The Lonely one - Part 2 - Boromir x Reader

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Aragorn helped Gimli pile up the wood that he had just chopped, while Legolas had gone hunting for something that the dwarf wouldn't turn his nose up at. These last two days had been a strange mix of emotions. Part of the trio was happy for the respite. To have a roof over their head and hot food in their bellies. Their wounds had been cared for by (Y/n), and they were clean. Legolas and Aragorn just happy that the home of the elleth hadn't been far from where they had been attacked by the Uruk hai. Sure, that if it had been any further, Boromir would be dead. But another part of them wanted to leave, to try and find Merry and Pippin. To do what they had promised to do. Yet non had wanted to leave Boromir after what had happened. Though Aragorn knew that the longer they tarried, the harder it would be to find the two hobbits. The Ranger turning, as he heard a movement from behind him. A nervousness taking over him, as he saw the face of the tired yet still beautiful elleth.

She had promised to do all that she could when he, Legolas and Gimli had almost kicked in her door with the seemingly lifeless form of Boromir held in his arms. (Y/n) telling Aragorn to take the High Warden of the White Tower and place him in her bed. The elleth shooing them all out of the room; her voice low as she uttered words that not even Aragorn or Legolas could understand as she closed the door. And since that moment, she had done nothing but scurry back and forth, looking after not only Boromir, but also the others. Making sure that they were well and fed. And now, now it would appear that she might have news of their comrade.

"(Y/n)...............?" Boromir......................?"

"Ennas na- baw baur na worrui, Estel. Cín mellon na- cuin................."

"Can we have it in a language that we can all understand. Please lassie?" Gimli enquired, much less gruffy than he normally would. The dwarf even aware of what the elleth had done for them since they had come crashing into her home. Well aware that she had not slept.

"My apologies, master Gimli. I was merely telling Estel, that there is no need to worry. That your friend is alive.............And he has just woken up. He was anxious to know that you were all well, to know about the halflings............" (Y/n) repeated. Giving the dwarf a soft smile and an apologetic nod. The elleth seeing the faces of the two males turn sullen, at the mention of Merry and Pippin.

"Aragorn............." The lady continued as she moved towards him and placed her hand and his arm.

"I know that this is not my business, and you must discuss things with master Gimli here and Legolas. But I have a suggestion if you will allow me............? I can sense how much this Merry and Pippin mean to you. To all of you. And as much as I would like to let him continue on this quest, I cannot in all good faith let the son of Gondor leave until I know that he is well. He is still weak. He still has a long way to go, before he will be strong enough to fight the foes that you must face. So...................."

"So...............?" Aragorn interrupted with a soft smile, as he placed his hand over hers. It was obvious what she was about to suggest. He had known (Y/n) long enough to know what she was doing. But he needed to hear her say it. Just so that he didn't feel guilty for doing what needed to be done.

"So..............I am telling you to leave Boromir with me. That you, master Gimli and Legolas be on your way to find the halflings. I might not be a Ranger or a hunter, but even I know that the longer you leave it, the harder it will be to track the Uruk hai. The harder it will be to get the little ones back. And, if our captain has a problem with that, you can blame me. I have very broad shoulders." The lady explained. Aragorn giving her another soft smile, before bringing her hand up to his lips and kissing her knuckles.

"Thank you, (Y/n)....................."

"There is nothing to thank me for, Estel. Boromir is my responsibility now. He has been since you brought him to me. And I promise that once he is fit and strong, I will send him after you on the fastest horse that I have." (Y/n) assured, as she squeezed the hand of her friend.

"But first, perhaps one more night is called for. One more night so that the comrades can talk. And in the the morning, our paths will once again move in different directions, Estel." The elleth added, before turning and making her way back into the home. Aragorn close behind, as Gimli looked out, happy to see a certain pale haired elf come into view with what looked like a couple of rabbits slung over his shoulder.


The night had been a strange one. Boromir had to admit that he had felt angry when he had been informed by Aragorn that he and the others would be leaving to go after the hobbits, even though he knew that it was the best thing to do. It was true that he was in no fit state to walk, never mind run. And he doubted that he would be able to handle his sword as well as he would need to, if and when orcs or more Uruk hai came along. But that didn't mean that he didn't feel useless. That didn't mean that hadn't let his anger be displaced for a moment when the Ranger had informed him, that (Y/n) had insisted that he stay. So now that the others had gone to their makeshift beds, with their bellies full and their heads a little groggy from the fine ale that the elleth had furnished them with. The captain knew that he had to apologise. That there had been no need for her to do what she had done for him, other than the fact that she knew both Legolas and Aragorn. The High Warden struggling to sit up a little straighter in the bed, as the lady made her way into the room and took a seat next to him. Soft words, barely above a whisper leaving her lips, as she removed the old poultices from his wounds, and replaced them with new, fresh ones.

"Im'm sorrui..............." Boromir said, trying to use a little of the Sindarin that he had been able to learn since he journey had begun.

"There is nothing to be sorry is only right that you be angry at me. I am making you stay, when all you want to do is leave. When all you want to do is help the others find the hobbits. I do not blame you for that, though please know that I said that once you are well, I will send you on your way so that you can re-join them. But as much as I feel guilt for forcing them to make you wait behind, I would feel more so for letting you leave and then finding out that you had died because of it. Now, you should sleep." (Y/n) explained, as she gathered the dirty bandages and slowly stood. The elleth finding her wrist caught, before she could make her way to the door.

"Thank you.........(Y/n)................" The captain said. Kissing her hand before finally letting her go. The lady smiling before leaning over. Two words softly kissing his ear as she moved his pillows.

"You're welcome.................." Boromir feeling his heart thump in his chest, as her lips ghosted over his cheek, before she stood and made her way to the door. The ingress closing softly behind her, leaving the captain to his thoughts under the flicker of the small candle that lit the room.  

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