Fairy - Part 5 - Lindir x Reader

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Lord Elrond, the company of dwarves, a hobbit and Lindir all watched as Gandalf sat near one of the great waterfalls, seemingly talking to himself. Everyone except Lindir wondering what could possibly have come over the Ishtar, as he let out a gentle chuckle. Gandalf reaching up, and laying out his palm, as if waiting for something to sit on it. The wizard then looking into his empty hand and continuing his conversation. In truth, Lindir was not surprised that (Y/n) knew the Grey Wanderer. The fairy was ancient despite her appearance, and Gandalf was even older than his grey hair and beard may suggest. And he could quite understand why (Y/n) would want to reacquaint herself with an old friend. But he just wished that he knew what the magical pair were talking about. Even Lindir's sharp hearing unable to pick up anything of what was being said between the pair.

(Y/n) hadn't had chance to explain to him why she really wanted to see Gandalf. Hadn't had the opportunity to tell him why Gandalf was the only one that could help. Nor what he could help with. Yet whatever it was, Lindir just hoped that it didn't come between he and his exquisite sprite. That all this didn't mean that the fairy could be joining the Ishtar in his travels, rather than remaining with him in Rivendell.

"I sometimes believe that Mithrandir can see things that others cannot." Lord Elrond joked, as he came up behind Lindir. The two ellon's ignoring the dwarves hushed grumbles that the elves had already placed some kind of spell on the grey haired wizard, in order to stop them on their quest.

"Oh, yes.............you would think." Lindir replied, not really hearing what the lord had said. His brows furrowing further as he saw the look on Gandalf's face turn serious.


"So, you are telling me, that Lindir can see you? Can talk to you?" Gandalf enquired, as he carried the playful sprite on his shoulder over to a seat near one of the great waterfalls.

"Yes. He can see and hear me. He has been able to do so for many moons now. I still don't know why or how, but.........well I have begun to see it as a sign. And that is why I need you help..........." (Y/n) began. Gandalf furrowing his brows as he looked down at the tiny, beautiful little creature that had moved to sit in the palm of his hand. Her miniscule, delicate fingers nervously fiddling with the hem of her dress.

"Sign, hmmmm? And what kind of a sign would you be talking about, little one?" Gandalf enquired. Carefully placing the very tip of his fingernail under her chin, so that he could raise her head.

Gandalf, like others of his kind, were well versed with fairies. They were creatures that were even older than the Ishtar. They had been shaped by Eru at the same time as the Ainur. Helped create Arda through the Music of the Ainur. They were there when Eä was born. They had helped the Valar to fashion it. And as such, fairies were well respected by those that were honoured enough to truly know them. The tiny little spirits becoming the guardians of nature. Of all living things created and given consciousness by Eru. Gandalf having first been fortunate enough to meet (Y/n) when he was young. When he had journey to the site that would one day become the great elvish realm that he sat in now. Yet, it had been some time since he had been fortunate enough to set eyes on the exquisite sprite, and now that the two old friends were back together, Gandalf couldn't help but wonder what a powerful fairy could need his help for.

"Well..........I have seen it as a sign that Lindir and I should be together. I have grown to love Lindir more and more, and I believe that he feels the same for me. And given that, I need you to help me. I can't just use my magic to change........."

"Change..........? (Y/n), it has been eons since a fairy took such drastic step. And even then............." Gandalf interrupted. Finding it hard to believe what the tiny female was suggesting.

"Yes, I know. But this is different, Gandalf. Lindir is an elf, not a mortal. And the elves are closer to fairies than any of the other inhabitants of Middle-Earth. Well, except for the Ishtar. And I know that Lindir loves me. Admittedly, he hasn't told me in so many words, but he is an ellon of few words..........And I know that if I take this step, then there is no going back. But, I am willing to do that. I have thought about this long and hard. About what could happen, good or bad. But I decided that I would rather spend the rest of my days as an elf with Lindir by my side, than eternity as a fairy, having to lose him when it is his time to make his way to the Undying Lands. And even if I change, and he doesn't feel for me, as I do for him. At least I will still have the long life of an elf." (Y/n) explained. Gandalf having the feeling that even if he tried to protest further. Tried to dissuade her. (Y/n) would not listen. The wizard knowing when a fairy made up their mind about something, it was almost impossible to change it. Especially when it came to love. The Grey Wanderer unable to stop himself from smiling as (Y/n) flew up and kissed him on the nose, as he slowly nodded his head in agreement.

"Thank you, Gandalf. I knew that I could rely on you. If you meet me here when the dwarves have settled for the night. I will take you to the fairy circle, and we can make me an elf." The sprite continued excitedly. Gandalf shaking his head, as (Y/n) kissed him again, before flying off to land back on Lindir's shoulder. The wizard smiling as he noticed the look in the ellon's eyes. Gandalf feeling that (Y/n)'s decision may just work out as she planned. 

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