Safe - Frodo x Reader

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Request for almostgabrielle. My first Frodo imagine. I hope you enjoy.

Life had begun to slowly return to normal. It had been so difficult in the beginning. When Frodo had returned to the Shire, he had been a completely different Hobbit. No longer innocent to the horrors that lay beyond their little part of Middle-Earth. Frodo now world weary. Having seen and done things that no Hobbit should experience. Yet now, now he had seemed to finally settle back into life. Though that didn't mean that there weren't still moments. Moments when what had happened, came back to haunt him.

When Frodo had left, (Y/n) thought that she would never see him again. That Bag End, the Shire, and she, would never see his face again. Thought that she had lost the one that she loved. Frodo only leaving her a note in explanation as to why he had to leave, promising that he would return soon. But as time had passed, as news of what was going on beyond their little home reached the Shire, she had begun to think that his promise to come home, was one that he had been incapable of keeping. So, when he had returned, appearing weak and frail. Appearing broken and a shadow of his former self, she believed that she had been seeing a ghost. A spirit sent to haunt her. Yet she had still felt the need to run to him. To take his form into her arms. Frodo holding on to her tight. His fingers gripping onto her clothes, into her flesh. The pair crying as they had just stood there and held one another.

He had never told her all of what had happened. Never told her of all the things that he had seen and experienced. (Y/n) never wanting to push. Sure, that if he wanted her to know, he would sit her down and tell her. Also, sure that perhaps he wanted to shield her from the worst of it. Though he had told her about the good things. About the beauties of Rivendell and the kindness of Lord Elrond. About Legolas and Gimli. About Boromir, and most of all, about a Ranger called Aragorn. Part of her wishing that she could have met them too. That she could have been with him on his long and dangerous journey. (Y/n) forever thankful, that Frodo had always had Sam with him.


Slowly, and as quietly as possible, (Y/n) rose from the bed. The little one growing in her belly deciding that it was just the time to remind its mother that it was there. A soft smile coming to her lips, as she looked down at her slumbering husband. A tear coming to her eye, as she remembered how happy he had been the day that they had wed. The day that she had told him that there would be a new Baggins in Bag End. (Y/n) chuckling softly, as Frodo turned over in his sleep, and began to snore slightly.

"Alright little one, I'm up. Let's leave your father to sleep." (Y/n) said quietly, as she moved from the bedroom into the sitting room. The embers in the hearth still warming the room. (Y/n) taking a book from the shelf before settling herself down into the chair. Her legs covered by the blanket that had been made by Bilbo's mother.

Suddenly she heard a noise. A sound of pure terror that she had never heard before. (Y/n) jumping to her feet and racing back to the bedroom. Her eyes growing wide, as she burst into the room and saw Frodo sat bolt upright. His eyes the size of saucers; his brow covered in sweat as he looked out into the darkness of the room. It appearing to (Y/n) that he could see something that she couldn't.

Quickly, she made her way to his side. Frodo dropping the covers that he had been gripping in favour of her nightgown. Tears rolling down his cheeks, as the familiar scent of his wife filled his senses. As her warm embrace surrounded him.

It had been years since the events on Weathertop. Years since he, the others and Aragorn had camped just below the top of the hill that overlooked the Great East Road. Years since the Ringwraiths had come upon them, and he had been stabbed by the Witch-king with his Morgul blade. Yet at this moment, Frodo felt as though he was right back there. The sudden pain in his side, waking him from his sleep. A pain that felt as bad as the night that he had received the injury that had almost killed him.

He had never told (Y/n) about the events. How could he? He had no desire to tell her of the horrors that he had seen. Of what he had really been through. He had no desire to upset her. To let her know how close it had been to him dying. To him not being able to come back to her as he had promised in his note. Especially now that it was so close to their child being born. And even though he was sure that she wanted to know. Wanted to know so that she could understand, she had never pushed him. Instead, she had just been there for him. She had just held him when he had needed her most. And now was one of those moments.

"Everything is alright my sweet. You're safe Frodo. You are in our bed in Bag End. There is nothing here to hurt you. No one that will do you harm. And even if there were, if they tried, they would have to answer to me." (Y/n) told him, as she held her husband tight. The sweat from his brow and the tears from his eyes soaking through her nightgown. Frodo, despite the fact that he was still reliving that night in his mind, finding himself smiling. Sure, that (Y/n) would happily fight Orcs and the Uruk-hai to protect him. That Sauron would have thought twice, if faced with his beautiful wife. Frodo never feeling safer than he did in (Y/n)'s arms. Than he did at this moment.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n)............." Frodo finally managed to say, as he raised his head from her shoulder. His heart gladdening as she brushed the tears from his cheeks. As he felt the little life that was growing inside her, kick out. His hand moving so that it could rest on her belly. Frodo often having to pinch himself. Still amazed that his life had turned out as it had. That (Y/n) had agreed to become his bride and that soon he would be a father.

"There is no need to be sorry, my sweet. I and the little one will always be here for you. We will always love you. We will always keep you safe." (Y/n) replied, as she pulled him back into her arms. The pain that he felt subsiding. The awful images of what he had been through, leaving his mind, as her embrace tightened around him. Frodo not doubting for one moment that every word that she said was true. Not doubting that from now on he would always feel safe. 

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