Not all who wander - Part 2 - Éomer x Reader

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Now, I freely admit that I adore Karl Urban. Not only is he beautiful, but he is a great actor and has starred in some of my favourite movies. So, I do hope that this story does his character of Éomer justice.

(Y/n) pulled on the reins. Renia halting at his mistress's command. It had taken them a little longer to get to Rohan than she thought it would, despite the fact that the half-elven and the snow white steed had left their camp as soon as the new day sun had peeked its head over the horizon. Yet now, as she looked out over the breathtaking windswept land. The grasses appearing to move like waves on an ocean. (Y/n) couldn't help but think that the time in the saddle had been well worth it.

She hadn't slept much the night before. The half-eleven instead looking up to the sky. Imagining what could be beyond the twinkling stars so high above. Imagining what could await her in the kingdom of the Rohirrim. What could await her in the lands of the horsemen.

Despite living in Lothlorien for many moons. The Elven forest just north of the river Limlight which formed the northern border of Rohan, she embarrassingly had to admit that she knew little of the mortal kingdom. But she was determined to change that. Hoping that she may be able to find a place at the court of the still new king. The she knew of him. Or should that be, she had heard rumours. Éomer, the eighteenth king of Rohan. He was supposedly as handsome as he was brave. As kind as he was just. And she couldn't wait to lay eyes on him. Couldn't wait to see if all the stories that she had heard were true.

"So, Renia. What do you think? Should we make our way to Edoras?" The elleth enquired. Laughing softly, as Renia began to walk by himself.

"Well, I suppose that's my answer." (Y/n) added, as she dropped the reins over the pommel of her saddle, and just let the great horse make his own way.


Éomer couldn't help but smile, as he and his men had raced across The Mark. He hadn't felt this free since he had taken the throne. Hadn't been this happy. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy being king. He bore the title with pride. But there was something about being a simple Marshal of the Riddermark, that he missed. Being able to spend his days riding through the long grass. Feeling the wind flow through his hair, and the rain against his cheeks, were some of the best times in his life. But perhaps he could do this more often. After all, as his sister had said, he was king. And if he decided that he wished to make sure that his realm was safe by riding Hasufel. Then he would.

"My lord................" A voice came, as one of his men raced up to Éomer's side. The tone shaking him from his thoughts, as the king finally realised that he and Hasufel had been stood in the same place for some time.

"What is it, Fuldor?" Éomer enquired, as he turned his attention to the rider.

"There is a rider making their way towards Edoras. I have never seen the horse before. And the rider appears like no one from Rohan." The man informed the king. Éomer placing his helmet back on his head.

"Well, perhaps we should go and find out who this visitor is." Éomer replied. The pair making their way to join the other riders. The king more than a little curious about who this unannounced person could be.


(Y/n) quickly grabbed for the reins. It had been a peaceful ride until all of a sudden, she had seen a contingent of horsemen make their way towards her at speed. Their pace and posture not making her feel at all comfortable.

"Looks like we have outstayed our welcome already, Renia. Perhaps we should go." (Y/n) told her mount. The half-elven quickly turning Renia and racing off back towards the border. (Y/n) knowing that despite the famed speed of the horses that came from the region, Renia could beat any of them. The half-elven sometimes believing that her steed was the son of the winds.

Yet as the pair sped out of reach of the advancing horsemen, the usually graceful and fleet of foot Renia, stumbled. (Y/n) flying from the saddle. The world around her going black as she tumbled to the floor.


Renia huffed and snorted, as the men got close. The great white stallion scraping at the ground with his hoof, as he stood protectively over his unconscious mistress. The usually brave riders backing away nervously, as the charger let out a sound that was more reminiscent of a roar than anything else. Éomer pulling his helmet from his head and letting it drop to the floor, as he slowly dismounted Hasufel. The king's eyes firmly on the prone female that lay seemingly lifeless in the long grass.

"My lord............."

"Its alright Fuldor." Éomer interrupted, knowing that his man was about to protest. The king holding up his hands, as he made his way over to the large horse.

"Everything will be alright. I am not going to hurt her. I promise. I just want to make sure that she is alive." The king informed the obviously angry stallion. The charger seeming to think for a moment before it slowly moved and let the king make his way over to his mistress. Éomer smiling and nodding in thanks, before kneeling next to the female. His heart beginning to pound violently in his chest, as he brushed away the long hair from her face, to reveal a visage like none that he had ever seen before. A face so beautiful that he believed that one of the ladies of the Valar must have fallen from the sky.

"Your majesty................"

"She's an elleth. May have come from Lothlórien. She's alive, but she is bleeding badly." Éomer informed his men. The king noticing the blood that was around her head.

"We need to get her back to Edoras. If she was sent by the elves, they will not take kindly if something happens to her." Éomer continued, as he picked up the exquisite elleth. The king not wanting to let her go, as the riders tried to help him with her seemingly lifeless form. Éomer holding her carefully in front of him, as he made his way as quickly as he could back to his capital. Leaving the men to deal with a still angry Renia.


Éomer paced nervously outside his rooms. He had rushed the elleth to his room, calling for a healer as he went. Placing her body gently on his bed, before the room had been filled with ladies, all pushing him outside and informing him that they would let him back in, once they had taken care of the elleth. Yet that seemed like hours ago, and the king was getting more and more anxious by the moment.

"Its all my fault." Éomer told his sister, as he finally stopped pacing and took a seat next to her.

"How is it your fault? You and the men were just................"

"She is a visitor and instead of riding to greet her, we rode like we were still fighting against the forces of Sauron. If anything happens..........."

"Éomer. She will be fine. Elves are much tougher than they may appear. You know that." Éowyn assured, placing her hand over that of her brothers.

Éowyn knew that it wasn't beyond her brother to care like this. But she could sense that there was something different this time. That despite the fact that he had not even spoken to the elleth. It was obvious that her brother already cared for the elf that lay unconscious in his bed.

"My lord............" A voice came. The siblings looking up to see one of the healers.

"You can see the lady now, if you wish." The old woman informed Éomer. The king jumping to his feet and making his way into his rooms.

He stopped and stared. She looked more beautiful than she already had done. The healers having cleaned the blood from her long hair. Having replaced her riding clothes with a gown. The king persuading his feet to move so that he could take a seat next to her on the bed. Silently promising not to leave her side until he could apologise.  

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