The Elven Rebel and the King under the Mountain - Thorin x Reader

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As the daughter of King Thranduil of the Woodland Realm, (Y/n) was expected to do and comport herself in a certain manner, but that was not (Y/n); compared to other elleth (Y/n) was battle hardened, an elf that had been born to be a warrior, and that is all she wanted.

Her father had tried to force her to be a princess, but all his efforts had just made her rebel all the more. He had hoped that if he found (Y/n) a husband it would soften her, but she had turned away every suitor, in truth, scaring most of them away, for she knew that as long as she did not marry she could remain in her father's army and fight.

(Y/n) looked different to all other elleths; her breasts were full and hips wide, her figure was stockier, broader and more well defined due to the heavy sword she wielded, a sword that she had specially commissioned from an expert Dwarven armourer, and she always wore leather armour whether she was in battle or not, and just to annoy her father a little more, she had cut her long white hair short. No one could deny that (Y/n) was still as beautiful as any other maiden, but her skin was tanned due to the time you spent on the battlefield, her only imperfection was a scar on your right cheek, a souvenir of a fight she had had against ten orcs; many of the other elves, including your father, found her appearance troubling, but (Y/n) cared nothing for their opinions.

(Y/n) strode towards the throne room having been called for by her father, surely, she thought, he had given up on his attempts to marry her off by now, but she knew Thranduil was too stubborn to give up, and would probably continue to force suitors on for many more centuries to come.

As she arrived at her father's throne room, the guards nodded their heads and pushed open the large doors, allowing (Y/n) to stand in front of her father dressed in her usual armour with her helmet under your arm.

"Ada, you called for me?" (Y/n) said, addressing the king with a deep bow.

Thranduil looked down from his throne. "(Y/n), why must you insist on wearing your armour? You are a princess you should dress like one." Thranduil said angrily as he looked down at his rebellious offspring.

(Y/n) shook her head. "Is this the only reason you called me here ada? To complain at the fact, I don't wear a gown! When you called for me, I was training. I must wear the armour so that it becomes like a second skin and I do not notice it in battle." (Y/n) huffed, ignoring the deep growl from her father.

"You should no longer be fighting; you should be married, and I should have grandchildren. I need heirs to my throne." Thranduil complained, crossing his arms indignantly over his chest.

Moving closer to the throne, (Y/n) continued to glare at her father. "The job to provide you with grandchildren falls to Legolas, even though we are twins, he is your heir. Why don't you marry him off and force him to stop fighting?" (Y/n) told her father watching as he slowly rose from his throne; but before he could speak, (Y/n) interjected.

"I am the General of your army, I am the best swordsman and archer that you have, and I will not give all that up to marry some spoilt elven prince who couldn't find his own backside without the help of a manservant." (Y/n) scoffed, furrowing her brow as a rare small smile graced her father's lips.

"You are so much like your mother, the same fire in your eyes when you speak about something you are passionate about." Thranduil said softly, as he walked over to his daughters' side and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"(Y/n), you're right, you were meant for something other than a life in a palace, your mother would have been so proud of the elleth that you have become, I am proud of the elleth you have become." Thranduil told a shocked (Y/n), as the two looked at one another.

Before (Y/n) could enquire as to what had made the King change his mind, a Captain of the Guard pushed his way into the throne room.

" apologises your majesty." The Captain stuttered out, as he bowed his head to the King, before he turned his attention to (Y/n).

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