savouring the ladies touch, as she did her best to warm his hands. The snowflakes that littered her hair sparkling as if she were wearing the White Gems of Lasgalen. Though he was sure that even those jewels paled in comparison to the princess before him.

"And................what is her name..............?" (Y/n) pushed, despite not wanting to really know the answer. The princess gripping a little tighter to Dwalin's hands, encouraging him to speak from his soul. To tell her about the dwarrowdam that he had obviously lost his heart to. A dwarrowdam that (Y/n) was sure that she would hate, at least for a while. At least until she could convince her heart that it could love someone other than the handsome warrior. The princess sure that she was going to be sick, as Dwalin looked away for a moment, as if he even knew that he was about to tell her the worst news in the world. That he was about to break her heart.

"Her..........her name is (Y/n)............." The warrior confessed. Dwalin standing up straight, as the lady let go of his hands. The large dwarf not sure what to think as she stared at him, open mouthed.

"(Y/n)............? But.........but there's only one (Y/n), and that.........that's me................."

"Aye, lass. That's right................" Dwalin replied. The large warrior preparing himself for her to just laugh at him. For her to tell him that she could never love a dwarf as old and grumpy as he was. But what he wasn't prepared for, was her to do what she was doing now. The princess throwing out her arms and spinning around. The still watching buck and doe, finally running away as the dwarrowdam fell onto her back into one of the snow drifts and let out a laugh.

"Lass...............?" The big dwarf said, as he made his way over to the still giggling princess. Dwalin not sure what to think about her actions. The warrior starting to think that she perhaps might think that his confession was more ridiculous than his words were beginning to sound to him.

"Do you really mean that. Do you really think that I am the most beautiful creature in the whole of Middle Earth...........?" (Y/n) asked, as she finally sat up and looked at him.

"Aye. I.................." Dwalin began. The rest of his words cut off, as the princess reached for his hand and pulled him into the snow. The big dwarf finding himself on his back with the beautiful dwarrowdam sitting over him. Her hands cupping his bearded cheeks, as her lips met his. Dwalin wide eyed for a moment, before his lips began to move with hers. His arms wrapping themselves around her waist and pulling her closer. 

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